School re-paints minority kids on mural white. You'll never guess the state!

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I'd facepalm, but to match the magnitude of stupid and racism in the article and particularly the "I'm not racist but" ass-wanker I'd have to risk caving in my face.

So I'm just gonna go into a short and controlled rant in Finnish: Jumalauta mikä vitun rasistinen kusipää paskanaama! Mitä helvetin rehua ne siellä lounaassa vetävät kun tällaisia aivokääpiöitä nousee esille, ei helvetin kuustoista!

Thank you.
Surprised no one has done this yet:

Google Translator said:
Omg what a fucking racist asshole shit face! What the hell they feed there, pull the southwest aivokääpiöitä when such arises, do not fucking sixteen!
Wow, that turned out much better than I expected. :p

On a more serious note: fuck those damn racists.


you know those mural's kid did not have their proper ID so they are going to be deported off the wall
I'll play devil's advocate here...

Why should art representing the children of a school that is 90% white represent only the 10%?
I don't think thats even the issue here. If they had an all white or 90% white mural and painted over it to appease minorities that got all pissy I would imagine most of us would be facepalming that as well. At least for me the issue is that they didn't stand up to racist assholes.


Staff member
I'm not a racist, but....

1) I heard this great joke. These two black guys go into a bar...
2) They should send all the people back home! Except those who work on my lawn, cook my food or make my life better.
3) I fucking hate brown people.

Pretty much anything following statements like "I'm not a racist but..." or "I don't mean to be mean, but...." are always exactly what they say they are not.
I'll play devil's advocate here...

Why should art representing the children of a school that is 90% white represent only the 10%?
They're not only representing the 10%. There are white kids in the mural too. It's just that the largest kid is Hispanic.

It's also a kid who goes to the school. What's that kid supposed to think of himself if a painting of him gets whitewashed?
Many of us tend to consider a school bending to the whims of racists to be a big deal. It sets a bad precedent.
Stuff like this hurts my brain. I figured there's just be a few angry emails sent to the school or something, but then I read and saw the article and omg..

Actual protesters with drums, megaphones and signs 'n shit. Like it is something truly important, like government taxes or whatever (I'm not into politics so I dunno what's important for an American protester.. apparently this is.) This is just really, really dumb.

The saddest thing is that they caved to this retarded protest.

There are not enough facepalms.
They were protesting the whitewashing though. They originally caved to people yelling the N word out of their cars as they drove by.
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