Rude guy at work

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Hey all... a few of you might remember me form the old forums (fora??) but I've kinda been off doing a Roland across teh internets. However something happened which made me think of you guys, so I thought I'd come back to share.

We had a new guy start at work this week, he seemed to be fitting in really well and I was getting on with him. Anyway, he lives on my route home but has been walking to work so far. Yesterday because of the rain I offered him a lift because it only seemed right.

When he got in the car he had this big bag with him which he put on the back seat, I hadn't noticed him have it before, or bring it into work. Making conversation I asked him what he had in the bag. 'None of your effin' business' he replied. I was a bit taken aback but carried on. As I drove and we carried on talking his answer was starting to bother me so I asked again -'Go on, Paul, what's really in the bag?'. He snapped back 'None of your effin' business'.

I went mad, stopped the car, and told him to get out if he was going to be so rude, and he shuffled off. I couldn't believe he was so nasty, but at least he left the bag behind and it's mine now.


You know you've missed me!

So... what's happened whilst I've been away?
Dave got awesomer, Shego got scarier, JCM started breeding, Calleja jumped out of planes, Gasbandit calmed down, Chazwozel didn't. Did I miss anything?

Kitty Sinatra

Dave got awesomer, Shego got scarier, JCM started breeding, Calleja jumped out of planes, Gasbandit calmed down, Chazwozel didn't. Did I miss anything?

Well, I haven't actually changed, so meh.


Dave got awesomer, Shego got scarier, JCM started breeding, Calleja jumped out of planes, Gasbandit calmed down, Chazwozel didn't. Did I miss anything?
That orphanage attacked me, it was self-defense! You all saw it![/QUOTE]
Yeah but was a surgical strike really necessary? I'm pretty sure that was just a loose brick, not someone attacking you.
Dave got awesomer, Shego got scarier, JCM started breeding, Calleja jumped out of planes, Gasbandit calmed down, Chazwozel didn't. Did I miss anything?
That orphanage attacked me, it was self-defense! You all saw it![/QUOTE]
Yeah but was a surgical strike really necessary? I'm pretty sure that was just a loose brick, not someone attacking you.[/QUOTE]

And using the small ones as experimental train-stoppers, while an interesting application of physics, was a bit much.


Dave got awesomer, Shego got scarier, JCM started breeding, Calleja jumped out of planes, Gasbandit calmed down, Chazwozel didn't. Did I miss anything?

WTF, I'VE CALMED DOWN! You fucking piece of .... oh...
Damn, I mixed up my comics, yes, it was LFG that had the orphanage attacking gag. For some reason I was picturing it in a thought bubble from black mage.
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