So, who's snowed in?

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I'm looking at news reports and photos of the blizzard on the east coast of the US, and it looks pretty scary. I remember when we got 24 inches one year, back when I lived in Maryland, that was fun.

Anyone in the area?
Everything is shut down. The Metro, the buses, the museums, everything.

I fully expect to go to sleep, and wake up to a completely silent city. Except for maybe some snowplows.

It sure is striking though, and if I had anything other than this disposable camera, I'd have some really nice pictures to show.

Snow turns most of the people around here absolutley crazy though, so it should be interesting to see the inevitable chaos that will or won't break out now.

The only thing that bothers me is the possibility of losing power. But that's unlikely and would almost be worth is for all this glorious snow.


South side of Charlotte NC reporting in, rain all night, as of 6:58 local even that has stopped and a few birds are singing half heartedly. No ice despite the forcasts and stores bereft of bread and milk.
It started a lot slower here in Maryland than they said it would, but it sure as hell picked up. Gotta be getting near two feet now.

People in our area seem to drive incredibly slow when the snow is out, and then they start speeding once the roads are clear. It's bizarre, like they were getting itchy with all the snow slowing them down and then go "WHEEE FAST TIMES!" when it's finally out of their way.

Anyway, Faline got the groceries yesterday, so we have nowhere to be this weekend anyway.


In before pissing contest over snowfall.

**edited** Too late
So, I just got home. I left my house on Thursday.

I went out for coffee with a friend. Once we were done with coffee, we went to her place to hang out. She had a few other friends coming over as well. It started to snow, and my friend said she didn't want to drive in the weather, so I just slept on the couch.

It snowed all night, and then all Friday. During a short let up in the snow, I walked to the gas station to buy chips and drink and such things. Another friend took advantage of the let-up and made it to the house I had stayed at.

The snow continued, and so began our Disney movie marathon. We played board games, shared stories, and laughed and joked the whole day away. The snow still hadn't let up, so we all spent the night again.

Did I mention that I was the only male in the whole house for the entire two days? The last 42 hours of my life might actually constitute the plot of an anime, conversations about the end of the world and the need to repopulate included.

---------- Post added at 12:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 PM ----------

24 inches in a year? There's 24 inches in my pants right now.
Steady, Frankie ...


So, I just got home. I left my house on Thursday.

I went out for coffee with a friend. Once we were done with coffee, we went to her place to hang out. She had a few other friends coming over as well. It started to snow, and my friend said she didn't want to drive in the weather, so I just slept on the couch.

It snowed all night, and then all Friday. During a short let up in the snow, I walked to the gas station to buy chips and drink and such things. Another friend took advantage of the let-up and made it to the house I had stayed at.

The snow continued, and so began our Disney movie marathon. We played board games, shared stories, and laughed and joked the whole day away. The snow still hadn't let up, so we all spent the night again.

Did I mention that I was the only male in the whole house for the entire two days? The last 42 hours of my life might actually constitute the plot of an anime, conversations about the end of the world and the need to repopulate included.

---------- Post added at 12:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 PM ----------

24 inches in a year? There's 24 inches in my pants right now.
Steady, Frankie ...

So did you get in their pants?


Started snowing here at around 7 friday night, still going now and won't stop till 8. TIME TO FUCKING HUNT YETI!
Huh, I live in an area that is known for it's snowfall and we got nothing. It's cold as all get out, but no snow.
The weather in Atlanta has been all over the place this month. No real snow since early January though. It was nearly 60 a couple times last week and this past week it was 35-40.


Staff member
I'm hanging out outside on a beautiful sunny 65 degree day, enjoying the coffee and fresh air. What a beautiful day. Its this time of year that living in Houston allows me to chuckle at all your northerners and your 'snow' problems. How delightful! That's what you get for living in places that humans shouldn't! Now of course, come summer time you can throw this right back at me.....

Philosopher B.

FUCK SNOW. Fuck it hard. HNG.

- Philo-B, who doesn't own any boots.


I'm hanging out outside on a beautiful sunny 65 degree day, enjoying the coffee and fresh air. What a beautiful day. Its this time of year that living in Houston allows me to chuckle at all your northerners and your 'snow' problems. How delightful! That's what you get for living in places that humans shouldn't! Now of course, come summer time you can throw this right back at me.....
Yeah well, the way I see it you've got it worse. Like droughts... and Mexicans!


I'm hanging out outside on a beautiful sunny 65 degree day, enjoying the coffee and fresh air. What a beautiful day. Its this time of year that living in Houston allows me to chuckle at all your northerners and your 'snow' problems. How delightful! That's what you get for living in places that humans shouldn't! Now of course, come summer time you can throw this right back at me.....
Yeah well, the way I see it you've got it worse. Like droughts... and Mexicans![/QUOTE]


Ok then.

I still live in Newark. NEWARK. I'm not gonna be surprised if I see a crack head outside sniffing the snow and hoping that it works


Staff member
droughts? You sir have obviously never been to houston. Our biggest problem is flooding. I'm don't know the exact numbers but I'm guessing it kills at least a dozen people each year. At least.


Staff member
I'm hanging out outside on a beautiful sunny 65 degree day, enjoying the coffee and fresh air. What a beautiful day. Its this time of year that living in Houston allows me to chuckle at all your northerners and your 'snow' problems. How delightful! That's what you get for living in places that humans shouldn't! Now of course, come summer time you can throw this right back at me.....
Hey, I chuckle at the fact that people seem to be so frickin' amazed with snow comin' down in the winter. Not to mention the fact that having snow up to one's ankles qualifies as 'snowed in' :p

- NR, who's never had a day off from school because of snow.

Wasabi Poptart

Last time I checked in with my parents this afternoon, they had close to 30 inches (76 cm, I think) of snow in the backyard with 4 foot (1.2 m) drifts in places around their yard. My dad told me he went out to use his snow blower and the snow was up over the housing of the machine. I think the last time there was snow like this was in 2003.

Philosopher B.

Hey, I chuckle at the fact that people seem to be so frickin' amazed with snow comin' down in the winter.
But, but ... I never gave it permission to snow in the winter. The weather has to consult with me first!

Edit: Also, did I mention fuck snow? Because fuck it. I nearly died earlier slipping around trying to get my car unearthed. Dammit, Al Gore, this shit wasn't supposed to happen!


Staff member
Hey, I chuckle at the fact that people seem to be so frickin' amazed with snow comin' down in the winter.
But, but ... I never gave it permission to snow in the winter. The weather has to consult with me first!

Edit: Also, did I mention fuck snow? Because fuck it. I nearly died earlier slipping around trying to get my car unearthed. Dammit, Al Gore, this shit wasn't supposed to happen![/QUOTE]

Actually, it's more likely you slipped on an icy patch. So when you curse ice, you also curse ever getting cold drinks, remedies to swelling and kinky things you do with your significant other.

Nice going, Batmanuel :p


I'm hanging out outside on a beautiful sunny 65 degree day, enjoying the coffee and fresh air. What a beautiful day. Its this time of year that living in Houston allows me to chuckle at all your northerners and your 'snow' problems. How delightful! That's what you get for living in places that humans shouldn't! Now of course, come summer time you can throw this right back at me.....
Hey, I chuckle at the fact that people seem to be so frickin' amazed with snow comin' down in the winter. Not to mention the fact that having snow up to one's ankles qualifies as 'snowed in' :p

- NR, who's never had a day off from school because of snow.[/QUOTE]

Well considering it's up to our knees, and our infrastructure isn't designed to accommodate that much snow, like you know, up in Finland...
So, I just got home. I left my house on Thursday.

I went out for coffee with a friend. Once we were done with coffee, we went to her place to hang out. She had a few other friends coming over as well. It started to snow, and my friend said she didn't want to drive in the weather, so I just slept on the couch.

It snowed all night, and then all Friday. During a short let up in the snow, I walked to the gas station to buy chips and drink and such things. Another friend took advantage of the let-up and made it to the house I had stayed at.

The snow continued, and so began our Disney movie marathon. We played board games, shared stories, and laughed and joked the whole day away. The snow still hadn't let up, so we all spent the night again.

Did I mention that I was the only male in the whole house for the entire two days? The last 42 hours of my life might actually constitute the plot of an anime, conversations about the end of the world and the need to repopulate included.
Man, no offense, but you totally sound like the non-threatening gay friend there.

24 inches in a year? There's 24 inches in my pants right now.
Steady, Frankie ...
I try, but it's just so hard!

And that is the last time I play that stupid pun game that seems to be the fucking cool thing to do around here.
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