[Gaming] SKYward Sword (Zelda)

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I am really loving the game but I can't help but feel I would like it more without the motion controls. Although the thing I hate the most is the stupid harp mini game but I feel that most of my hatred towards that could be fixed with standard controls.
I totally disagree. The controls really add to the game.
I totally disagree. The controls really add to the game.

For me I have never been a huge fan of motion controls in general. But even setting my natural distaste for motion controls and just looking at them as a whole I feel that while they work they don;t feel as tight or as responsive as I would hope them to. The sword combat works fine for the most part ( although the game has mistaken my movements every now and than) but other mechanics (like playing the harp) are just awful. And most of the other controls fall into the "alright category" such as the swimming controls or the flying the bird controls. I can see how some people would like the controls but for me I have always (and probably will always) prefer a normal controller setup. I don't think the controls break the game but I do think all around they they make more annoyances than they actually fix. But once again this is all just my opinion on the subject.
I totally agree with the harp, that it sometimes is just plain horrible with the reactions. Especially when you are performing at night with that singer at the pumpkin pub.. Took soooo long for me to get mild applause..

However, I think the sword controls are great. I love the feel of it, and the shield use makes it all come together!
Calling it now; Skyward Sword is the greatest Zelda game Nintendo's made.

Just went through the scene where Link and Zelda were reunited, and their respective roles were revealed...I didn't think it was possible to give that much emotional weight to a character whose entire dialogue has consisted of "KYEEEEAH!", but jeez. Well done, Nintendo...
I want to play this so bad, but I have so many other things I need to do, and Skyrim already absorbed so much of that time, and now with the new WoW patch, and holidays.... ARGGGDGDGD.
Right now, I don't have enough free time to really dive into Skyrim, so in the little downtime I have I've been playing skyward sword and loving every minute of it. I just started the 3rd area.
Finals are finally done, so I'll be going to town on that game in the next week.
Added at: 16:48
I totally agree with the harp, that it sometimes is just plain horrible with the reactions. Especially when you are performing at night with that singer at the pumpkin pub.. Took soooo long for me to get mild applause..
However, I think the sword controls are great. I love the feel of it, and the shield use makes it all come together!
I don't know if you folks don't have rhythm or what, but I had absolutely no problems with the harp controls. Got wild applause on the second try.
I hate motion controls....

Also it seems the majority of his complaints wasn't even about the controls, they had about a 30 second complaint in the whole 10 min video.
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