Six workers drown in vat of tomato sauce

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Six workers drown in vat of tomato sauce | The Daily Telegraph

SIX workers drowned after falling into a giant vat of sauce at a tomato sauce factory in India, the Indian Express reported.

The horrifying incident unfolded Wednesday evening when a female worker slipped and fell into the 6m deep tank.

As five colleagues dived in to grab her they were all overcome by fumes given off from fermenting vegetables and drowned, the newspaper said.

Two more workers were in a hospital following the tragic incident at the Akansha Food Products unit in Lucknow, in the Uttar Pradesh region of northeastern India.
Investigators say the woman, named as Usha, was scooping up fermented vegetables from the vat when she slipped off her ladder and plunged into the raw material used to make the sauce.

“When the woman fell in, the other workers jumped in to help her,” said Rajiv Krishna, Lucknow's Senior Superintendent of Police.

The factory owner was taken into custody, the Indian Express said.

Drowning seems like one of the most terrifying ways to die. Add to it the fumes and not being able to see anything! I feel sorry for these people and their families.
Drowning seems like one of the most terrifying ways to die. Add to it the fumes and not being able to see anything! I feel sorry for these people and their families.
No, we are not to feel concern for horrible deaths that we read about on the Interwebs...



Hmmm why was the owner taken into custody? I assume he breached safety protocol?
I am guessing that people should be tether down at LEAST. I mean if the other 5 people had to dive in, that mean anything else can slip and fall into these sauce.
As bad as it sounds when i read the article and it said that 5 other people died trying to save the one that fell in all I could think of was rule of acquisition 285 "No good deed ever goes unpunished"
I feel bad now for my earlier comment. I didn't mean to be callous. This is tragic.

However, I find it exceedingly weird.
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