Stop with the thread locking.

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Good thing I know Morgoth's account password. Lousy ban.

-Love Chaz


Is this really the road you want to take Chaz?
No, but honestly, I didn't really read the rules...

By banning me they did give me access to the 'mods only' forum though. That was a thumping good read.


maybe the new swine flu mutate into whine flu or something. I didn't think Chaz would take it that far and "go up in their faces" like that.

So... how about them Cowboys? (old joke among my friends when we want to change topics)


Staff member
I am not. In fact, I'm off for the rest of the day to not go ballistic.

See you guys tomorrow.
Both accounts banned 1 week.
:( *sigh*[/QUOTE]

It could have been worse. Lord knows if I was Chaz, it would have been worse. Dude's got patience.[/QUOTE]

wait... what? You must mean Dave, right?[/QUOTE]

Nope, I meant Chaz.[/QUOTE]
So is that you basically saying if you ever get banned "there will be hell to pay" on the forums and you'll do anything in your power to get "revenge"?

Noted and taken into consideration.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for putting words into my mouth.


Both accounts banned 1 week.
:( *sigh*[/QUOTE]

It could have been worse. Lord knows if I was Chaz, it would have been worse. Dude's got patience.[/QUOTE]

wait... what? You must mean Dave, right?[/QUOTE]

Nope, I meant Chaz.[/QUOTE]
So is that you basically saying if you ever get banned "there will be hell to pay" on the forums and you'll do anything in your power to get "revenge"?

Noted and taken into consideration.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for putting words into my mouth.[/QUOTE]

Explain what you meant then because that is exactly how it seems to me.
Both accounts banned 1 week.
:( *sigh*[/QUOTE]

It could have been worse. Lord knows if I was Chaz, it would have been worse. Dude's got patience.[/QUOTE]

wait... what? You must mean Dave, right?[/QUOTE]

Nope, I meant Chaz.[/QUOTE]
So is that you basically saying if you ever get banned "there will be hell to pay" on the forums and you'll do anything in your power to get "revenge"?

Noted and taken into consideration.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for putting words into my mouth.[/QUOTE]

Explain what you meant then because that is exactly how it seems to me.[/QUOTE]

I've already taken it up in PMs with one of the offender's. The other offenders know who they are. Read the 'Rules' thread again and try to pinpoint where things go off the rails - I guarantee it wasn't Chaz.

And I don't recall "There will be hell to pay" and getting "revenge" being bandied about anywhere. Maybe I missed that posting?


I am not. In fact, I'm off for the rest of the day to not go ballistic.

See you guys tomorrow.
Sincere response: Try not to let this e-drama get to you so much, guy.

Smarmy response: "go ballistic"? Watch out, there's probably a rule against that.

The actuality of it: With Dave here so invested in the place, (time, money, flat out giving a damn.) it is a big deal to him. It's a lot of no win on that end of things, there will always be plenty of criticism and bawwing directed his way no matter what goes on here.


Staff member
Oy, let's all cool our jets here!

Shannow, shut up.

Adammon, please explain in a non-snarky fashion.

...somebody, bake me a pie.


Staff member
Adammon is upset because of my cancer line, which was completely offensive and which I apologize to everyone for it's brutal and pointed attack.

I know it was completely dickish--but it brings up a point. Adammon's rage against someone saying something brutal about cancer would cause him to get riled up and angry against the perpetrator.

Which was my point, in essence, about what was going on in that thread. I'm not trying to stir the pot further, as he did PM me about it, and I PMed back.
Thank you for putting words into my mouth.
You are welcome.

You did not exactly elaborate on your statements. Not even after it was questioned. The logic that follows that is that it was deliberate.

What else can someone imagine when you say you would do "worse" than Chaz in this situation? You say it twice even.

Saying Chaz was not at fault because he did not 'start it' is reminiscent of my days in kindergarten.

Dave took his leave now but that does not mean this is over.
What can you do on a forum except post? I would have been posting a lot angrier a sentiment that what he posted had I been in his place.

What the hell is with some of the moderators around here? I feel like I'm getting threatened for having an opinion, jesus.


Kissinger and Charlie were pathetically wrong about their point, Chaz was just pathetic, the new rules system works, but I think we're all missing the important thing here...

I am not. In fact, I'm off for the rest of the day to not go ballistic.

See you guys tomorrow.
This means no fantasy football podcast!! How exactly are we supposed to get through the week? Without fantasy football podcasts, the terrorists win.
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