Spock (Post yer new-ish gifs here)

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Steven Soderburgin


oh my lord

-- Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:54 am --

I am going to save that and send it to everyone I know

Heh, this should be the revival of the "gif" thread.... if I were at home I'd post up a couple.

Anyone ever notice how if Kissinger/Charlie posts something, Charlie/Kissinger is sure to come barking behind? :slywink: I mean, do you guys do a "search" for each other's name being used in a thread before posting something? :rofl:

Steven Soderburgin

Also we have similar tastes so a thread that interests one of us is likely to appeal to the other (though not always)

Shegokigo said:
Anyone ever notice how if Kissinger/Charlie posts something, Charlie/Kissinger is sure to come barking behind? :slywink: I mean, do you guys do a "search" for each other's name being used in a thread before posting something? :rofl:
Shego, Shego, Shego... don't waste your time typing out that dreary "Charlie/Kissinger" slash behemoth... the term we prefer is Charssinger :D

Calleja said:
Shego, Shego, Shego... don't waste your time typing out that dreary "Charlie/Kissinger" slash behemoth... the term we prefer is Charssinger :D
Yeah... no.

I don't "lol" or "rofl". I'm not a cellphone texter, I'm a damn PC user!
Shegokigo said:
Yeah... no.

I don't "lol" or "rofl". I'm not a cellphone texter, I'm a damn PC user!
it's not cause of laziness that "Charssinger" exists... it bothers them more, I know this for a fact. AND it's also a commentary on how they're an incomplete individual on their own. 2 parts of the same condescending, boring shtick.

Plus.. it makes me giggle. "Charssinger". Tee hee.
.... it's not a hollywood couple branding thing, goddamn you.

Mixing two names into one is a time-honored sci-fi and anime tradition, thankyouverymuch.
I love all the attention. I don't know why Calleja has fixated on us, but it's all good. Being famous on the internet has always been a lifelong ambition of mine. Here's a gif of kissinger and I posting.

CynicismKills said:
I have a feeling that turning two internet names into a Hollywood-esque couples branding isn't exactly cutting them to the core.
True. A chef's knife would work much better.
Charlie Dont Surf said:
I love all the attention. I don't know why Calleja has fixated on us, but it's all good. Being famous on the internet has always been a lifelong ambition of mine. Here's a gif of kissinger and I posting.
Kinda like you two with Chibi/Seriousjay? :slywink:
So just because *I* call them Charssinger that immediately makes them "internet famous"?

Wow, I'm a bigger deal than I thought!! :toocool:
Calleja said:
.... it's not a hollywood couple branding thing, goddamn you.

Mixing two names into one is a time-honored sci-fi and anime tradition, thankyouverymuch.
Kind of like my Star Trek Kirk-Spock slashfiction: "Kock to Enterprise: Away Team on Aphrodisiac IV"

Jokes, jokes, jokes.

It's actually "Spirk to Enterprise."

Calleja said:
Shegokigo said:
Anyone ever notice how if Kissinger/Charlie posts something, Charlie/Kissinger is sure to come barking behind? :slywink: I mean, do you guys do a "search" for each other's name being used in a thread before posting something? :rofl:
Shego, Shego, Shego... don't waste your time typing out that dreary "Charlie/Kissinger" slash behemoth... the term we prefer is Charssinger :D
So what, Kissinger/Charlie is Kissie?
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