Stop with the thread locking.

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You know, maybe for stuff like this, we should institute something they did over at the Hockey Zombie forums - redemption challenges. If someone's a real pain, ban them until they produce a video of them singing an original song about an orange or producing a poem about a battle between Sammy Hagar and Vince Lombardi - that usually just made the argument/trolling so ridiculous, it took a lot of wind out of the acrimony. Just a thought. I do like the temp bans plans, just throwing this out as an idea out there for extreme cases.
I like it. :thumb:
I added info for myself that stated it was basically a wasted click to look at my wiki entry. Thankfully I feel confident that that line has never been read by anyone other than myself. .... well, and Ame, who tried to revert it but I put it back.
I never even touched your wiki entry.
Try and get your facts straight before pointing fingers accusingly.

---------- Post added at 01:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 AM ----------

Oh, and for the record, I know who 'anon' was, and he doesn't even live CLOSE to me.[/QUOTE]

You need to take a chillpill, seriously.


There's a BIG GREEN BUTTON that has the rules. Better than any sticky, I thought. Maybe not.

---------- Post added at 01:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 PM ----------

Sorry. That's kinda hard to read.
Yeah, just felt like pointing out that green really is hard to read. I was gone during the drama and only this topic made me realize there were new rules, and only you pointing out that it was in green made me find them. Maybe it's just my monitor but bright green blends right in.


That said - thi s forum would probably be 10x nicer if Chaz, JCM, GasBandit, Kissinger, Charlie Don't Surf, Shego and Amy disappeared - but I wonder if it'd survive that culling before new peopel arrive...Or if it'd still be the same place. Oh well.
Nicer? Maybe. But also 10x more boring. Maybe it´s just me, but I like to read their antics. Why so serious about that stuff?
Because their antics introduce a lot of vitriol into the forum environment. Dave really wants this place to grow and it will be so much easier without that. The forum doesn't need to (and shouldn't be) a free-for-all for people to enjoy coming here.


Because their antics introduce a lot of vitriol into the forum environment. Dave really wants this place to grow and it will be so much easier without that. The forum doesn't need to (and shouldn't be) a free-for-all for people to enjoy coming here.
As I said, I don´t mind them. But I understand that not everyone shares my point of view. I don´t contribute that much but I like this place, despite Chaz´ "alpha male" behaviour or shegos "I´ll make you suffer " attitude :D
Both accounts banned 1 week.
:( *sigh*[/quote]

It could have been worse. Lord knows if I was Chaz, it would have been worse. Dude's got patience.[/quote]

wait... what? You must mean Dave, right?[/quote]

Nope, I meant Chaz.[/quote]
So is that you basically saying if you ever get banned "there will be hell to pay" on the forums and you'll do anything in your power to get "revenge"?

Noted and taken into consideration.[/quote]

Thank you for putting words into my mouth.[/quote]
You are welcome.

You did not exactly elaborate on your statements. Not even after it was questioned. The logic that follows that is that it was deliberate.

What else can someone imagine when you say you would do "worse" than Chaz in this situation? You say it twice even.

Saying Chaz was not at fault because he did not 'start it' is reminiscent of my days in kindergarten.

Dave took his leave now but that does not mean this is over.[/QUOTE]

I may be misunderstanding him too but the way I read it was like. One week isn't a big deal for Chaz because he is patient but it would be big to Adammon because he would be super bored without the forum?
bubble, I'm sincerely sorry every thread isn't "post something about the poster above you"
What, he loves those threads, that isn't an attack[/QUOTE]

bubble, I'm sincerely sorry every thread isn't "post something about the poster above you"
But all those flamey threads are "post something about the poster above you" just in different clothes. And not as fun[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I don't even consider that a personal attack, at all :-P
And even if it was, it'd take far more than that to get me going, but that's not the point.
Gruey's right, you know. The SSATPP threads were by far the friendliest places around here, taking nice little jabs at one another :)

Oh, and for the record: I didn't mean I wanted the people I named to stop posting - I like them. Like Yoink said, it can be fun reasing them, and it'd be dull without 'm.

Lastly: your mother is a classy lady and makes great pies.
I added info for myself that stated it was basically a wasted click to look at my wiki entry. Thankfully I feel confident that that line has never been read by anyone other than myself. .... well, and Ame, who tried to revert it but I put it back.
I never even touched your wiki entry.
Try and get your facts straight before pointing fingers accusingly.

---------- Post added at 01:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 AM ----------

Oh, and for the record, I know who 'anon' was, and he doesn't even live CLOSE to me.[/QUOTE]

You need to take a chillpill, seriously.[/QUOTE]
I don't like lies. Go fig.[/QUOTE]

Woah! hold on there. I didn't mean to be derogatory to you in any fashion at all. I didn't research it, but I thought I recalled looking at my Wiki and seeing two reverts, one that was Chaz's being cleaned up, and one that was (I presumed the same good intentions) mine being cleaned up.

I wasn't trying to blame, ridicule, lie, insult, maim, kick a puppy or any other such nefarious thing. It was a simple misrecollection that really, considering the facts, I didn't think could be taken wrong in any slight manner.

IF someone had the good intention of cleaning up the wiki entries, chaz's and my own, they were good intentions. I thought that part was obvious.

Perhaps my original statement wasn't clear enough. I added to my wiki page that it was essentially a waste of time to read it. Someone with good intentions reverted it to a state that did not include that line (whom I for some reason believed was Ame who was the one with the good intentions but my current lack of a head seems to imply differently) but I put the line back in and feel confident that no one has even read it anyhow.

The fact that I entered it again myself, in my opinion, should serve in no manner as a black mark for ANYONE else. Nor, since I stated that I put it there, was I ever under the impression that anyone could take offense to it.

I really don't actually see how I could have come over as such, but as it seems I did then I apologize that I came over as pointing a finger and being insulting.


"Every trace of intelligent and stupid men, of the beautiful and ugly, successful and unsuccessful, right and wrong, is effaced. And whether quickly or slowly is the only point of difference."

Yang Chu


Wow... so halforums is turning worse than pvp, because people refuse to learn their lesson with posters like chaz?

Still... nice to see all the apologists being made to look like complete tools... although Im sure some of you will find a way to once again forget all the bad things he's done, when he comes back saying his dog has aids, or something... as for the forum, methinks I'll be off, as Dave seems to have rather suddenly turned into a bad imitation of Kurtz on one of his famous power trips, and the irony of this whole situation hurts my head so much I can't actually post.

Have a good one, guys. :)
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