So, who's snowed in?

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You know fuck you guys. The last college I was at recently before leaving. During winter the days would be like around between 4-18 degrees farenheit you motherfuckers.
Ice would actually be on the inside of my fucking windshield. You know how fucking hard it is to scrape off ice on the inside off your windshield?
I presume it is very hard if you are trying to get ice off and have sex with your windshield..... you are so weird ;)


lol verry funny dude very funny. I probably went through like two or three ice scrapers per winter.
You know fuck you guys. The last college I was at recently before leaving. During winter the days would be like around between 4-18 degrees farenheit you motherfuckers.
Ice would actually be on the inside of my fucking windshield. You know how fucking hard it is to scrape off ice on the inside off your windshield?
Considering I do that pretty much daily, its not that bad.

Philosopher B.

Please please please can my Uni cancel school tomorrow. That would be agreeable.

Also, holy fuck! Ice on the inside of the windshielf? That is some nasty shit.
It's way too cold here normally for moisture to do that to a window on the inside. We all have to scrape our outside windshields though.

Philosopher B.

Oh balls yes! My Uni's website says shit will be closed through Wednesday evening.

What I said earlier about snow? I take it all back. Don't fuck it. Well, do. But gently. Maybe even make love and throw in some smooches too.


Staff member
I love university students who want snow days. not like they are paying to be there or anything...
I want some more snow. We only got a little bit on Sunday. I have a tractor to clear all the snow in my driveway with though. The inner kid in me always says "Fuck yeah! Driving a tractor, making huge piles of snow! It doesn't get much better than this."

Philosopher B.

Thing is, I have a five-page paper I need to finish/polish up that needs turning in on Thursday (didn't get enough time over the weekend), so now I can work on that more tomorrow, instead of heading to two long-ass classes, one of which was probably gearing up to show the class an old film I've already seen, and the other which is lorded over by a guy who is kind of randomly teaching what he wants because he is apparently on his way out.


I love university students who want snow days. not like they are paying to be there or anything...

Not as long as they got mama and papa footing the bill.

---------- Post added at 07:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:06 AM ----------

I love university students who want snow days. not like they are paying to be there or anything...
I can understand wanting a day off I guess, but yeah, I mean how much cash are you sinking into this school? I'd want my money's worth.[/QUOTE]

No one forces student's to go to class. You can take a day off anytime you want to.'

Well shit, they shut Drexel down. Looks like I get a paid snow day!
On note of the Facebook image above, they really do seem to be just waiting for it to melt. Only half my road was even plowed. They just don't have the equipment to handle heavy snow storms. There's no way we'd get three days off from school up in New York, and I lived in a tiny town. They still had the equipment, because they knew what was going to happen each winter. For DC this is unusual, and as is typical of the government, they don't know what the fuck to do when things don't go as planned.

I'll be shoveling soon...
My university had underground tunnels connecting every building on campus, including the dorms. You didn't have to go outside unless you wanted to, so we never cancelled classes.


My university had underground tunnels connecting every building on campus, including the dorms. You didn't have to go outside unless you wanted to, so we never cancelled classes.

Damnnation, when I was in undergrad I was always wishing for something like that during the winters.
My university had underground tunnels connecting every building on campus, including the dorms. You didn't have to go outside unless you wanted to, so we never cancelled classes.

Damnnation, when I was in undergrad I was always wishing for something like that during the winters.[/QUOTE]

It was always interesting to see people in class with shorts and a t-shirt on when it was 15 below outside.
My university had underground tunnels connecting every building on campus, including the dorms. You didn't have to go outside unless you wanted to, so we never cancelled classes.

Damnnation, when I was in undergrad I was always wishing for something like that during the winters.[/QUOTE]

It was always interesting to see people in class with shorts and a t-shirt on when it was 15 below outside.[/QUOTE]

My school had those. Classes really only got canceled if the professors were physically unable to make it in.


Current total in my backyard is 52 in. Have had no work since last Fri and i probably wont for the rest of the week since the national guard has been activated. =) starting to go a lil stir crazy though. yay


Staff member
Once more, average snow here today. I am really enjoying watching all these areas get nailed while we are left with nothing. This opposite effect is great.

hahahahaha, looks like DC will even beat us for most snowfall in a city this year!


I hate you snow. All I need is a goddamn tauntaun walking across the background...
Philadelphia. I thought it smelled bad on the outside.*

Looks like our parking lot, sans scarf.

*If Chaz lives in Pittsburgh, I will look dumb.


I'm snowed in!

Nah, I'm just joking. Should get 18 inches in the mountains though, that's like snow right?
Tell you what, N_R is DEFINITELY not being paid by the Finland tourism board.
You never know. I had a big conversation with a friend who used to hate the tourism board's ad campaign for Newfoundland, particularly the slogan "About as far away from Disneyland as you can possibly get."

Her logic was that Disneyland was a fun place. Why the hell would you want to set yourself up as the opposite of that?

The answer is, of course, that the campaign aims to attract travelers who will appreciate our unique culture, history, and the feeling of untouched-ness that Newfoundland has. As opposed to the mickey-ears-wearing mom & kids who just want to ride fun rides and see giant stuffed costumes. Not that there's anything wrong with Disneyland, but ... there are Disney people, and then there are Florence people.


Got another two to four inches of friggin snow. When are we going to see the actually ground for a change?


ill post some pics of the snow when i get a chance... snow drift on my door is now over 6 ft high. almost covers the entire garage door.

Philosopher B.

School's cancelled again for tomorrow. Guess I'll have to email that essay. It looks freaky as shit out back of the house, though. Like goddamn sand dunes.
Ha, today the temperature went over 0 degrees after we had 3 days of snow... now it's like a swamp out there... a very slippery swamp... i miss the old days, when snow melted around the 1st of march and winter was winter, not autumn half the time.
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