Export thread

Stop with the thread locking.



You know what is probably the biggest cause of the animosity of the forum? Locking threads. It leaves topics unresolved and people hold shit against each other for it which then carries over to other threads.

We're all big boys and girls here. I suggest the damn thread locking stop when things go south. They more than likely won't end on that negative note.




On the other hand, I vote we lock sooner, so it doens't spiral out of control.

Also, thispost is against the rules.


Steven Soderburgin

Chaz, I think we can work this out, too.




Take it to PMs. Jesus. Is it that hard?



Chaz, I think we can work this out, too.
Look, I apologize. I made my points a little too harsh.




Damn you, Chaz! I was typing a long post and your apology ruined it. Now I have to redo it.



Take it to PMs. Jesus. Is it that hard?
I wish people would shut the hell up about the PM non sense too. What else would you care to talk about then? Don't open the thread if you don't like it. It's not like we all don't just bullshit around here to begin with.




Anyway, that thread was going nowhere and fast. We lock threads to stop these sorts of things from going completely off the deep end. The fact that we were discussing a specific denigrating term and how to handle it then turned into someone calling someone else by that name point blank is a stark illustration of not your point, but Kissinger's and Charlie's. You did more for their cause than you ever did for your own.

And this is just a quick warning about opening threads to complain about modding. It's one of the new rules and I intend to stick by them. I'm not very happy with people right now and I don't give a shit who gets what.



You probably should sticky the rules, though.




There's a BIG GREEN BUTTON that has the rules. Better than any sticky, I thought. Maybe not.

---------- Post added at 01:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 PM ----------

Sorry. That's kinda hard to read.




I still like you, Dave.






I will admit that this was the 2nd time I wanted to say something but it got locked while I was catching up the thread.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I don't think anyone can plead ignorance that was posting in the thread titled "Rules/Infractions", for fuck's sake.







I don't think anyone can plead ignorance that was posting in the thread titled \"Rules/Infractions\", for fuck's sake.
Then ban me. Fuck, Woody, ban everybody until it's you and your roommate in a masturbatory contest with each other.

Dear Chazwozel,

You have received an infraction at Halforums.

Reason: Trolling
You had NOTHING productive to say in that last thread and you did anyway. That's most of why it was locked.

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:
Originally Posted by Charlie Dont Surf View Post
I don't think anyone can plead ignorance that was posting in the thread titled \"Rules/Infractions\", for fuck's sake.
Then ban me. Fuck, Woody, ban everybody until it's you and your roommate in a masturbatory contest with each other.
All the best,

Cajungal is offline Forward Message
I'm loving these rules. ou had NOTHING productive to say in that last thread and you did anyway Yeah! Infractions for talking about nothing in a forum about nothing!






Hey that's trolling! I want justice! Infraction!




You know what is probably the biggest cause of the animosity of the forum? Locking threads. It leaves topics unresolved and people hold shit against each other for it which then carries over to other threads.

We're all big boys and girls here. I suggest the damn thread locking stop when things go south. They more than likely won't end on that negative note.
I don't agree. Some would end well, but only those where no one involved cares about resolution. If they're escalated to the point of locking a thread, they either are doing it for fun, or they are intent on being rude about whatever they're arguing about, and they're not going to suddenly change their mind and be civil. There's no point in letting the fire continue to burn. Thread-locking vitriol is pointless and doesn't solve anything. As for carry-over to other threads? Either be mature enough to deal with your issues directly, or be civilized enough to shut up about them. There's no reason moderation should be withheld because of stupidity and a lack of basic skills necessary to function in the world.




Jesus, today is making work at the office fly by! Keep it up, guys!




Hey that's trolling! I want justice! Infraction![/QUOTE]
Not intentionally, but if the mods decide I was out of line I'll take my point like a man.







double face palm
Hey that's trolling! I want justice! Infraction![/quote]
Not intentionally, but if the mods decide I was out of line I'll take my point like a man.[/QUOTE]

Grown men don't throw temper tantrums?

That would explain why I didn't get the last job I interviewed for.




Personally I'm going with:



yikes people. I wonder if it is the air or something lots of people seems to be on edge.




It's contagious, like swine flu.




People expressing an opinion and then being told to shut up or being facepalmed at doesn't help much around here.

Seriously. You guys facepalm at every goddamn thing.




People expressing an opinion and then being told to shut up or being facepalmed at doesn't help much around here.

Seriously. You guys facepalm at every goddamn thing.




People expressing an opinion and then being told to shut up or being facepalmed at doesn't help much around here.

Seriously. You guys facepalm at every goddamn thing.
You can't imagine how badly I wanted to put the image up. So, so bad!




People expressing an opinion and then being told to shut up or being facepalmed at doesn't help much around here.

Seriously. You guys facepalm at every goddamn thing.
:facepa....nope, not gonna do it ;)




I love setting up obvious jokes that are so obvious that no-one can bring themselves to do it. :)




You know what really disappoints me?

Dave started this place. He could have said "fuck it" and we wouldn't have this place. Some of us would have kept up, but I don't know that anyone else would have gone to the trouble.

Now, it's been going a year. He could have evaluated the place and discussed rules completely in private in the mod forum. But he didn't do that either. He really cares about feedback. And when he wants to put some fair, well thought out rules in place, then he shares them with the people who make this forum, I hear cries of oppression and other ridiculous things.

Point is, he and ame do pretty much all the work, and I'm tired of hearing people bitch when they're trying so hard. There were a LOT of great thoughts in that last thread. It didn't have to devolve into what it did.

I gave him that infraction because he challenged the mods openly after the thread was locked... and not respectfully. That's a rule. I assumed he'd be smart enough to figure that out, but I have NO problem at all explaining myself right here to you, because I respect that people have issues with the rules.

But while you're complaining and worrying, please remember that Dave cares about what you're saying. He's trying to keep the place going. He's trying to get input. That mess didn't have to happen.




I still like you, Dave.




You know what really disappoints me?

Dave started this place. He could have said "fuck it" and we wouldn't have this place. Some of us would have kept up, but I don't know that anyone else would have gone to the trouble.

Now, it's been going a year. He could have evaluated the place and discussed rules completely in private in the mod forum. But he didn't do that either. He really cares about feedback. And when he wants to put some fair, well thought out rules in place, then he shares them with the people who make this forum, I hear cries of oppression and other ridiculous things.

Point is, he and ame do pretty much all the work, and I'm tired of hearing people bitch when they're trying so hard. There were a LOT of great thoughts in that last thread. It didn't have to devolve into what it did.

I gave him that infraction because he challenged the mods openly after the thread was locked... and not respectfully. That's a rule. I assumed he'd be smart enough to figure that out, but I have NO problem at all explaining myself right here to you, because I respect that people have issues with the rules.

But while you're complaining and worrying, please remember that Dave cares about what you're saying. He's trying to keep the place going. He's trying to get input. That mess didn't have to happen.
I agree. Dave did put a lot of work into this place for us to hang out. I am glad he still wants our input on the matter.




I love setting up obvious jokes that are so obvious that no-one can bring themselves to do it. :)
I'll fix you, Mr Doomdragon! By mixing memes!







Good thing I know Morgoth's account password. Lousy ban.

-Love Chaz




Is this really the road you want to take Chaz?




Good thing I know Morgoth's account password. Lousy ban.

-Love Chaz
That explains my inability to send you PMs.



Is this really the road you want to take Chaz?
No, but honestly, I didn't really read the rules...

By banning me they did give me access to the 'mods only' forum though. That was a thumping good read.




As if Dave wasn't pissed at you enough :)

So long and thanks for all the fish




Both accounts banned 1 week.



Both accounts banned 1 week.
No intention to fuel the fire, but I read this as the Soup Nazi on Seinfield. "No soup for you! 1 Year!"



maybe the new swine flu mutate into whine flu or something. I didn't think Chaz would take it that far and "go up in their faces" like that.

So... how about them Cowboys? (old joke among my friends when we want to change topics)




Both accounts banned 1 week.
:( *sigh*




Both accounts banned 1 week.
:( *sigh*[/QUOTE]

It could have been worse. Lord knows if I was Chaz, it would have been worse. Dude's got patience.



Are we having fun yet?:drama:




I am!




I am not. In fact, I'm off for the rest of the day to not go ballistic.

See you guys tomorrow.



Both accounts banned 1 week.
:( *sigh*[/QUOTE]

It could have been worse. Lord knows if I was Chaz, it would have been worse. Dude's got patience.[/QUOTE]

wait... what? You must mean Dave, right?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I am not. In fact, I'm off for the rest of the day to not go ballistic.

See you guys tomorrow.
Don't let this place drive you crazy, it's not worth it


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

I think we can rule out the Cheers theme as being a possible Halforums theme song




I am not. In fact, I'm off for the rest of the day to not go ballistic.

See you guys tomorrow.
Don't let this place drive you crazy, it's not worth it[/QUOTE]
I agree with CDS.




I think we can rule out the Cheers theme as being a possible Halforums theme song
But everybody knows my name. :(




I think we can rule out the Cheers theme as being a possible Halforums theme song
But everybody knows my name. :([/QUOTE]
It's GOOSE-tow, isn't it?:p




Both accounts banned 1 week.
:( *sigh*[/QUOTE]

It could have been worse. Lord knows if I was Chaz, it would have been worse. Dude's got patience.[/QUOTE]

wait... what? You must mean Dave, right?[/QUOTE]

Nope, I meant Chaz.

(Obviously Dave has patience too)




Both accounts banned 1 week.
:( *sigh*[/QUOTE]

It could have been worse. Lord knows if I was Chaz, it would have been worse. Dude's got patience.[/QUOTE]

wait... what? You must mean Dave, right?[/QUOTE]

Nope, I meant Chaz.[/QUOTE]
So is that you basically saying if you ever get banned "there will be hell to pay" on the forums and you'll do anything in your power to get "revenge"?

Noted and taken into consideration.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for putting words into my mouth.



I think we can rule out the Cheers theme as being a possible Halforums theme song
Can we use the MASH theme then?



Both accounts banned 1 week.
:( *sigh*[/QUOTE]

It could have been worse. Lord knows if I was Chaz, it would have been worse. Dude's got patience.[/QUOTE]

wait... what? You must mean Dave, right?[/QUOTE]

Nope, I meant Chaz.[/QUOTE]
So is that you basically saying if you ever get banned "there will be hell to pay" on the forums and you'll do anything in your power to get "revenge"?

Noted and taken into consideration.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for putting words into my mouth.[/QUOTE]

Explain what you meant then because that is exactly how it seems to me.




Heh, and thus, another one joins the ban team!




Both accounts banned 1 week.
:( *sigh*[/QUOTE]

It could have been worse. Lord knows if I was Chaz, it would have been worse. Dude's got patience.[/QUOTE]

wait... what? You must mean Dave, right?[/QUOTE]

Nope, I meant Chaz.[/QUOTE]
So is that you basically saying if you ever get banned "there will be hell to pay" on the forums and you'll do anything in your power to get "revenge"?

Noted and taken into consideration.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for putting words into my mouth.[/QUOTE]

Explain what you meant then because that is exactly how it seems to me.[/QUOTE]

I've already taken it up in PMs with one of the offender's. The other offenders know who they are. Read the 'Rules' thread again and try to pinpoint where things go off the rails - I guarantee it wasn't Chaz.

And I don't recall "There will be hell to pay" and getting "revenge" being bandied about anywhere. Maybe I missed that posting?



I am not. In fact, I'm off for the rest of the day to not go ballistic.

See you guys tomorrow.
Sincere response: Try not to let this e-drama get to you so much, guy.

Smarmy response: "go ballistic"? Watch out, there's probably a rule against that.

The actuality of it: With Dave here so invested in the place, (time, money, flat out giving a damn.) it is a big deal to him. It's a lot of no win on that end of things, there will always be plenty of criticism and bawwing directed his way no matter what goes on here.



The creation of this thread is really where things went wrong.




Oy, let's all cool our jets here!

Shannow, shut up.

Adammon, please explain in a non-snarky fashion.

...somebody, bake me a pie.


Kitty Sinatra

The creation of this forum is really where things went wrong.

Wait, that's not true.

In fact, I messed that up for you. Sorry.




Get the oven ready




Adammon is upset because of my cancer line, which was completely offensive and which I apologize to everyone for it's brutal and pointed attack.

I know it was completely dickish--but it brings up a point. Adammon's rage against someone saying something brutal about cancer would cause him to get riled up and angry against the perpetrator.

Which was my point, in essence, about what was going on in that thread. I'm not trying to stir the pot further, as he did PM me about it, and I PMed back.




Thank you for putting words into my mouth.
You are welcome.

You did not exactly elaborate on your statements. Not even after it was questioned. The logic that follows that is that it was deliberate.

What else can someone imagine when you say you would do "worse" than Chaz in this situation? You say it twice even.

Saying Chaz was not at fault because he did not 'start it' is reminiscent of my days in kindergarten.

Dave took his leave now but that does not mean this is over.
What can you do on a forum except post? I would have been posting a lot angrier a sentiment that what he posted had I been in his place.

What the hell is with some of the moderators around here? I feel like I'm getting threatened for having an opinion, jesus.



Kissinger and Charlie were pathetically wrong about their point, Chaz was just pathetic, the new rules system works, but I think we're all missing the important thing here...

I am not. In fact, I'm off for the rest of the day to not go ballistic.

See you guys tomorrow.
This means no fantasy football podcast!! How exactly are we supposed to get through the week? Without fantasy football podcasts, the terrorists win.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Kissinger and Charlie were pathetically wrong about their point,
Tell me more.

Unless this is the wrong thread for it!



I vote we lock this thread.;)




Yay! I just got back from class and now I'm here to... Awww, did I miss all the trolling? Damn...



Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer


I have absolutely nothing of merit to add to this discussion.

user was banned for this post




I would have never expected that establishing rules, which was supposed to bring civility and let Dave rest a little would be used as an excuse to stir things up and to complain about things that were not apparent issues before. And it surprises me even more that things keep getting worse.

I think that ban was a good thing. Let's all calm down and expect that Chaz has too when he comes back one week from now. I think this is not something new even if, maybe, a notch up in intensity compared to previous conflicts.

Seriously. Whenever any of us people get offended or don't care about offending someone, or think you should be able to say something you aren't, try to count to 20 before getting all riled up and think about Dave. He already felt bad with the negativity some days ago, and these last threads are making it so much worse.




Thing I find amusing is Chaz removing his Wiki entry.




I would have never expected that establishing rules, which was supposed to bring civility and let Dave rest a little, would be used as an excuse to stir things up and to complain about things that were not an apparent issues before.
It's very simple. Some of the people complaining are the main offenders, and they know it. Not everyone of course, but some of the vocal dissent is from people who know that people are sick of their shit. Any attempt to get those people to act like human beings is going to stir them up, like poking a stick into a beehive. That's what you saw here.




I would have never expected that establishing rules, which was supposed to bring civility and let Dave rest a little, would be used as an excuse to stir things up and to complain about things that were not an apparent issues before.
It's very simple. Some of the people complaining are the main offenders, and they know it. Not everyone of course, but some of the vocal dissent is from people who know that people are sick of their shit. Any attempt to get those people to act like human beings is going to stir them up, like poking a stick into a beehive. That's what you saw here.[/QUOTE]

And thus natural selection takes it's course. It's a win/win.




I know we haven't contacted the webcomics yet, but when we do, threads like this and the rules thread are exactly the thing that will turn away our chance at linking.

As much as I like the few that may be lost because of these changes, I welcome the larger influx we may see in the near future.




Thing I find amusing is Chaz removing his Wiki entry.
Still there for me?




Kissinger and Charlie were pathetically wrong about their point,
Tell me more.

Unless this is the wrong thread for it![/QUOTE]

I hope it isn't, sssh. :p Put simply, controlling words in order to curb behavior doesn't work and only serves as draconian censorship. Disallowing people to say '***' or anything like that doesn't end anti-gay bigotry; the bigot still hates but will just express it differently or with another word. All word censorship does is act like an overprotecting mother shielding her child from the cold cruel world, only the kid is actually a grown adult. People getting offended at words, to me, are more offensive than the word itself because they're causing everyone to baby them when they should be mature enough to handle idiocy on their own.

Thing I find amusing is Chaz removing his Wiki entry.
Wiki?? He was on Wikipedia?




It is not a win/win, because of the collateral damage. I wonder who will just quietly leave while the pot stirrers flame out.




I know we haven't contacted the webcomics yet, but when we do, threads like this and the rules thread are exactly the thing that will turn away our chance at linking.

As much as I like the few that may be lost because of these changes, I welcome the larger influx we may see in the near future.
we have contacted 3 different webcomics, all of them seeing this and saying NO THANKS BUD to dave




Exactly my point Bones.




Man, the forum is really *** today.

Don't push your luck, bub. Humour is at a premium today, and I'm watching my economy.




I feel the love.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I feel the love.
What the hell? I would kick that guy's ass if that kid was with me!

or rather, I would very angrily scream at him, before having my ass kicked by a professional fighter...



I know we haven't contacted the webcomics yet, but when we do, threads like this and the rules thread are exactly the thing that will turn away our chance at linking.
one of dave's posts in one of these recent 'state of the halforum' threads said that he had contacted a few webcomics, they took a look, and said because of the tone of the place they didn't want to be associated with us.




I feel the love.
What the hell? I would kick that guy's ass if that kid was with me!

or rather, I would very angrily scream at him, before having my ass kicked by a professional fighter...[/QUOTE]
Looks more like a pro wrestler than an actual fighter. He's just playing his character. The Dad's loving it.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I feel the love.
What the hell? I would kick that guy's ass if that kid was with me!

or rather, I would very angrily scream at him, before having my ass kicked by a professional fighter...[/QUOTE]
Looks more like a pro wrestler than an actual fighter. He's just playing his character. The Dad's loving it.[/QUOTE]

That's what I find more infuriating from that gif.




That's what I find more infuriating from that gif.
I'm not sure that you understand what pro wrestling is, then.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

That's what I find more infuriating from that gif.
I'm not sure that you understand what pro wrestling is, then.[/QUOTE]

I don't.




I do, and I feel sad for the kid and angry at the dad anyway.




That's what I find more infuriating from that gif.
I'm not sure that you understand what pro wrestling is, then.[/quote]

I don't.[/QUOTE]

It's all just a show. Like 50% of it is getting most of the spectators to hate your character and think he's some badass jerk.

It would be like if Chazwozel and JCM had to act out one of their arguments. It would all just be sound a fury signifying nothing, but it would be entertaining to watch, if you're into that sorta thing.




That's what I find more infuriating from that gif.
I'm not sure that you understand what pro wrestling is, then.[/quote]

I don't.[/QUOTE]
It's fake. The wrestlers are acting out a more-or-less scripted "fight". There's usually a good guy vs. a bad guy. The dude in the gif was obviously a bad guy playing his part to the hilt. If you approach one of those guys (or go for a hand shake), you're pretty much agreeing to be part of the show.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

That's what I find more infuriating from that gif.
I'm not sure that you understand what pro wrestling is, then.[/quote]

I don't.[/QUOTE]

It's all just a show. Like 50% of it is getting most of the spectators to hate your character and think he's some badass jerk.

It would be like if Chazwozel and JCM had to act out one of their arguments. It would all just be sound a fury signifying nothing, but it would be entertaining to watch, if you're into that sorta thing.[/QUOTE]

But the kid is not an actor...




True. Honestly a kid that age probably shouldn't be there to start with. To me, he looks too young to realize that it's just a show. He ain't my kid though, so it's not really my call.




*checks the wiki...doesnt see his name...dismisses the wiki*




*adds KCWMs name surreptitiously*




I'm not in there either.

I'm plenty notable... :tear:




You know, you CAN add yourself and any info deemed worthy ;)




You know, maybe for stuff like this, we should institute something they did over at the Hockey Zombie forums - redemption challenges. If someone's a real pain, ban them until they produce a video of them singing an original song about an orange or producing a poem about a battle between Sammy Hagar and Vince Lombardi - that usually just made the argument/trolling so ridiculous, it took a lot of wind out of the acrimony. Just a thought. I do like the temp bans plans, just throwing this out as an idea out there for extreme cases.




You know, you CAN add yourself and any info deemed worthy ;)
That's what I did. Well, added info I deemed worthy. I even added info no one would really care about.


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

You know, you CAN add yourself and any info deemed worthy ;)
That's what I did. Well, added info I deemed worthy. I even added info no one would really care about.[/QUOTE]

I added info for myself that stated it was basically a wasted click to look at my wiki entry. Thankfully I feel confident that that line has never been read by anyone other than myself. .... well, and Ame, who tried to revert it but I put it back.




a) I honestly can't believe this thread hasn't been locked yet
b) I'm drunk right now
c) Banning Chaz was probably a good idea...Even though I agree with him - up to a point - the way he went about it was inexusable
d) Certain people on the other side - no wait, screw that - Kissinger - were deliberately egging him on. Of K is really, honestly, seriously offended by the use of the F-word or the G-word in certain situations, he could've handled it about 10.000 times better. "I lost my temper" is no more an excuse for what he posted, than it is for what Chaz posted. Frankly, even if K was 100% in the right (it may seem so at first glance, given what he was arguing with...ut reread that thread and you'll see that, really, he did his part too), it still wouldn't be a good reason to go trollfeeding like that, and really go off into that territory. We all know a troll can't live on his own - most of the regulars here are, unfortunately, too aware - they've either trolled inthe past, or been trolled. Kissinger vs Chaz i much the same as the whole JCM vs Shego thing a while back - both were deliberately trolling the other, which lead straight to it spirallng out of control.

That said - thi s forum would probably be 10x nicer if Chaz, JCM, GasBandit, Kissinger, Charlie Don't Surf, Shego and Amy disappeared - but I wonder if it'd survive that culling before new peopel arrive...Or if it'd still be the same place. Oh well.




That said - thi s forum would probably be 10x nicer if Chaz, JCM, GasBandit, Kissinger, Charlie Don't Surf, Shego and Amy disappeared - but I wonder if it'd survive that culling before new peopel arrive...Or if it'd still be the same place. Oh well.

If some people just ignored or brushed off some of the comments that any of the people you listed made on the forums, it would be a much better place as well. Don't give in to the temptation that is the reply button!




You know, maybe for stuff like this, we should institute something they did over at the Hockey Zombie forums - redemption challenges. If someone's a real pain, ban them until they produce a video of them singing an original song about an orange or producing a poem about a battle between Sammy Hagar and Vince Lombardi - that usually just made the argument/trolling so ridiculous, it took a lot of wind out of the acrimony. Just a thought. I do like the temp bans plans, just throwing this out as an idea out there for extreme cases.
I like it. :thumb:




I added info for myself that stated it was basically a wasted click to look at my wiki entry. Thankfully I feel confident that that line has never been read by anyone other than myself. .... well, and Ame, who tried to revert it but I put it back.
I never even touched your wiki entry.
Try and get your facts straight before pointing fingers accusingly.

---------- Post added at 01:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 AM ----------

Oh, and for the record, I know who 'anon' was, and he doesn't even live CLOSE to me.[/QUOTE]

You need to take a chillpill, seriously.




Oh, and for the record, I know who 'anon' was, and he doesn't even live CLOSE to me.
You need to take a chillpill, seriously.
I don't like lies. Go fig.
It's an honest mistake, sheesh.




My entry remains as blank as ever. Just the way I like it. :p


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

bubble, I'm sincerely sorry every thread isn't "post something about the poster above you"









Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

What, he loves those threads, that isn't an attack


Kitty Sinatra

bubble, I'm sincerely sorry every thread isn't "post something about the poster above you"
But all those flamey threads are "post something about the poster above you" just in different clothes. And not as fun




What, he loves those threads, that isn't an attack[/QUOTE]

Just remindin' you all to play nice, 'sall.




Keeping my Rangerbane handy, just in case...


Kitty Sinatra

Prettyish women are NR's bane? Poor NR.




Prettyish women are NR's bane? Poor NR.
Prettyish? Surely you can't be serious?!
That woman is the avatar of Freya.




Prettyish women are NR's bane? Poor NR.
That is Krisse. Ranger knows. Ranger FEARS.




Ranger knows. Ranger LOATHES! :mad:

*cocks a shotgun*






Kitty Sinatra

Prettyish women are NR's bane? Poor NR.
Prettyish? Surely you can't be serious?!
That woman is the avatar of Freya.[/QUOTE]

I don't go for blondes, okay.



There's a BIG GREEN BUTTON that has the rules. Better than any sticky, I thought. Maybe not.

---------- Post added at 01:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 PM ----------

Sorry. That's kinda hard to read.
Yeah, just felt like pointing out that green really is hard to read. I was gone during the drama and only this topic made me realize there were new rules, and only you pointing out that it was in green made me find them. Maybe it's just my monitor but bright green blends right in.




Ranger knows. Ranger LOATHES! :mad:

*cocks a shotgun*




Jesus, the whole fuckin' lot of you need to lighten up!




But that green button just makes us SO ANGRY.



That said - thi s forum would probably be 10x nicer if Chaz, JCM, GasBandit, Kissinger, Charlie Don't Surf, Shego and Amy disappeared - but I wonder if it'd survive that culling before new peopel arrive...Or if it'd still be the same place. Oh well.
Nicer? Maybe. But also 10x more boring. Maybe it´s just me, but I like to read their antics. Why so serious about that stuff?




Because their antics introduce a lot of vitriol into the forum environment. Dave really wants this place to grow and it will be so much easier without that. The forum doesn't need to (and shouldn't be) a free-for-all for people to enjoy coming here.




But that green button just makes us SO ANGRY.




Like no faceshitting. Very good rule.



Because their antics introduce a lot of vitriol into the forum environment. Dave really wants this place to grow and it will be so much easier without that. The forum doesn't need to (and shouldn't be) a free-for-all for people to enjoy coming here.
As I said, I don´t mind them. But I understand that not everyone shares my point of view. I don´t contribute that much but I like this place, despite Chaz´ "alpha male" behaviour or shegos "I´ll make you suffer " attitude :D



That was the best 30 minute read I have had in a long time.




Both accounts banned 1 week.
:( *sigh*[/quote]

It could have been worse. Lord knows if I was Chaz, it would have been worse. Dude's got patience.[/quote]

wait... what? You must mean Dave, right?[/quote]

Nope, I meant Chaz.[/quote]
So is that you basically saying if you ever get banned "there will be hell to pay" on the forums and you'll do anything in your power to get "revenge"?

Noted and taken into consideration.[/quote]

Thank you for putting words into my mouth.[/quote]
You are welcome.

You did not exactly elaborate on your statements. Not even after it was questioned. The logic that follows that is that it was deliberate.

What else can someone imagine when you say you would do "worse" than Chaz in this situation? You say it twice even.

Saying Chaz was not at fault because he did not 'start it' is reminiscent of my days in kindergarten.

Dave took his leave now but that does not mean this is over.[/QUOTE]

I may be misunderstanding him too but the way I read it was like. One week isn't a big deal for Chaz because he is patient but it would be big to Adammon because he would be super bored without the forum?




bubble, I'm sincerely sorry every thread isn't "post something about the poster above you"
What, he loves those threads, that isn't an attack[/QUOTE]

bubble, I'm sincerely sorry every thread isn't "post something about the poster above you"
But all those flamey threads are "post something about the poster above you" just in different clothes. And not as fun[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I don't even consider that a personal attack, at all :-P
And even if it was, it'd take far more than that to get me going, but that's not the point.
Gruey's right, you know. The SSATPP threads were by far the friendliest places around here, taking nice little jabs at one another :)

Oh, and for the record: I didn't mean I wanted the people I named to stop posting - I like them. Like Yoink said, it can be fun reasing them, and it'd be dull without 'm.

Lastly: your mother is a classy lady and makes great pies.


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

I added info for myself that stated it was basically a wasted click to look at my wiki entry. Thankfully I feel confident that that line has never been read by anyone other than myself. .... well, and Ame, who tried to revert it but I put it back.
I never even touched your wiki entry.
Try and get your facts straight before pointing fingers accusingly.

---------- Post added at 01:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 AM ----------

Oh, and for the record, I know who 'anon' was, and he doesn't even live CLOSE to me.[/QUOTE]

You need to take a chillpill, seriously.[/QUOTE]
I don't like lies. Go fig.[/QUOTE]

Woah! hold on there. I didn't mean to be derogatory to you in any fashion at all. I didn't research it, but I thought I recalled looking at my Wiki and seeing two reverts, one that was Chaz's being cleaned up, and one that was (I presumed the same good intentions) mine being cleaned up.

I wasn't trying to blame, ridicule, lie, insult, maim, kick a puppy or any other such nefarious thing. It was a simple misrecollection that really, considering the facts, I didn't think could be taken wrong in any slight manner.

IF someone had the good intention of cleaning up the wiki entries, chaz's and my own, they were good intentions. I thought that part was obvious.

Perhaps my original statement wasn't clear enough. I added to my wiki page that it was essentially a waste of time to read it. Someone with good intentions reverted it to a state that did not include that line (whom I for some reason believed was Ame who was the one with the good intentions but my current lack of a head seems to imply differently) but I put the line back in and feel confident that no one has even read it anyhow.

The fact that I entered it again myself, in my opinion, should serve in no manner as a black mark for ANYONE else. Nor, since I stated that I put it there, was I ever under the impression that anyone could take offense to it.

I really don't actually see how I could have come over as such, but as it seems I did then I apologize that I came over as pointing a finger and being insulting.




ITT: Chaz makes all people who stood up for him 2 weeks ago look stupid



"Every trace of intelligent and stupid men, of the beautiful and ugly, successful and unsuccessful, right and wrong, is effaced. And whether quickly or slowly is the only point of difference."

Yang Chu




Man o man



Wow... so halforums is turning worse than pvp, because people refuse to learn their lesson with posters like chaz?

Still... nice to see all the apologists being made to look like complete tools... although Im sure some of you will find a way to once again forget all the bad things he's done, when he comes back saying his dog has aids, or something... as for the forum, methinks I'll be off, as Dave seems to have rather suddenly turned into a bad imitation of Kurtz on one of his famous power trips, and the irony of this whole situation hurts my head so much I can't actually post.

Have a good one, guys. :)




Good morning! Everyone having a good day? Let's look upward and onward!





Up up and away!!!




Hup hup huzzah! And such.




Wow... so halforums is turning worse than pvp, because people refuse to learn their lesson with posters like chaz?

Still... nice to see all the apologists being made to look like complete tools... although Im sure some of you will find a way to once again forget all the bad things he's done, when he comes back saying his dog has aids, or something... as for the forum, methinks I'll be off, as Dave seems to have rather suddenly turned into a bad imitation of Kurtz on one of his famous power trips, and the irony of this whole situation hurts my head so much I can't actually post.

Have a good one, guys. :)
Good morning! Everyone having a good day? Let's look upward and onward!

Best simulpost ever.




Hahaha! That is so funny!




Wow... so halforums is turning worse than pvp, because people refuse to learn their lesson with posters like chaz?

Still... nice to see all the apologists being made to look like complete tools... although Im sure some of you will find a way to once again forget all the bad things he's done, when he comes back saying his dog has aids, or something... as for the forum, methinks I'll be off, as Dave seems to have rather suddenly turned into a bad imitation of Kurtz on one of his famous power trips, and the irony of this whole situation hurts my head so much I can't actually post.

Have a good one, guys. :)

Get a haircut, hippy! :cryflag:




Wow... so halforums is turning worse than pvp, because people refuse to learn their lesson with posters like chaz?

Still... nice to see all the apologists being made to look like complete tools... although Im sure some of you will find a way to once again forget all the bad things he's done, when he comes back saying his dog has aids, or something... as for the forum, methinks I'll be off, as Dave seems to have rather suddenly turned into a bad imitation of Kurtz on one of his famous power trips, and the irony of this whole situation hurts my head so much I can't actually post.

Have a good one, guys. :)
yeah such a loss for the lot of us.

fuck off dude.





