Spock (Post yer new-ish gifs here)

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Steven Soderburgin

All I can say is I'm deeply flattered but the feeling isn't mutual.


LOL I dunno about the Calleja/Charlie/Kissinger love triangle, but I giggle tons at Silver Jelly. It's likely a good thing for him that he lives a whole ocean away. :heart:
stock footage of charlie/kissinger when they see a chibibar/seriousjay post:


My GIF addition:
And another:

and some more:



Just cause.

Steven Soderburgin

Shegokigo said:
stock footage of charlie/kissinger when they see a chibibar/seriousjay post
I seriously have no idea who chibibar is, and while I recognize the name SeriousJay, I honestly cannot think of any posts that he's made or really anything about him at all.
So NEITHER of the Charssinger halves recognizes one of the most known posters? I mean, one I'd buy, but NEITHER?

You two should probably stop posting in just threads the other one was in.... or, like, start using the same account.
Calleja said:
So NEITHER of the Charssinger halves recognizes one of the most known posters? I mean, one I'd buy, but NEITHER?

You two should probably stop posting in just threads the other one was in.... or, like, start using the same account.
Keep working on it, someday this joke will be funny.

And Cally-Jim doesn't have a hard-on for Chuck and Kissy, he has a hard-on for being the center of attention. :heythere:
Calleja said:
So NEITHER of the Charssinger halves recognizes one of the most known posters? I mean, one I'd buy, but NEITHER?

You two should probably stop posting in just threads the other one was in.... or, like, start using the same account.
They're just being their usual aloof selves. Both of them have called Chibi/Seriousjay on posts directly.
Charlie Dont Surf said:
don't tell me how to post, I'll post wherever I want
ooh, I'll have to save this quote to pull out whenever you're outraged at how someone posted.

And it's not a joke, CK, I'm not trying to be funny.

And how is THIS supposed to make me the center of attention, Gusto? I didn't make a new thread about it or make an announcement or something... the way these two act irks me, and I often have nothing better to do than comment on it. Sue me?
Calleja said:
Charlie Dont Surf said:
don't tell me how to post, I'll post wherever I want
ooh, I'll have to save this quote to pull out whenever you're outraged at how someone posted.

And it's not a joke, CK, I'm not trying to be funny.

And how is THIS supposed to make me the center of attention, Gusto? I didn't make a new thread about it or make an announcement or something... the way these two act irks me, and I often have nothing better to do than comment on it. Sue me?
Okay, Halforum meme then. Forced meme is forced etc etc
I'm not trying to make a meme either!!

I just SAY stuff sometimes, y'know? Not every post has to have an ulterior motive. I call them Charssinger cause it amuses me and it's a nice little concise word to mention them both at the same time. I'm not trying to amuse anyone with this, or create a meme, or try to be the center of attention... god DAMN.

Mr. Lawface

Calleja said:
I'm not trying to make a meme either!!

I just SAY stuff sometimes, y'know? Not every post has to have an ulterior motive. I call them Charssinger cause it amuses me and it's a nice little concise word to mention them both at the same time. I'm not trying to amuse anyone with this, or create a meme, or try to be the center of attention... god DAMN.
So you are trying to amuse everyone, create a meme, and be the center of attention, right?
Charlie Dont Surf said:
I honestly don't post trying to make people upset? I just say what I think and if ya'll have problems with that, deal.
If you'd have spoken that out loud, you've have choked hard. :rofl:
CynicismKills said:
Shegokigo said:
Never thought I'd see someone White Knighting for Charlie / Kissinger. :rofl:
It's not even that, I just think it's hilarious to get Calleja worked up over this goofy name thing he came up with.
Seems to me the only one getting him worked up is you.
Charlie Dont Surf said:
I just say what I think and if ya'll have problems with that, deal.
That's what I like about you guys, actually. Although sometimes you lay the sarcasm on a bit thick. No sweat, really. :thumbsup:
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