So I just spoke with the designer...

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Staff member
So I already sent a PM to Fade. Olorin, how much would you charge to build this with Fade & Ame?
No website suggestions, you should do what you feel is best.

Though it would seem obvious you should go with a clean (but not business-y) look. Bright background instead of black, nothing too experimental (\"where the hell is my forum link hiding at! Wait.. it's this .. round blue blob on the bottom right? wtf?\"), yada yada.

One question..

Flash? Y/N
NO FLASH. I hate flash sites with a passion. I can safely say that most people would echo that sentiment.

If you guys want/need help, I used to be a webdesigner in college (yeah, that long ago) professionally, and I still do it on the side. I'm proficient in PHP, MySQL, HTML, and CSS. YOu can see sites I've done at (wordpress based, if you're still going that way) (also wordpress), (which has a lot of homebrew php and javascript software on it) (see for an example of a mediawiki style I rolled).

Also, I agree with AME on the whole dark on light thing. Light on dark smells like 1998.[/QUOTE]

So you live in Lafayette? My step-brother is from there, I have only been there once or twice to pick him up for him to visit here but it was pretty cool I guess. I hate that like big bridge thing/highway we had to go on over the swamps and shit though... like wtf do you do if your car breaks down? There are no side lanes to pull off onto and shit its like miles and miles long...


So I already sent a PM to Fade. Olorin, how much would you charge to build this with Fade & Ame?
Well, I can't guarantee that I'll do anything, because I'm currently busy with a big game design project for a client of mine. So any time spent on Halforums is when I'm bored or don't feel like doing anything else. But if you would be willing to pay me, the cost of a game would be enough for me.
Rigged contest scandal! Did Olorin really win October's Design our website contest? Was it all just a sham? News at 11!


i think what Dave's trying to say is that getting a visual designer for the price of a game is a literal steal.


Staff member
That's pretty much exactly it.

---------- Post added at 04:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:11 PM ----------

But I'd also feel guilty.
Hey Dave, if you ever need someone to browse the forums a bit, maybe post a little ... I'd be glad to do it for a game. I'm that cheap.

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