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Something to make your bad day better




Nothing makes a bad day better than to see someone who is having a worse day. So feel free to post pics of people having bad days.






Hylian - Ouch to the first one. I've been hit by 3 or 4 at one time and that hurts, can't imagine how many that is. I knew someone who went face first into a patch.

Dave - Aww, do you need a hug?




He said "people having a bad day", Dave. Not "people at a soiree."

BTW, you sure can wear a bow tie!







That's one way to get a piercing




So... I guess I am the only with empathy enough to think that posting/making fun of people with serious injuries is sick?




I was gonna post the one with the bridge who flew through the windsheild on the way to the honeymoon before I caught myself.

So probably yeah Lantern.




Depends on how hurt they are and the situation. The lady with the javelin through her foot is funny because 1) she lives and 2) She's in a fucking HUGE empty field...and gets hit.

The guy with the cacti is funny because it's very Wiley Coyote.




Depends on how hurt they are and the situation. The lady with the javelin through her foot is funny because 1) she lives and 2) She's in a fucking HUGE empty field...and gets hit.

The guy with the cacti is funny because it's very Wiley Coyote.
How do you know they din't lose anything important in the process? Also, I coun't check the site in the pictures yet, do they come with stories?

And how about the guy in the middle of the motocylce accident, the one where it looks like both his arms and head are being hit?




I didn't comment on that one because I didn't think it was funny. I know the story of the judge because she was interviewed on Yahoo and joked that she forgot to duck.

I haven't gone to the site because I don't know what else is there and I'm at work.




I cringed.

But I laughed at the cacti...then cringed again.




I didn't comment on that one because I didn't think it was funny. I know the story of the judge because she was interviewed on Yahoo and joked that she forgot to duck.

I haven't gone to the site because I don't know what else is there and I'm at work.
I only checked now, for the same reason, but I assumed that if it was that kind of site hylian wouldn't post pictures here, and rather go to the NSFW

I am sorry if I am thinking too much, I just don't think we should cultivate apreciation to when humans suffer physical harm. I actually found funny the ones without people injured, thoughed now I am considering the property damaged and how many the involde might have suffered emonitonally, specially now that the pictures are on-line, the worst is the one with several cars in the "boat" at a 45º, at first I almost lol'ed because it is such a weird picture, but I then thoughed in how much the involved must have lost and specially the company owning the "boat", I bet the lawsuit made many get fired, even the ones who din't are actually to blame, and there is the indirect harm caused....

...see what I say about thinking too much about it?




The one where the lady drove her car off the dock and onto the boat just looks so HAPPY!




The one where the lady drove her car off the dock and onto the boat just looks so HAPPY!



The one where the lady drove her car off the dock and onto the boat just looks so HAPPY!
Amazingly, the boat doesn't seem all that damaged apart from the busted window.




In before prom date wreck.

But, also,




I just read a story about a woman who was mauled by a chimp. She was on Oprah. Hang on, lemme find a link...

---------- Post added at 03:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:16 PM ----------




Holy fuck!! That chimp fucked her up! She's lucky she's alive, but holy shit.

That poor woman. It doesn't make me feel better at all. Just really sad for her and the friend who owned the chimp.




Yeah... but when I saw it the other day it sure made me grateful for the things I take for granted. Sorry if I bummed you out. :\

Perhaps I can find something more lighthearted...











Those are only funny if nobody was seriously hurt. That last one? Probably not.


Wasabi Poptart









Lol, aw man.




What...how... wha? Hooked the fender OVER a power line?!

---------- Post added at 04:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:12 PM ----------




In before prom date wreck.
Too late, I wrote that in my first post.




In before prom date wreck.
Too late, I wrote that in my first post.[/QUOTE]

yeah, but he's still in before it.

anyway i am having a worse day than at least 2 of these people. i got the h1n1 :(




I just read a story about a woman who was mauled by a chimp. She was on Oprah. Hang on, lemme find a link...[COLOR=\"black\"]

---------- Post added at 03:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:16 PM ----------


good lord

the worst of all... well, there is a soap opera airing now in brazil with a chimp as a character I can totally see people wanting one without having no idea how vicious they can be.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I really don't understand gaining enjoyment from the misery of others. I saw the title and thought people would be posting cute things or silly things...




I really don't understand gaining enjoyment from the misery of others. I saw the title and thought people would be posting cute things or silly things...
Similar, I was thinking it was something that to make us laugh =P




Oh my god, that woman mauled by the chimp is horrible. It made me cry. That poor woman. I'd seriously just kill myself if something like that were to happen to me.




:\ Sorry I posted something that made you cry.

Just to clarify... if anyone's wondering... I did not post that video because I thought it was funny. It was just a 'put your problems into perspective' thing.



Zombies could be attacking...




:\ Sorry I posted something that made you cry.

Just to clarify... if anyone's wondering... I did not post that video because I thought it was funny. It was just a 'put your problems into perspective' thing.
Don't worry, we know you wouldn't do that Cajun ^^




I am sorry if I am thinking too much, I just don't think we should cultivate apreciation to when humans suffer physical harm. I actually found funny the ones without people injured, thoughed now I am considering the property damaged and how many the involde might have suffered emonitonally, specially now that the pictures are on-line, the worst is the one with several cars in the "boat" at a 45º, at first I almost lol'ed because it is such a weird picture, but I then thoughed in how much the involved must have lost and specially the company owning the "boat", I bet the lawsuit made many get fired, even the ones who din't are actually to blame, and there is the indirect harm caused....

...see what I say about thinking too much about it?
I agree -- I was hoping for pictures more in the "silly" vein.

now I admit, these two made me giggle (at first I thought the cactus person was covered in tribbles):

however, this one made me shudder:

that's not entertaining, that's horrifying. however, it's clear that perspective is important -- if that were to happen within 50 miles of me, I have a good chance of being the person called out to the scene to do one of three very unpleasant things: find a dead horse; euthanize a horse with unimaginably terrible injuries; or attempt to extricate a live, terrified, thousand-pound animal from a metal and glass box and then treat it's unimaginably terrible injuries. and it's inconceivable that the driver would be uninjured, or that any passengers in the car would have escaped harm. I guess it's similar to the boat pictures -- to the boat owner, all they can see in the picture is the loss of property.

I suppose it's somewhat of a double standard to laugh at some of these pictures and condemn others, but I think that it's very possible that in the cactus picture, for example, after recovering from the initial event (assuming that it wasn't too serious), the person could look at that picture and laugh about it later. but with some of the other pictures, I can't imagine anyone involved ever being able to look at them after the fact and derive any amusement from them. so yeah, many people in the picture of the horse and the car very likely had a much worse day than you did: the driver and passengers of the car, the police and rescue officials on the scene of the accident, the driver of the horse trailer, the owner of the horse, the veterinarian called out to the scene, the cleanup crew who had to deal with the aftermath, and the horse. but really, does knowing that so many people had a terrible day make yours any better?

...or maybe vets just naturally become grumpy when shown pictures of animals in terrible situations.





that's not entertaining, that's horrifying. however, it's clear that perspective is important -- if that were to happen within 50 miles of me, I have a good chance of being the person called out to the scene to do one of three very unpleasant things: find a dead horse; euthanize a horse with unimaginably terrible injuries; or attempt to extricate a live, terrified, thousand-pound animal from a metal and glass box and then treat it's unimaginably terrible injuries. and it's inconceivable that the driver would be uninjured, or that any passengers in the car would have escaped harm. I guess it's similar to the boat pictures -- to the boat owner, all they can see in the picture is the loss of property.

I suppose it's somewhat of a double standard to laugh at some of these pictures and condemn others, but I think that it's very possible that in the cactus picture, for example, after recovering from the initial event (assuming that it wasn't too serious), the person could look at that picture and laugh about it later. but with some of the other pictures, I can't imagine anyone involved ever being able to look at them after the fact and derive any amusement from them. so yeah, many people in the picture of the horse and the car very likely had a much worse day than you did: the driver and passengers of the car, the police and rescue officials on the scene of the accident, the driver of the horse trailer, the owner of the horse, the veterinarian called out to the scene, the cleanup crew who had to deal with the aftermath, and the horse. but really, does knowing that so many people had a terrible day make yours any better?

...or maybe vets just naturally become grumpy when shown pictures of animals in terrible situations.

I think we all possess the ability to laugh at things that don't hit too close to home to us. As a vet you have made a living and found a passion in helping animals. For you the picture of a most likely deceased horse gives you no pleasure. For me I find it difficult to look past just the picture. For me I see a very odd circumstance and juxtaposition of elements that is funny in a "Wow. How the hell did THAT happen?" sort of way, but only because I have no emotional connection to what has transpired and choose not to consider the reality of the situation.




that's not entertaining, that's horrifying. however, it's clear that perspective is important -- if that were to happen within 50 miles of me, I have a good chance of being the person called out to the scene to do one of three very unpleasant things: find a dead horse; euthanize a horse with unimaginably terrible injuries; or attempt to extricate a live, terrified, thousand-pound animal from a metal and glass box and then treat it's unimaginably terrible injuries. and it's inconceivable that the driver would be uninjured, or that any passengers in the car would have escaped harm. I guess it's similar to the boat pictures -- to the boat owner, all they can see in the picture is the loss of property.

I suppose it's somewhat of a double standard to laugh at some of these pictures and condemn others, but I think that it's very possible that in the cactus picture, for example, after recovering from the initial event (assuming that it wasn't too serious), the person could look at that picture and laugh about it later. but with some of the other pictures, I can't imagine anyone involved ever being able to look at them after the fact and derive any amusement from them. so yeah, many people in the picture of the horse and the car very likely had a much worse day than you did: the driver and passengers of the car, the police and rescue officials on the scene of the accident, the driver of the horse trailer, the owner of the horse, the veterinarian called out to the scene, the cleanup crew who had to deal with the aftermath, and the horse. but really, does knowing that so many people had a terrible day make yours any better?

...or maybe vets just naturally become grumpy when shown pictures of animals in terrible situations.

I think we all possess the ability to laugh at things that don't hit too close to home to us. As a vet you have made a living and found a passion in helping animals. For you the picture of a most likely deceased horse gives you no pleasure. For me I find it difficult to look past just the picture. For me I see a very odd circumstance and juxtaposition of elements that is funny in a "Wow. How the hell did THAT happen?" sort of way, but only because I have no emotional connection to what has transpired and choose not to consider the reality of the situation.[/QUOTE]

I understand that is funny because it is a "cartoony" situation, but like I said before, I then start to think about all the people involved that suffered because of the event and is hard to be amused by all that pain. =P



I am sorry if I am thinking too much, I just don't think we should cultivate apreciation to when humans suffer physical harm. I actually found funny the ones without people injured, thoughed now I am considering the property damaged and how many the involde might have suffered emonitonally, specially now that the pictures are on-line, the worst is the one with several cars in the "boat" at a 45º, at first I almost lol'ed because it is such a weird picture, but I then thoughed in how much the involved must have lost and specially the company owning the "boat", I bet the lawsuit made many get fired, even the ones who din't are actually to blame, and there is the indirect harm caused....

...see what I say about thinking too much about it?
I agree -- I was hoping for pictures more in the "silly" vein.

now I admit, these two made me giggle (at first I thought the cactus person was covered in tribbles):

however, this one made me shudder:

that's not entertaining, that's horrifying. however, it's clear that perspective is important -- if that were to happen within 50 miles of me, I have a good chance of being the person called out to the scene to do one of three very unpleasant things: find a dead horse; euthanize a horse with unimaginably terrible injuries; or attempt to extricate a live, terrified, thousand-pound animal from a metal and glass box and then treat it's unimaginably terrible injuries. and it's inconceivable that the driver would be uninjured, or that any passengers in the car would have escaped harm. I guess it's similar to the boat pictures -- to the boat owner, all they can see in the picture is the loss of property.

I suppose it's somewhat of a double standard to laugh at some of these pictures and condemn others, but I think that it's very possible that in the cactus picture, for example, after recovering from the initial event (assuming that it wasn't too serious), the person could look at that picture and laugh about it later. but with some of the other pictures, I can't imagine anyone involved ever being able to look at them after the fact and derive any amusement from them. so yeah, many people in the picture of the horse and the car very likely had a much worse day than you did: the driver and passengers of the car, the police and rescue officials on the scene of the accident, the driver of the horse trailer, the owner of the horse, the veterinarian called out to the scene, the cleanup crew who had to deal with the aftermath, and the horse. but really, does knowing that so many people had a terrible day make yours any better?

...or maybe vets just naturally become grumpy when shown pictures of animals in terrible situations.


It's still pretty damn funny.
