Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2!
There are so many questions I have about what's coming up in our game that are itching to be answered.
Assuming we get to actually meet Horus Lightborn, the Deva twin-blade specialist, which member of the party do we feel he's related to? Initially I had guessed Adia, but she so longerweilds two blades, nor is a ranger at all. Also, Adia-related events kinda happened in and around Marian Aldarbrush, but looking back, those may have been vampire-related. Could Serin be related to Horus by virtue of their obscure races? or striker tendencies? WHO KNOWS. Could Gaspar be related to Deva, by virtue of his divinity, or would he be more closely related to Dwar Steelgrand, the Dwarven Battlerager? Given that Gaspar joined us late, is he tied into Acererack's plans's at all?
So far the only group member whose had any luck with ancient counterparts has been Saryon, who was able to commune with and receive a gift from Sirius Oathbearer. We met Aldarbrush but I can't say that we're any better for the experience... And all I found was Markus Denelian's tome, and body (apparently). I wonder if his spirit will ever be able to communicate with me, or if that will come at a later point when the tome grows in power again. Which I suspect could be coming soon. I found it at level 1, it spawned Bez at level 2, at level 4 I was able to pull a Fireball out of it, and at level 6 I was able pull a Fireball and a Flaming Sphere out of it. I wonder if something might happen now that I'm level 8, but who knows.
TL;DR: What the hell.