Shawn Jan 4, 2009 #631 ^ Says the most disturbing things. And makes me cautious when going to the bathroom.
Shawn Jan 4, 2009 #633 ^ Will laugh himself to sleep thinking of poor Shawnacy holding it in all day.
North_Ranger Staff member Jan 4, 2009 #639 Verbs lower-case nicknames. He definitely bernies something else to joe.
Jan 4, 2009 #644 ^ Pays too much attention to the thread. < Posting in a soon-to-be-locked thread. Has gas V
B Batdan Jan 5, 2009 #648 ^ drives a powder blue Prius with Christmas decals in the window while holding a small Chihuahua
Sparhawk Jan 5, 2009 #662 ^ accidentally looked at North Ranger's medical files, what is seen cannot be unseen