Spending too much time here? (Halforum dream)

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Occasional Poster

I had two nightmares about this place when I first registered.

In the first one, one forum member hacked my e-mail and used the information obtained to hurt some of my friends. It was scary because I felt powerless to do anything about it. The dream spooked me enough to clean up my different passwords and my inbox.

In my second dream, the same forum member was stalking a female friend of mine and started to act violent. I had to hide my friend away and try to keep the forum member at bay. It ended when we both became Hulk-like creatures and battled it out on the rooftops of some city.

Since then, I'm glad to say you guys haven't been in any of my dreams.

I'm sorry Shego, it was not you either. I promise that any future nightmares about Halforums will star you as the main antagonist.
I had two nightmares about this place when I first registered.

In the first one, one forum member hacked my e-mail and used the information obtained to hurt some of my friends. It was scary because I felt powerless to do anything about it. The dream spooked me enough to clean up my different passwords and my inbox.

In my second dream, the same forum member was stalking a female friend of mine and started to act violent. I had to hide my friend away and try to keep the forum member at bay. It ended when we both became Hulk-like creatures and battled it out on the rooftops of some city.

Since then, I'm glad to say you guys haven't been in any of my dreams.

I'm sorry Shego, it was not you either. I promise that any future nightmares about Halforums will star you as the main antagonist.[/QUOTE]

Hey... how do you know i turn into a monster and fight people on roof tops?!


Staff member
Sorry, no Halforums dreams here. I rarely do dream... but when I do, they come in the quality I could imagine acid dreams belong to.

Which is why I don't do drugs.


Staff member
My dreams are usually well-ordered and have a coherent plot, which is like exactly the opposite of real life. I dream about zombies a lot. Usually write them down because I come up with some interesting ways to kill them (like the time I was trapped in a Best Buy and figured out how to rig up LCDs to emit a zombie killing flash, turning all the digital cameras into zombie grenades).

Never had any about here that I recall. I can usually tell if I've really enjoyed a movie, because the night I watch it, I'll usually have a dream where I've been inserted into the movie.

Kitty Sinatra

I just woke up from a dream about a talking cat.

goddamn if cats ever do start talking, they'll never shut up about themselves
Just had a dream that involves North_Ranger.

Myself, North Ranger, and two women were all in a bed preparing to go to sleep. North Ranger and I started to discuss how stupid a holiday Old Christmas day is, and then compared back hair. Then we cuddled our respective women and slept.

That's all I can remember.
Actually, I think I'm going to change back to my old avatar. I've been putting it off for no reason.

Out of curiosity, what did you change?
In my dream this morning I was on the ground after an explosion and slowly dying... than suddenly the dream went black, and a Windows Vista UAC popped up. It said "Warning: You are sleeping face-down in the pillow. You may be at risk of suffocation. Do you wish to continue?" Sure enough, I woke up to find I had rolled over in my sleep and my face was burried in the pillow.
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