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Riots in Downtown Toronto




G20 chaos as protesters rampage in Toronto - Yahoo! Canada News

I'm safe, since I worked at Blockbuster way uptown and far away from all this. I've been worried about my friends who live down there, though.

Frankly speaking, I'm disgusted by all of this. I'm all for PEACEFUL protesting, but what the hell is this kind of wanton destruction supposed to prove?

There was $1 billion spent in security for the G20 in the downtown area and especially surrounding the Convention Centre. In fact, I've been couriering all week, especially around downtown. Yesterday (Friday), it was a ghost town downtown. I'd never heard the city so quiet before. And there was at least two cops on every corner.

But what these protesters are doing? I'm just ashamed that they're part of the human race. There's talk that they're going to continue this into the night.




Yeah it's pretty fucking shameful.

At what point are they no longer protesters? They're acting like fucking terrorists.




Yeah its a pain in the ass. My friend and I had plans for the weekend that involved meeting at Union station, but Union has been completely shut down. Which also means another friend of mine is now TRAPPED in Toronto with no way to get home.

My dad's part of the security there. They had to get special refresher courses in anti-terrorism as well as how to deal with "crowd decontamination". He said the weirdest thing they had to train for were these types of protesters who coated themselves with fecal matter, and would threw that around. Apparently they showed up today. My dad is earning his overtime, I'd say.




Oh, geez. I had no idea about the "crap" that security had to put up with. Hope your dad'll be okay, Cee-Ach.




My friend is in the Canadian armed forces, he's part of the security personnel for the summit. I hope this "protest" dissolves soon, he's supposed to have some time off for Canada's day.




Man, these guys are just doing what they gotta do to make the world a better place.

Clearly that means a trashcan through a McDonalds window. It's the only way.




Man, these guys are just doing what they gotta do to make the world a better place.

Clearly that means a trashcan through a McDonalds window. It's the only way.
This is going on my FB! :p


Rob King

Rob King

I did not expect this at all. What are they rioting about? What do they have to be that angry about? I could understand if there was some clear agenda, maybe, but right now it just looks like anarchy for anarchy's sake.

I'm quite honestly horrified, and unspeakably embarrassed for the entire damn situation, and I couldn't even really be any farther away from it.




I did not expect this at all. What are they rioting about? What do they have to be that angry about? I could understand if there was some clear agenda, maybe, but right now it just looks like anarchy for anarchy's sake.

I'm quite honestly horrified, and unspeakably embarrassed for the entire damn situation, and I couldn't even really be any farther away from it.
The violence IS anarchy for anarchy's sake. The actual protesters are protesting peacefully, for all kinds of different reasons. These assholes are just that; assholes.



Frankie Williamson

The rioters are useless, hypocritical, thuggish ****s.



...isn't the G20 almost ALWAYS accompanied by such madness? I seem to remember it happening regularly with the G20 summits..




It never should have been in Toronto. Pick someplace up in the territories that no one's ever heard of and see how many assholes show up.




THe thing with riot dynamic is that it's usually NOT about what caused the original protest. In this case, I believe it was crowds of "Black Shirt Anarchists," whom intel informs are dedicated to messing with thos ein authority at every possible opportunity. They take advantage of situations like Toronto when people are already agitated, and provide the spark to hopefully cause folks to explode into violence from pent-up anger. They are, ironically, quite well organised and well-versed in counter-police tactics.

As a riot-control officer, we get briefings on events like what's happened in Toronto. It'll be interesting to see what results from this...

---------- Post added at 09:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 PM ----------

...isn't the G20 almost ALWAYS accompanied by such madness? I seem to remember it happening regularly with the G20 summits..
When they had the G-8 here in Savannah back in '04, it was shortly after the WTO riots in Seattle. They weren't messing around: they called in literally hundreds of extra officers to help enforce the area. Oddly enough, nothing happened.

"Don't mess around with them down South... they'll HURT you. They're not like the liberally-overseen officers in Washington..."




What I think is most ironic is these so called anarchist groups cry about their rights when it goes against their plans. You can't praise anarchy and then bitch about your rights being violated the next.



Frankie Williamson

THe thing with riot dynamic is that it's usually NOT about what caused the original protest. In this case, I believe it was crowds of "Black Shirt Anarchists," whom intel informs are dedicated to messing with thos ein authority at every possible opportunity. They take advantage of situations like Toronto when people are already agitated, and provide the spark to hopefully cause folks to explode into violence from pent-up anger. They are, ironically, quite well organised and well-versed in counter-police tactics.

As a riot-control officer, we get briefings on events like what's happened in Toronto. It'll be interesting to see what results from this...

I do not envy you that position sir.




What I think is most ironic is these so called anarchist groups cry about their rights when it goes against their plans. You can't praise anarchy and then bitch about your rights being violated the next.
While definitely hypocritical, I still think they should have those rights., so in a messed up way they have a point there.

You also can't be an anarchist if you're following an established system (like the black bloc) and wearing a uniform, as these prats do.



Man, these guys are just doing what they gotta do to make the world a better place.

Clearly that means a trashcan through a McDonalds window. It's the only way.
Dangit, I can't make it fit into twitter and still have the same punch.




It's hard to fit my genius into twitter. Very true.




It's hard to fit my genius into twitter. Very true.
Does that make it you twitty?


Element 117

It's hard to fit my genius into twitter. Very true.
Canadian rioters are just trying to make the world a better place. That means a trashcan through a McDonalds window. It's the only way.

135 characters.



Added quotation marks, and done.




It's hard to fit my genius into twitter. Very true.
Does that make it you twitty?[/QUOTE]

I think it makes him a twot.




I doubt most of these people are even Canadians. These are just people rioting for the sake of rioting. Pretty pathetic honestly.



Well when they check for ID's they can send the furriners back to Arizona.




More than 400 arrests after G20 rioting - Yahoo! Canada News
(might be the same link, but updated)

Near 500 arrests have been made so far, some already processed and released. Hoping to hell it's not unwarrented arrests and actually the people responsible for this crap.




Unfortunately, these kinds of events tend to attract people with, well, authority issues. Just because they have dreadlocks and a dirty Che Guevera t-shirt doesn't make them Nelson Mandela.



What I think is most ironic is these so called anarchist groups cry about their rights when it goes against their plans. You can't praise anarchy and then bitch about your rights being violated the next.
While definitely hypocritical, I still think they should have those rights., so in a messed up way they have a point there.

You also can't be an anarchist if you're following an established system (like the black bloc) and wearing a uniform, as these prats do.[/QUOTE]

You can't be a non-conformist if you don't drink coffee. (In the general same vain I feel).

Also it's the catch-22 that exist everywhere, basically freedom until someone bigger and badder starts harassing you, then its 'rights' and 'protections'.



What was that bit about real anarchy is being beat up in the 6th grade forever cause that's what anarchy really is, the big taking time to wail on the weak. Forever.







We have problems with these same dicks here in the SF Bay Area. Any time there's any controversy involving police, politics, or the universities we get punks showing up en masse to riot. As other people pointed out, these assholes just look for excuses to riot and cause trouble.

A few weeks ago a group trashed a bunch of businesses in downtown Berkeley when people were protesting peacefully about UC Berkeley funding cuts. When one was asked why they smashed up a Subway restaurant, he responded with something like "because there's another one nearby, so no one would miss it." Makes perfect fucking sense.



I don't think they give any thought to rioting, and I bet dollars to donuts they don't consider the ramifications of what they are doing.




Of course they don't, because it's anarchy and THEY'RE HARDCORE! The idea of anarchy in its purest form would essentially be a survival of the fittest, wouldn't it? Law of the jungle and all that? So, if they want to act like animals, let's treat them like animals and put them down.

From what I'm hearing on CBC Radio this morning, about 900 have been arrested, now. The security barriers are coming down. There's some reports of police brutality and unwanted arrests, but honestly, after Saturday, I don't see the police taking any chances.



Of course they don't, because it's anarchy and THEY'RE HARDCORE! The idea of anarchy in its purest form would essentially be a survival of the fittest, wouldn't it? Law of the jungle and all that? So, if they want to act like animals, let's treat them like animals and put them down.

From what I'm hearing on CBC Radio this morning, about 900 have been arrested, now. The security barriers are coming down. There's some reports of police brutality and unwanted arrests, but honestly, after Saturday, I don't see the police taking any chances.
Well it is a riot. Most riot are usually violent :( I personally don't understand why they do it. survival of the fittest? that is kinda weird mentality. The rioters have what? sticks and stone and mollies? while the police has bean bag guns, riot shields, armors, and live ammo??




Toronto had a riot? I thought Los Angeles won the championship.



I keep reading the thread as Riots in Downtown Tokyo, and it's pissing me off!




I keep reading the thread as Riots in Downtown Tokyo, and it's pissing me off!

On another note,these anarchist piss me off bigtime.Im a member of a small leftish movement here in Germany,mainly protesting against Racism and Anti-Intigration,but everytime, and I really mean EVERY time some fuckers from the Black Bloc suddenly show up and all hell breaks lose.And who gets hosed with water?US!
I'm just there to give my opinion and show my solidarity for a cause and then they come and ruin it. Thanks a lot,fucktards.




Isn't it awesome that the 4chan brigade did a less damaging protest and actually got results?




It never should have been in Toronto. Pick someplace up in the territories that no one's ever heard of and see how many assholes show up.
Exactly. Put it on an aircraft carrier.

It would sure save a bunch of trouble.


Rob King

Rob King

Or somewhere more isolated. Could you imagine how few demonstrators you would get if you held the next G20 meeting at Alert? Heck, it occurred to me a day or two ago that even somewhere like St. John's (my city) would be more appropriate than Toronto. It's small enough that the local demonstrators would be easily handle-able if things went badly, and isolated enough that outsiders would likely not bother to make the trip.




I think the Dead Kennedys nailed the stupidity of riots:

Riot by The Dead Kennedys said:
Rioting-the unbeatable high
Adrenalin shoots your nerves to the sky
Everyone knows this town is gonna blow
And it's all gonna blow right now:.

Now you can smash all the windows that you want
All you really need are some friends and a rock
Throwing a brick never felt so damn good
Smash more glass
Scream with a laugh
And wallow with the crowds
Watch them kicking peoples' ass

But you get to the place
Where the real slavedrivers live
It's walled off by the riot squad
Aiming guns right at your head
So you turn right around
And play right into their hands
And set your own neighbourhood
Burning to the ground instead

Riot-the unbeatable high
Riot-shoots your nerves to the sky
Riot-playing into their hands
Tomorrow you're homeless
Tonight it's a blast

Get your kicks in quick
They're callin' the national guard
Now could be your only chance
To torch a police car

Climb the roof, kick the siren in
And jump and yelp for joy
Quickly-dive back in the crowd
Slip away, now don't get caught

Let's loot the spiffy hi-fi store
Grab as much as you can hold
Pray your full arms don't fall off
Here comes the owner with a gun


The barricades spring up from nowhere
Cops in helmets line the lines
Shotguns prod into your bellies
The trigger fingers want an excuse

The raging mob has lost its nerve
There's more of us but who goes first
No one dares to cross the line
The cops know that they've won

It's all over but not quite
The pigs have just begun to fight
They club your heads, kick your teeth
Police can riot all that they please


Tomorrow you're homeless
Tonight it's a blast



/slowly pulls down the Bandana

But all of the Canadians know here, if it was in Quebec, they would be right beside most of the anarchists firebombing every Starbucks they see.

/replaces the Bandana



Frankie Williamson

Isn't it awesome that the 4chan brigade did a less damaging protest and actually got results?




Some people want to break shit, and they just find excuses.



Or somewhere more isolated. Could you imagine how few demonstrators you would get if you held the next G20 meeting at Alert? Heck, it occurred to me a day or two ago that even somewhere like St. John's (my city) would be more appropriate than Toronto. It's small enough that the local demonstrators would be easily handle-able if things went badly, and isolated enough that outsiders would likely not bother to make the trip.
Heh.. Only the truly dedicated would make the trip.

But I do like the Carrier. you would need proper clearance to be ON the ship and most you might get like demonstrators on boat near by (but not too close)




I'm actually sitting in Union right now. I had come down last week to visit some friends here in Toronto and didn't think it would be such a hassle. Upon rolling into the station on the 17th and seeing massive cement and fence barriers I realized I was in for much more than I bargained for.

My girlfriend and I walked around yesterday afternoon and went to the Eaton's Center upon hearing about all the madness that went on Saturday night. Just about every larger corporation had at least one of their windows boarded up, and the Best Buy as well as several others were completely boarded. I don't know how much of it was done preventively but there were quite a few that had been smashed for sure.



the only language protesters and anarchists seem to understand is yelling and breaking. The only thing they are is chickenshit.




something actually happened in canada ho shit hold on to your hat hoss






Amie: lol. I love the video. Technically it is not a public place is it? it is a store, it is own by private industry so they can close if they want to.




Amie: lol. I love the video. Technically it is not a public place is it? it is a store, it is own by private industry so they can close if they want to.
That's what the guy with the camera is trying to explain to that guy, but he's an idiot. He also seems to think that it was the cops that closed the Eaton Centre? He goes on about how nobody is questioning it because they must think the cops are always right, or something. But as far as I know, it wasn't the police forcing the Eaton Centre to close, it was the business owners. I guess I could be wrong, though.




It's private property that leases access to public transportation. So it's typically always open in some capacity, though most stores close with regular hours of business. But since access to the TTC was restricted, they could simply shut the whole building as they see fit. It also houses office space and communication arrays.




That vid was the funniest shit I've seen in a week. :D

Nice one, Ame!




What a stupid asshole.




Hahah, I love that kind of loudmouths. Always the first ones put up against the wall.




HEH! Okay, this entire nightmare of a week (and weekend) was totally worth it just for that video. God bless crazy people.

---------- Post added at 07:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:29 PM ----------

something actually happened in canada ho shit hold on to your hat hoss
Hey, we were damn happy with last week's news. Why, when Bessie gave birth to that calf...!




@checkeredhat: That was AWESOME!

@AmE: That was also awesome, but on a comPLETEly different vector. *grins*




At least this guy's amusing:

Though, not really a better display of human behavior.
"This video has been removed by the user." :( Anyone want to give a summary?




Yeah, most people who are rioting in the streets are basically doing it ether for the lulz or to loot something... but not the organized guys. To some of them (like the black shirted Anarcists already mentioned), these riots are a political and philosphical exercise. To them, it about getting the police to lose control and start giving people a bit of the ol' wood shampoo, because the moment they do, they prove the Anarcists right (at least in their own minds anyway). By causing Chaos, they "prove" that all government is illusionary and false because people will degenerate into animals at the drop of a hat anyway, so why pretend there is any order at all?

Then again, they prove this point by recklessly endangering hundreds of people at a time. It's not exactly hard to pick a side here.




At least this guy's amusing:

Though, not really a better display of human behavior.
"This video has been removed by the user." :( Anyone want to give a summary?[/QUOTE]

It just so happened to be yesterday's Todays Big Thing, so you can see the video there:
Man Freaks Out Because Mall is Closed is Today's BIG Thing - JUN 29, 2010




At least this guy's amusing:

Though, not really a better display of human behavior.
"This video has been removed by the user." :( Anyone want to give a summary?[/QUOTE]

It just so happened to be yesterday's Todays Big Thing, so you can see the video there:
Man Freaks Out Because Mall is Closed is Today's BIG Thing - JUN 29, 2010[/QUOTE]
Thank you for introducing me to todaysbighthing, this site's awesome :D
Old Man Dances to Lady Gaga is Today's BIG Thing - JUN 28, 2010



At least this guy's amusing:

Though, not really a better display of human behavior.
"This video has been removed by the user." :( Anyone want to give a summary?[/QUOTE]

It just so happened to be yesterday's Todays Big Thing, so you can see the video there:
Man Freaks Out Because Mall is Closed is Today's BIG Thing - JUN 29, 2010[/QUOTE]
Thank you for introducing me to todaysbighthing, this site's awesome :D
Old Man Dances to Lady Gaga is Today's BIG Thing - JUN 28, 2010[/QUOTE]

Ditto - guy can bust-a-move, boi!
Almost as good as:

Greatest. Post. Ever.




Changed the video link to a new one, that'll be working :)

That guy needed a vuvuzela to up the annoyance factor, and hilarity.
EDIT: Just remembered that Youtube has a vuvuzela button, and it's working for me now. Woo! It does make him funnier!






Hey man, those foam swords could put an eye out!


General Specific

General Specific

To be fair, they do still look like arrows and you can't tell if that sock will come off and expose something or hides explosives, etc.




To be fair, they do still look like arrows and you can't tell if that sock will come off and expose something or hides explosives, etc.
The cop pointing them out said they (the arrows with pool foam tips wrapped in socks) could be soaked in flammable liquid and then ignited.

You know, like pretty much ANY CLOTH OBJECT YOU COULD NAME. Clearly there were bad rioters in toronto, but clearly toronto police also don't know how to handle things without absolutely shitting themselves.



To be fair, they do still look like arrows and you can't tell if that sock will come off and expose something or hides explosives, etc.
The cop pointing them out said they (the arrows with pool foam tips wrapped in socks) could be soaked in flammable liquid and then ignited.

You know, like pretty much ANY CLOTH OBJECT YOU COULD NAME. Clearly there were bad rioters in toronto, but clearly toronto police also don't know how to handle things without absolutely shitting themselves.[/QUOTE]

pretty much this. It could be a very odd torch but doable :)




Sooo... does the fact that I could take my shirt, roll it in a ball, soak it in a flammable liquid, light it on fire and throw it mean they should be confiscating shirts now too? Also pants... I mean... there's like twice as much fabric for twice the BURNINATION!!!!



Sooo... does the fact that I could take my shirt, roll it in a ball, soak it in a flammable liquid, light it on fire and throw it mean they should be confiscating shirts now too? Also pants... I mean... there's like twice as much fabric for twice the BURNINATION!!!!
now you are just being silly.

Those are premade. It can be use as a weapon on the fly. Sure you could use a t-shirt but then you also have to carry gasoline unless you pre-soak then you are going to be high on fumes. the arrows can be pre-soak but no way to tell unless it is up close and personal. Also you could hide explosive in those too.

But if you are serious about shirt and pants, then your body is a dangerous weapon too. people can know martial arts or have prosthetic arm and legs that can be use as weapons. People should be arrest on site too.




Why the fuck where larpers hanging out at a riot? The Anarchists and The Cops would totally work together and whip their asses.




Why the fuck where larpers hanging out at a riot? The Anarchists and The Cops would totally work together and whip their asses.
On his way to an event. Now, if he had been an SCA fighter it'd be a leetle bit more justified, as the apparel is pretty much riot gear :p



Sooo... does the fact that I could take my shirt, roll it in a ball, soak it in a flammable liquid, light it on fire and throw it mean they should be confiscating shirts now too? Also pants... I mean... there's like twice as much fabric for twice the BURNINATION!!!!
now you are just being silly.

Those are premade. It can be use as a weapon on the fly. Sure you could use a t-shirt but then you also have to carry gasoline unless you pre-soak then you are going to be high on fumes. the arrows can be pre-soak but no way to tell unless it is up close and personal. Also you could hide explosive in those too.

But if you are serious about shirt and pants, then your body is a dangerous weapon too. people can know martial arts or have prosthetic arm and legs that can be use as weapons. People should be arrest on site too.[/QUOTE]

Also to be fair, those 'could' still fly through the air, thus increase the distance they could be used to attack much father than simply lighting a shirt on fire. I used ' ' because i'm not sure if they would suck ass at flying with that on the end, I am just guessing.

Although this whole situation just gets stupider, and event or not, what do you expect to happen if you carry that stuff so close to an area which has had problems with rioting and property destruction.




Although this whole situation just gets stupider, and event or not, what do you expect to happen if you carry that stuff so close to an area which has had problems with rioting and property destruction.
Like a skimpy outfit in a dark alley? =_="



Although this whole situation just gets stupider, and event or not, what do you expect to happen if you carry that stuff so close to an area which has had problems with rioting and property destruction.
Like a skimpy outfit in a dark alley? =_="[/QUOTE]

Just because i dress like this does not mean i am a whore (dave chappelle quoted.)




Although this whole situation just gets stupider, and event or not, what do you expect to happen if you carry that stuff so close to an area which has had problems with rioting and property destruction.
Like a skimpy outfit in a dark alley? =_="[/QUOTE]

Just because i dress like this does not mean i am a whore (dave chappelle quoted.)[/QUOTE]
Just because I've dressed like a larper it doesn't mean... I... I'll plead the fitfh.




Although this whole situation just gets stupider, and event or not, what do you expect to happen if you carry that stuff so close to an area which has had problems with rioting and property destruction.
Like a skimpy outfit in a dark alley? =_="[/QUOTE]

Just because i dress like this does not mean i am a whore (dave chappelle quoted.)[/QUOTE]
Just because I've dressed like a larper it doesn't mean... I... I'll plead the fitfh.


But we have distracted ourselves from the true problem and that is the fact that there just never is enough cars or windows to destroy.
