So my daughter's friend tased a teacher today....

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Your daughter needs to hang out with a better crowd.

Oh come on, guys. Shocking? That's the best pun you can come up with. How's this:

Anyone wonder what the charges will be? :laugh:


I accidentally read the 'tased' as 'tasted'. It's all cool now.


My guess is the staff member leads the middle school band. As the conductor.
Despite the current pun silliness, that shit is no laughing matter. That's pretty God damn serious.
Oh, totally agreed. All joking aside (aw!), I'm glad the teacher was okay and hope the student is reprimanded harshly.

Such, ecclectic!...taste in weapons, though.
Technically speaking, how can they charge the kid with carrying a concealed weapon? I was under the impression you didn't need license to carry a Taser. Or does this vary from state to state?


Staff member
Technically speaking, how can they charge the kid with carrying a concealed weapon? I was under the impression you didn't need license to carry a Taser. Or does this vary from state to state?
It could be a school zone thing. There are extra restrictions in many areas on what you can possess while on school grounds.
A lot of school districts ban anything that could potentially used as a weapon ever. I went to an elementary school that took a very "one person ruins it for everyone" philosophy that gradually kept banning anything fun the instant anyone ever got hurt with it because it was a "potential weapon." Kickballs a potential weapon my ass.
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