Doesn't fit DC? That's all they've been doing on-screen since 2001.Pass. The pop music and teeny-bopper angsty shit just doesn't fit DC. Looks abysmal.
Teeny-bopper angst. It's different than the rest. But the poppy music and Mean Girls-like vibe just turn me way off.Doesn't fit DC? That's all they've been doing on-screen since 2001.
(Okay, Nolan's triology was less teen and more AAAAAANGST, but everything else, yes.)
You turned it off after the first minute didn't you? I had a similar reaction until it got to the actual super hero stuff. I'm not saying this is going to be the greatest thing ever, but god damn it if we don't need a decent super hero show that is actually targeted at women in a way that doesn't treat the heroine as an idot. So far all we've really had is Buffy the Vampire Slayer.Teeny-bopper angst. It's different than the rest. But the poppy music and Mean Girls-like vibe just turn me way off.
THIS. This is what I'm hoping for and why I'll try it for a few episodes.I'm not saying this is going to be the greatest thing ever, but god damn it if we don't need a decent super hero show that is actually targeted at women in a way that doesn't treat the heroine as an idot.
I agree that he's the best actor that's ever played the role, but I have to stop short of saying that the character he played is the best Superman.I think it's safe to say that Christopher Reeve is the pinnacle of Superman, and all other comparisons are second to him. That's how I usually go about it.
I gave "Wizard of Earthsea" slightly more of a chance just because of her involvement.I probably watched Smallville just for Kristin Kreuk's hair and eyes.
It's more like, "What ever will I do with all these hormones and feeeeeelings???"I think saying teen angst and teen depression are the same is pretty inaccurate.
From what I can tell she's in a different city than Metropolis. So he's just not around, which is a very smart move.What happened to Superman by the way? It looks like he vanished or something.
I don't know why that is.I think people are just using teen angst as a catch all for CWisms
I don't know why that is.
Sure are lots ofghostwitchvampirezombiesuperhero shows these past few years.
Flash isn't too bad about the CW drama, save for things concerning Iris (who's easily the weakest character anyway), but what I've seen of Arrow (s1 and most of s2 before I couldn't handle it anymore) was loaded with it.I'd say Smallville was full of teeny-bopper angst and pop music, too. I haven't watched Arrow yet or Flash, but isn't that a signature of the CW shows (pop, angst)? It either last season or this past season Arrow had the "Tiger Beat" style posters.
I'm not saying your wrong about Supergirl, I just think DC has been drawing from the "teen-pop" well for the past decade.
Most of that came from ugh... "Speedy". I still hate that character. I still maintain that every line of dialogue ever uttered by her can be summed up as "EVERYBODIE'S LYING TO ME, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I mean, everyone was, but she was such a whiny little snot about it.Flash isn't too bad about the CW drama, save for things concerning Iris (who's easily the weakest character anyway), but what I've seen of Arrow (s1 and most of s2 before I couldn't handle it anymore) was loaded with it.
I think that was the problem for me, is every time something in the family would get interesting his sister would show up and I would immediately lose interest.Most of that came from ugh... "Speedy". I still hate that character. I still maintain that every line of dialogue ever uttered by her can be summed up as "EVERYBODIE'S LYING TO ME, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I mean, everyone was, but she was such a whiny little snot about it.
The rest of the family drama revolved more around espionage and whether or not he could trust his mother given her shady dealings, not whiny bullcrap. Laurel too, to a certain extent. But mostly, I found it to be centered on Ollie and his struggle to define himself as either an agent of vengeance or justice.
It looks like someone hasn't forgotten him...No one even mentions Dean Cain.
Oh thank God. That version of Vandal Savage was awful.Cain won't be Savage again?
Bite your tongue!Frank Miller's Supergirl, directed by Zach Snyder.
Dave wants Supergirl: Buckets of Blood.
Starring @WasabiPoptart ?I'd watch that. Depending on how they did it.
Like this, but with darker colors?Frank Miller's Supergirl, directed by Zach Snyder.
Like this, but with darker colors?
His earlier stuff was good, like Dark Knight Returns and arguably Sin City.I never understood how anyone thought that Miller's art was good. It always looked like it was done by a palsied monkey.
Yeah, his earlier stuff looked better. I've particularly got to mention the Wolverine in Japan mini-series, which he drew while Chris Claremont wrote.His earlier stuff was good, like Dark Knight Returns and arguably Sin City.
It's just that it's...gradually gotten worse since then.