So I was minding my own business, right?

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People definitely try to start fights over the stupidest things. The first almost fight I was in was when I scored a goal in soccer when I had supposedly been told not to. The guy pushed me and grabbed by shirt and tried throwing me around trying to provoke me but it wasnt til the next day that I realized thats what he was trying to do. ahh ignorance
The next I was playing basketball and ended up running this guy over when he jumped in front of me. He was just swinging away at me but I just kept kicking his shins saying stay away and dodging his punches til he said I was too pathetic to fight and tried to walk away without grimacing about his legs.
The next was when someone said something so stupid that I laughed and the next thing I knew I had caught a fist in my hand. I didnt even see it. I just felt my hand raise up and boom there it was. The guy got wide eyed and ran for the door. I would have felt bad ass had I not been shaking that there was just a fist two inches from my face. I have a feeling if I actually tried to fight I would lose to most people but my quick reflexes have saved me thus far.
fights are stupid, violent and over rated, last guy that challenged me to a fight got two things. a throat strike and then a straight kick to the gut bowling him over. thats it, I walked away after that.
I know exactly the kind of person Morphine is talking about: Quick to anger, full of ego...every little thing sets them off because they don't want to look bad in front of their friends. I grew up in a little hick town, where the only things to do were the "three F's" You know: Fight, Fuck, or get Fucked up. So, I know the type very well. They'll fight over so little provocation, which is silly, because there's so little actually worth fighting for in a typical person's day-to-day life.

So, I was involved in plenty of fights--I just don't like to do it. I tried to explain the concept to my students a while back. They're all in the 17-20 range, so all of the boys have that puberty hormone-driven machismo bullshit going on. We were out practicing, and one of the kids pointed to some guy at the pool across the street and said "what would you do if that big black dude came over and started messing with you?" They just couldn't grasp the concept that I couldn't care less, and that somehow, someone calling me names wouldn't require me to put my hands on them--that I had nothing to prove to that person, and couldn't care less if they thought I was a pussy or whatever.

That said, I'm awfully good at fighting. The only time I've ever really lost a fight was when I was in elementary school. And while I've been in lots of confrontations, I can only think of three where I felt like I did my training honor and used it wisely. Once, a homeless guy pulled a pocket knife on me when I was working at a convenience store, and I disarmed him. Once a kid I knew (in my little hick town) named Robbie pulled a little .22 out of his pocket and was threatening people with it at a party, and i disarmed him. Neither of those were really fights, though. And once, me and a kid named Billy Vance beat the royal fuck out of a guy when we saw him punch his pregnant girlfriend/wife in the stomach in a mall parking lot. That one, I'm pretty proud of.

I haven't really been in any kind of 'fight' since my 20's,'s easier to tell the blustery person "yeah, you're right. I'm a pussy and you're a bad ass. Have a nice day" and be on my way.


I've never been in an actual fight, but once when I was drunk I stepped on some guys toes and took a swing at me, he just graced my face and fell flat on the ground. Needless to say I couldn't stop laughing and being drunk like I said I didn't notice he was already back up and took his next swing on my nose which bled for a bit after that. The guy was thrown out. I like to think that if I wouldn't had been drunk I would have walked away altogether.


I have gotten into a couple of fights and dogpile (i.e. tons of people fighting in the middle of the field) I can hold my own one on one, but anything more than that now-a-day probably poor since I am out of shape now.

Element 117

Well, that's Morphine's natural effect, she gets all the alpha males riled up and frothy in a aggressive mating display. I bet the other woman was actually crushing on her, kindergarten style.
Well, that's Morphine's natural effect, she gets all the alpha males riled up and frothy in a aggressive mating display. I bet the other woman was actually crushing on her, kindergarten style.
Well, you can't really blame them. She's such a cutie


Sums up what this thread has become nicely.

WTF?!??!!? You're fucking video taping me now? I'm flattered, but Sheg's what will your girlfriends think?

---------- Post added at 11:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:28 AM ----------

I've been in a couple brawls here and there in high school. I used to box a bit, and playing hockey has gotten some fights out too. Tin's right though, overall, it's not worth it.

Sadly my fighting skills are basically crap. I suppose better than the average person but it only amounts to a few years of random kung fu and ninjustsu. I'm in extremely good shape so that might give me a leg up but honestly I try to avoid fights at all cost. I'm an excellent runner, jumper and climber... and I could probably escape from most people looking for a fight. If I was with my fiance and baby son that's a different matter altogether... and I'd do whatever it takes to save them.
I was the short skinny kid in grade school that average dudes looking to make a name for themselves thought they could push around. This happened 3-4 times, all with different people. And they were wrong. I ended up with a reputation as the scrappy skinny kid.

My favourite grade school brawl was in 8th grade, when a kid moved to our school, and had the prison mentality of "I'm new, so I'd better fight EVERYBODY to make a name for myself". It was another famous example of a body of people rejecting a foreign element that is trying to cause it harm. People who had no business EVER hanging out together taking the same side in fist fights. Nerds, stoner, athletes, everything.

It all came to a head when the kid, in desperation, took a swing at one of the girls and was promptly tackled by like 7 guys, myself included.


Staff member
[/COLOR]I've been in a couple brawls here and there in high school. I used to box a bit, and playing hockey has gotten some fights out too. Tin's right though, overall, it's not worth it.

Holy crap! That IS Mr. Miagi!

Philosopher B.

I have never been in a fight. I am not keen to have the experience.
I've had my ass kicked twice. Pretty badly. Once without even knowing why, just a random short dude popping the tall guy that was "talking to too much girls". They were my friends! We had arrived together! Didn't even see it coming, sat me on my ass, broke my lip and got my nose bleeding pretty bad. Then he realized I was also with 4 other big guys.

He literally ran away before I even realized what had happened. My cousin chased him all the way to the parking lot, in time to see him speed off in his jetta. Weird night.

The other time was cause I was a moron... walking home from school I saw a couple that was screaming pretty loudly... and then the guy.. one of those gym rats that wear tight tight shirts and have biceps on their biceps.. slapped the girl. I don't even remember crossing the street, I was on him before I realized what had happened. He kicked my ass pretty easily. Kicked me on the ground and everything. Fun times.
I got punched in the face once, because I called a douchebag that almost ran me over an asshole. He was 18ish, I was 10. Didn't feel a thing, but I imagine he felt like the king of the world.

That's the only time I was ever 'in a fight'.

Element 117

[/COLOR]I've been in a couple brawls here and there in high school. I used to box a bit, and playing hockey has gotten some fights out too. Tin's right though, overall, it's not worth it.

Holy crap! That IS Mr. Miagi![/QUOTE]

He looks terrified, and she looks hungry.
there are two times in wich I remember being "in fights". I was never one of the "main" fighters though, and what I mostly did was hold the guy that was attacking by hugging them tightly. I'm big, and heavy, and my hugs are very... "absorbing".

The first time, some kind wanted to fight one of my best friends (wich is something pretty stupid to do, he is one of the strongest people I know). The rest of kinds at school started yelling "fight! fight!" and soon most kids were forming a circle around this guy and my friend. He punched my friend, my friend punched back and, as he is pretty strong, the guy took some steps backwards. In that moment, I hugged him from behind and raised him from the ground. I kept him there, screaming and trying to kick me, withy my friend mocking him, until all the kids started to laugh at him. He was so humiliated he decided to leave when I left him back on the ground. (it also helped that the rest of my group of friends was there to back my friend up... and even if we were the "weird/nerd" group, we were seven and he was just one.

The second time was just a few weeks ago. I was with some friends on the street, pretty late. We suddenly hear a soft crash. A car, driven by two preppy girls, had touched a motorcicle with a guy and his girlfriend on it. The motorcicle had fallen on the ground, and the girl felt pain on her leg.
As some of my friends went to help the girl, the boyfriend, a drunk and probably drugged idiot, started kicking and punching at the stopped car, telling the two girls he'd kill them. Some of us went to stop him, and we tried to stop him from opening the car door. He was pretty muscular and tall, and it looked like he could break those little girls with not much effort.
I hugged him from behind, and managed to have him stop after several tries. My back and arms hurt for some days, but I felt strong for the first time in years.

And that's most of my fighting life. Thank god, because I'm in such a bad shape everybody and their dog could probably beat me. But, luckly, I'm an easy-going, easily liked person and in fight scenarios I'm usually "the voice of reason", telling people to calm down.
One of my friends tells a story from back in his Navy days. Apparently he and a few of his friends from the boat had some shore leave. They all piled into a sedan and went on a bit of a road trip. Along the way, they aparently cut-off a couple rednecks who proceed to follow them down the highway, tail-gating, honking the horn, etc. Well, my friend pulls off the road and stops at a bar that was near the exit. The rednecks had followed them off the highway and jumped out of their truck yelling at the guys like they wanted to fight. Well, all SEVEN of them, still in their navy unis, get out of the sedan and the rednecks stop, go wide-eyed and instantly start saying, "We just want to buy you guys a beer!"
Been in quite a few actually. Some directly involving me, some simply having me jumping in. I won some, I lost some. It didn't really matter as long as I got a few licks in.
I think the real question here is: Were you relaxing all cool, shooting some b-ball outside of the school?

Which is hilarious, because I imagine Shego has 'ended' fewer fights than anyone in this thread who's posted about fighting ;)
Cute. You of all people should know the area I grew up in and the kind of life that tends to follow people around here. *shrug* I was actually being serious. Main reason I attended 5 high schools before graduating.
I think the real question here is: Were you relaxing all cool, shooting some b-ball outside of the school?

Which is hilarious, because I imagine Shego has 'ended' fewer fights than anyone in this thread who's posted about fighting ;)
Cute. You of all people should know the area I grew up in and the kind of life that tends to follow people around here. *shrug* I was actually being serious. Main reason I attended 5 high schools before graduating.

Ah well, I'm more than capable of being wrong. I was basing my assessment on past characterizations of yourself as being fairly quiet and unassuming in your 'public' life, saving your 'real' persona for online. The post I'm thinking of happened a couple of message boards ago, though, so I could totally be wrong about that too.


Staff member
Despite my nature, I haven't been in a fight since High School. But I don't usually walk anywhere farther than from building to car. I must admit I'm nowhere near as fit as I was back then, either. I would not be surprised were it in the realm of feasibility for most of the people on this forum to absolutely kick the ever-living shit out of me if they were so inclined. The odd thing is, I don't care. I don't have any kind of hangups about honor or manliness that come out of brawling. While I have a firearm to protect my home, I don't carry it with me. But I don't go to areas where I might get attacked either, no late night strolls or anything like that. Of course, I'm no pacifist, and if attacked I will definitely attempt to give as good as I get (and I'm not above biting and eye gouging)... but generally it's never been an issue.

Had I been in your situation, where some guy I bumped into accidentally got belligerent, I'd have started calling the cops on my cell phone, and once I had, I would have spoken into it loud enough for him to hear, "Hello, police? There's a man here at the corner of 3rd and Main who is threatening me with bodily harm. Caucasian male, about five foot, black hair..." etc.

Maybe some of you think that makes me a pussy, I say it makes me civilized enough not to get into a street brawl over a stupid reason.
I can pretty much ditto GB's post.

Don't want to fight...ever. I will defend myself or my loved ones with every ounce of my being though. I WILL put fingers in eyes, punch throats, bite off anything I can get in my mouth, etc. I imagine if I absolutely have to be in a fight, it will likely be for my life. I just can't see any situation where I would need to fight other than for self-defense.

I am also kind of a big guy (6'2", 190lbs), and folks tend to not mouth off to me. Even if they do, I just ignore them.
I've only really been a part of one fight, and I didn't even get to fight. When I was in college we had a house party, and about 4am or so we started kicking people out. A couple guys got mad about having to leave, and broke one of our windows. There were about ten of us, and when we went out to confront them one of the guys hit my roommates brother and broke his nose. All hell broke loose. Everyone was already on these guys since we outnumbered them by 3 to 1, so I went in and called the cops.

Everyone was underage, and the house was trashed with an empty keg in the sink and bottles everywhere. Cops didn't care though. I even went to the police station smashed to give a statement. I'm still not sure how I ended up not getting an underage consumption ticket that night. The other guys ended up having to pay for our window, and the medical bills for the guy with a broken nose.
I can't remember ever being in a fight outside of maybe one with my brother when we were kids. I've been told I look intimidating (or I did when my hair was longer and I had my beard) by people, so maybe that's why. I don't have any want to get into a fight, though, so that's fine by me.
I'm too lovable to fight. I think beating me up would be like beating up a guy with no arms, legs or teeth. There's just no point to it, and you'd have to be an asshole on the same level as 80's comedy villains to even want to.
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