My 20 month old acquired a half-inch split to his forehead last night (over his right eyebrow), resulting in 3 stitches. My wife has a very personal history with facial scarring and felt like she didn't insist enough on calling the plastic surgeon from the hospital a town over to do a better job on the cut than the ER doc. Our primary physician looked at it today and said the reduction in swelling has probably contorted the cut a bit, which might mean an uglier scar than if it were stitched straighter. We're waiting to hear from the plastic surgeon if it isn't too late.
I am not too worried but my wife is feeling extra guilty about the ramifications of his eventual scar. Parents, what are your experiences with forehead or facial scars? Non-parents, do you have a visible scar, or did you used to and it faded? I'd love to hear your stories.
He's a boy? Chicks dig scars!