Stop with the thread locking.

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I would have never expected that establishing rules, which was supposed to bring civility and let Dave rest a little would be used as an excuse to stir things up and to complain about things that were not apparent issues before. And it surprises me even more that things keep getting worse.

I think that ban was a good thing. Let's all calm down and expect that Chaz has too when he comes back one week from now. I think this is not something new even if, maybe, a notch up in intensity compared to previous conflicts.

Seriously. Whenever any of us people get offended or don't care about offending someone, or think you should be able to say something you aren't, try to count to 20 before getting all riled up and think about Dave. He already felt bad with the negativity some days ago, and these last threads are making it so much worse.
I would have never expected that establishing rules, which was supposed to bring civility and let Dave rest a little, would be used as an excuse to stir things up and to complain about things that were not an apparent issues before.
It's very simple. Some of the people complaining are the main offenders, and they know it. Not everyone of course, but some of the vocal dissent is from people who know that people are sick of their shit. Any attempt to get those people to act like human beings is going to stir them up, like poking a stick into a beehive. That's what you saw here.
I would have never expected that establishing rules, which was supposed to bring civility and let Dave rest a little, would be used as an excuse to stir things up and to complain about things that were not an apparent issues before.
It's very simple. Some of the people complaining are the main offenders, and they know it. Not everyone of course, but some of the vocal dissent is from people who know that people are sick of their shit. Any attempt to get those people to act like human beings is going to stir them up, like poking a stick into a beehive. That's what you saw here.[/QUOTE]

And thus natural selection takes it's course. It's a win/win.
I know we haven't contacted the webcomics yet, but when we do, threads like this and the rules thread are exactly the thing that will turn away our chance at linking.

As much as I like the few that may be lost because of these changes, I welcome the larger influx we may see in the near future.


Kissinger and Charlie were pathetically wrong about their point,
Tell me more.

Unless this is the wrong thread for it![/QUOTE]

I hope it isn't, sssh. :p Put simply, controlling words in order to curb behavior doesn't work and only serves as draconian censorship. Disallowing people to say '***' or anything like that doesn't end anti-gay bigotry; the bigot still hates but will just express it differently or with another word. All word censorship does is act like an overprotecting mother shielding her child from the cold cruel world, only the kid is actually a grown adult. People getting offended at words, to me, are more offensive than the word itself because they're causing everyone to baby them when they should be mature enough to handle idiocy on their own.

Thing I find amusing is Chaz removing his Wiki entry.
Wiki?? He was on Wikipedia?
I know we haven't contacted the webcomics yet, but when we do, threads like this and the rules thread are exactly the thing that will turn away our chance at linking.

As much as I like the few that may be lost because of these changes, I welcome the larger influx we may see in the near future.
we have contacted 3 different webcomics, all of them seeing this and saying NO THANKS BUD to dave
Man, the forum is really *** today.

Don't push your luck, bub. Humour is at a premium today, and I'm watching my economy.



I know we haven't contacted the webcomics yet, but when we do, threads like this and the rules thread are exactly the thing that will turn away our chance at linking.
one of dave's posts in one of these recent 'state of the halforum' threads said that he had contacted a few webcomics, they took a look, and said because of the tone of the place they didn't want to be associated with us.
That's what I find more infuriating from that gif.
I'm not sure that you understand what pro wrestling is, then.[/quote]

I don't.[/QUOTE]

It's all just a show. Like 50% of it is getting most of the spectators to hate your character and think he's some badass jerk.

It would be like if Chazwozel and JCM had to act out one of their arguments. It would all just be sound a fury signifying nothing, but it would be entertaining to watch, if you're into that sorta thing.
That's what I find more infuriating from that gif.
I'm not sure that you understand what pro wrestling is, then.[/quote]

I don't.[/QUOTE]
It's fake. The wrestlers are acting out a more-or-less scripted "fight". There's usually a good guy vs. a bad guy. The dude in the gif was obviously a bad guy playing his part to the hilt. If you approach one of those guys (or go for a hand shake), you're pretty much agreeing to be part of the show.
That's what I find more infuriating from that gif.
I'm not sure that you understand what pro wrestling is, then.[/quote]

I don't.[/QUOTE]

It's all just a show. Like 50% of it is getting most of the spectators to hate your character and think he's some badass jerk.

It would be like if Chazwozel and JCM had to act out one of their arguments. It would all just be sound a fury signifying nothing, but it would be entertaining to watch, if you're into that sorta thing.[/QUOTE]

But the kid is not an actor...
True. Honestly a kid that age probably shouldn't be there to start with. To me, he looks too young to realize that it's just a show. He ain't my kid though, so it's not really my call.


Staff member
You know, maybe for stuff like this, we should institute something they did over at the Hockey Zombie forums - redemption challenges. If someone's a real pain, ban them until they produce a video of them singing an original song about an orange or producing a poem about a battle between Sammy Hagar and Vince Lombardi - that usually just made the argument/trolling so ridiculous, it took a lot of wind out of the acrimony. Just a thought. I do like the temp bans plans, just throwing this out as an idea out there for extreme cases.
You know, you CAN add yourself and any info deemed worthy ;)
That's what I did. Well, added info I deemed worthy. I even added info no one would really care about.[/QUOTE]

I added info for myself that stated it was basically a wasted click to look at my wiki entry. Thankfully I feel confident that that line has never been read by anyone other than myself. .... well, and Ame, who tried to revert it but I put it back.
a) I honestly can't believe this thread hasn't been locked yet
b) I'm drunk right now
c) Banning Chaz was probably a good idea...Even though I agree with him - up to a point - the way he went about it was inexusable
d) Certain people on the other side - no wait, screw that - Kissinger - were deliberately egging him on. Of K is really, honestly, seriously offended by the use of the F-word or the G-word in certain situations, he could've handled it about 10.000 times better. "I lost my temper" is no more an excuse for what he posted, than it is for what Chaz posted. Frankly, even if K was 100% in the right (it may seem so at first glance, given what he was arguing with...ut reread that thread and you'll see that, really, he did his part too), it still wouldn't be a good reason to go trollfeeding like that, and really go off into that territory. We all know a troll can't live on his own - most of the regulars here are, unfortunately, too aware - they've either trolled inthe past, or been trolled. Kissinger vs Chaz i much the same as the whole JCM vs Shego thing a while back - both were deliberately trolling the other, which lead straight to it spirallng out of control.

That said - thi s forum would probably be 10x nicer if Chaz, JCM, GasBandit, Kissinger, Charlie Don't Surf, Shego and Amy disappeared - but I wonder if it'd survive that culling before new peopel arrive...Or if it'd still be the same place. Oh well.


Staff member
That said - thi s forum would probably be 10x nicer if Chaz, JCM, GasBandit, Kissinger, Charlie Don't Surf, Shego and Amy disappeared - but I wonder if it'd survive that culling before new peopel arrive...Or if it'd still be the same place. Oh well.

If some people just ignored or brushed off some of the comments that any of the people you listed made on the forums, it would be a much better place as well. Don't give in to the temptation that is the reply button!
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