Remember that woman who taunted the terminally ill girl on Facebook?

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She can't have any contact with her old neighbor (the one she ran over) OR return within five blocks of her house without violating the deal. While it's not explicitly said that she can't return to her house to move out, it's pretty likely.
You're right of course. I mean, this type of deranged person would NEVER do something stupid like violate a restraining order. She's already shown a total disregard for what the courts have to say so why would this time be any different?


What would you have them do then Dave? Incarcerate her for taunting someone online?


I guess I just don't take stalkers seriously unless they actually do something to warrant the court order in the first place.


Did they confirm that or was just accused? The article didn't clearly state.

If so then she went from stalker to assault.
I guess I just don't take stalkers seriously unless they actually do something to warrant the court order in the first place.
I don't think you understand the type of fear and paranoia a stalker can inflict on someone.

My sister knows first hand that a stalker is bad news, even if they don't try to run you down with a car or take pictures of you from across the street. I'll elaborate if Imust but I've been trying to cut down on the life stories I tell around here. :p


You're right, I don't understand it. I've had them before and it really hasn't bothered me. Personal thing I suppose. I don't think I'd be able to grasp the situation at hand the same way as others.
You're right of course. I mean, this type of deranged person would NEVER do something stupid like violate a restraining order. She's already shown a total disregard for what the courts have to say so why would this time be any different?
If she doesn't give it up, she's going to jail. So she can ether do what she's told, or be forced to do it because she's behind bars. In ether case, she's done.
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