Well her lines where generic and not one-dimensionally-bitchy-for-no-reason enough, you have to admit that. Of course she got like 5 lines in the whole campaign, so i for one didn't expect anything else... but teh voice didn't really fit the "bitchy-for-no-reason" thing... maybe that's why you liked it more. Or maybe there's a cylon in your head... we should airlock you just to make sure...But I think the old one had flaws, the biggest of which was that Kerrigan was never, ever interesting to me so people complaining that she's suddenly bland kinda baffle me.
Well that's it being well done, which, at least to me, has nothing to do with originality.The line I particularly liked was "we shall become... perfect." The way he says it has a certain reverence to it. It gave me a real sense that this truly was his life's purpose (and by extension, mine) and that he cared deeply about it.
And i though Kerrigan was done well too, generic evil bitch or not...