Say Something About the Previous Poster X: Your What hurts?

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Philosopher B.

^ Is as jealous as Jealous McJealouston of the noble line of McJealoustons after having come second place in the national Jealously Jealous Jealousy Contest.

v Is ten times as jealous as that.
^ is mocking me and my clinical depression, reminding me that striving for other people's luck is ill-fated, and that I just accept the fact that I'm not as sexy and successful as he is. :waah:
^ underestimates his own prowess when it comes to popping bubbles
^ is responsible for the dot com bubble, the real estate bubble, the banking bubble, the car industry bubble, and now me.
^ should really be more careful.

Philosopher B.

^ Helped me get there. Can help ghost-write my upcoming book on how I became enlightened and found a better way of life.
^ will be raking in millions as founder of a new cult that will attract hundreds of mad fangirls who want to sleep with the prophet. Should share with his spiritual guide.
^ Shall die in the third year of his reign. The night shall be cold and a new star shall be born in the skies as a celebration of his death.
^^has made me a great offer...But dammit, I like freckles too. Ahh, the conundrum!

^ thinks it'll rain all day and night with PB as ruler.

Philosopher B.

^ Has a thing for freckles. Can stop worrying, as if I come across twins with freckles, I'll give him half.

Philosopher B.

^ Would do crazy things to get with freckled twins. Possibly even more than he'd do for a Klondike bar.
^is quite right. Actually, right now I'd do pretty crazy things to be with a single freckled girl. I even know which girl, but alas, no luck.

Philosopher B.

^ Doesn't realize that I search through them looking for lost art and Shakespearean sonnets.
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