100% cotton, baby. But if dust can be static charged then I can guess where the problem was. I'm going to need a few more HEPA filters to keep up with the clay dust, because the motherboard I pulled out of this case yesterday - I'm surprised it hadn't caught fire yet. Or maybe become home to its own tiny lifeforms, worrying about the flowing of the spice and the dust storms of the great ASRockas.
The worst part though, is that the game that I was going to play that required the graphics card swap in the first place? It completely and utterly blows massive donkey balls. I hate it with a fiery burning passion so hot that only the coldest depths of the deepest Siberian lake could possibly quench it. And because of it I burned two drives and had to drop money I really didn't have on a replacement computer. I'm going to have to have a very stern talk with people who recommend video games to me, because this is literally the biggest pile of crap I've ever played. It's like someone took the worst parts of Empyrion and SE and slammed them together, while removing any of those two games' good parts. Flying is far harder than any game I've played since Flight Sim '95, and your ships can sustain damage (easily), which you're forever repairing, from collisions. The tutorials, when they'll load, tell you step by step how to do things, and then when you get out in the real world, the game won't let you complete objectives unless you do things a completely different way. Each tool has its own stupid fucking tutorial, and each one has to load separately into separate instances, while it's a single-server system. The engine that they're running on hasn't had more than 6 successful games released on it, EVER. The last two games that tried to use this engine failed to make it out of beta, and I have a sinking felling this one will too. You think Empyrion is a resource hog? Streamers are having trouble with their massive 64GB, SLI-enabled, 12core machines. One streamer caught the game eating 52GB of RAM last month.