Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!
I mean, uh.. Oh, helpful, right..
Um.. Well, if you ever truly can't think of anything, steal from movies or video games. =P We won't hold it against you, especially if you customize it for us and we have fun. =P
For example, I've always liked the "dream world" idea or the "transported to a dream world based off the characters' fears" shtick.
And for the (supposed) eventual battle between the orcs and humans, go Lord of the Rings with it. Make us defend a castle, fighting swarms of orcs.
And I'm serious about the games and stuff. Take ideas from fantasy games. If you want some seriously fun environment/battle ideas, play Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. That game shouldn't be no more than $10 by now, and it is the -best- combat I have ever seen in a game. It is absolutely what combat should be in a game. (If you took Morrowind's world in Oblivion's engine, with Dark Messiah's combat system, that would probably be the perfect fantasy game.)
I'm dead serious-- if you enjoy fantasy at all, play Dark Messiah. It's short, but you'll want to play the levels over again simply because of all the different ways to accomplish a task or kill the enemies.
Some big moments from the game:
- A giant creature attacking the town. You are in control, first-person, the entire time and can stand there and watch, try to fight, or run. (If you run around, you'll eventually be in a tower, which the giant may punch through right in front of you as you run.)
- If a giant creature picks you up, it's still first person, they will scream (fucking scary) right in your face before they crush/throw you.
- An orc fortress lined with traps. Lucky you, you get to use their traps against them.
- Lightning on an enemy standing in water will -fuck them up-
- Freezing an enemy allows you to shatter them
- You can find bottles of oil. You can smash them on the ground and set them on fire, smash them on an enemy and set THEM on fire.
- Speaking of fire, it will burn everything it touches in this game.
- You have a kick, which is great for knocking enemies off ledges and into fires
- Also, kicking barrels into enemies never gets old.
- Using a ballista to shoot down a pterodactyl creature
- Lots of stuff I can't even remember right now. But seriously, best combat and environment in a game.
So, that's a yes from everyone but Gusto then, right?