Stop with the thread locking.

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You know what is probably the biggest cause of the animosity of the forum? Locking threads. It leaves topics unresolved and people hold shit against each other for it which then carries over to other threads.

We're all big boys and girls here. I suggest the damn thread locking stop when things go south. They more than likely won't end on that negative note.
On the other hand, I vote we lock sooner, so it doens't spiral out of control.

Also, thispost is against the rules.


Staff member
Damn you, Chaz! I was typing a long post and your apology ruined it. Now I have to redo it.


Take it to PMs. Jesus. Is it that hard?
I wish people would shut the hell up about the PM non sense too. What else would you care to talk about then? Don't open the thread if you don't like it. It's not like we all don't just bullshit around here to begin with.


Staff member
Anyway, that thread was going nowhere and fast. We lock threads to stop these sorts of things from going completely off the deep end. The fact that we were discussing a specific denigrating term and how to handle it then turned into someone calling someone else by that name point blank is a stark illustration of not your point, but Kissinger's and Charlie's. You did more for their cause than you ever did for your own.

And this is just a quick warning about opening threads to complain about modding. It's one of the new rules and I intend to stick by them. I'm not very happy with people right now and I don't give a shit who gets what.


Staff member
There's a BIG GREEN BUTTON that has the rules. Better than any sticky, I thought. Maybe not.

---------- Post added at 01:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 PM ----------

Sorry. That's kinda hard to read.
I will admit that this was the 2nd time I wanted to say something but it got locked while I was catching up the thread.


I don't think anyone can plead ignorance that was posting in the thread titled \"Rules/Infractions\", for fuck's sake.
Then ban me. Fuck, Woody, ban everybody until it's you and your roommate in a masturbatory contest with each other.

Dear Chazwozel,

You have received an infraction at Halforums.

Reason: Trolling
You had NOTHING productive to say in that last thread and you did anyway. That's most of why it was locked.

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:
Originally Posted by Charlie Dont Surf View Post
I don't think anyone can plead ignorance that was posting in the thread titled \"Rules/Infractions\", for fuck's sake.
Then ban me. Fuck, Woody, ban everybody until it's you and your roommate in a masturbatory contest with each other.
All the best,
Cajungal is offline Forward Message
I'm loving these rules. ou had NOTHING productive to say in that last thread and you did anyway Yeah! Infractions for talking about nothing in a forum about nothing!


Staff member
You know what is probably the biggest cause of the animosity of the forum? Locking threads. It leaves topics unresolved and people hold shit against each other for it which then carries over to other threads.

We're all big boys and girls here. I suggest the damn thread locking stop when things go south. They more than likely won't end on that negative note.
I don't agree. Some would end well, but only those where no one involved cares about resolution. If they're escalated to the point of locking a thread, they either are doing it for fun, or they are intent on being rude about whatever they're arguing about, and they're not going to suddenly change their mind and be civil. There's no point in letting the fire continue to burn. Thread-locking vitriol is pointless and doesn't solve anything. As for carry-over to other threads? Either be mature enough to deal with your issues directly, or be civilized enough to shut up about them. There's no reason moderation should be withheld because of stupidity and a lack of basic skills necessary to function in the world.


yikes people. I wonder if it is the air or something lots of people seems to be on edge.


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People expressing an opinion and then being told to shut up or being facepalmed at doesn't help much around here.

Seriously. You guys facepalm at every goddamn thing.


Staff member
You know what really disappoints me?

Dave started this place. He could have said "fuck it" and we wouldn't have this place. Some of us would have kept up, but I don't know that anyone else would have gone to the trouble.

Now, it's been going a year. He could have evaluated the place and discussed rules completely in private in the mod forum. But he didn't do that either. He really cares about feedback. And when he wants to put some fair, well thought out rules in place, then he shares them with the people who make this forum, I hear cries of oppression and other ridiculous things.

Point is, he and ame do pretty much all the work, and I'm tired of hearing people bitch when they're trying so hard. There were a LOT of great thoughts in that last thread. It didn't have to devolve into what it did.

I gave him that infraction because he challenged the mods openly after the thread was locked... and not respectfully. That's a rule. I assumed he'd be smart enough to figure that out, but I have NO problem at all explaining myself right here to you, because I respect that people have issues with the rules.

But while you're complaining and worrying, please remember that Dave cares about what you're saying. He's trying to keep the place going. He's trying to get input. That mess didn't have to happen.


You know what really disappoints me?

Dave started this place. He could have said "fuck it" and we wouldn't have this place. Some of us would have kept up, but I don't know that anyone else would have gone to the trouble.

Now, it's been going a year. He could have evaluated the place and discussed rules completely in private in the mod forum. But he didn't do that either. He really cares about feedback. And when he wants to put some fair, well thought out rules in place, then he shares them with the people who make this forum, I hear cries of oppression and other ridiculous things.

Point is, he and ame do pretty much all the work, and I'm tired of hearing people bitch when they're trying so hard. There were a LOT of great thoughts in that last thread. It didn't have to devolve into what it did.

I gave him that infraction because he challenged the mods openly after the thread was locked... and not respectfully. That's a rule. I assumed he'd be smart enough to figure that out, but I have NO problem at all explaining myself right here to you, because I respect that people have issues with the rules.

But while you're complaining and worrying, please remember that Dave cares about what you're saying. He's trying to keep the place going. He's trying to get input. That mess didn't have to happen.
I agree. Dave did put a lot of work into this place for us to hang out. I am glad he still wants our input on the matter.
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