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SW character thingy...




Hey JCM, shall we: http://forum.halforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6763&p=223018#p223018

\"JCM\" said:
Yeah, just like the prequel must have been about Obi-Wan, right? :slywink:
Read what i said again and stop obsessing about who had more screen time...

Yeah, we forgot all about him asking Luke to betray his master, his struggle with the Dark Side and his family, his discovery that Luke had a sister, his having to choose death and killing the Emperor and overcoming the Dark Side, because Luke, like Obi-Wan, was used as a narrative to tell his story.
Dude, all those happen in the 2 moments i pointed out (well he asks Luke to join him against the Emperor again at some point as i recall in Jedi, but that's nitpicking). I think you just read too much EU where Vader gets a more in-depth look at. During the actual movies we only get a few glimpse's of his state of mind, and important as they are they're hardly enough to take over the whole story.

Yes, it's easy to argue that he had better development, but that doesn't make him who the movie is about anymore then it does Han.

\"JCM\" said:
Luke was a protagonist, just like Vader (in a clever antagonist-protagonist twist) and Han Solo, and with the prequels out, the original trilogy is just a continuation of Vader's story, but now with Luke, instead of Obi-Wan, to carry the saga along.

Not that your view is wrong, as movies are bound to have different impressions than that of the creator, heck until I was 14 I always thought that SW was about the droids.
Hey, i never said that Lucas doesn't have the right to change his mind about his own story, but that doesn't mean he can just retcon reality and say he always planned it this way...

The OT was not made with Vader in mind, as proven by the early drafts, and imo is pretty obvious from the films unless you're actively looking to make it Vader's story because Lucas said so... and that would also work for Han and even the droids... all they would need is a prequel about them... SW IS R2's STORY... :aaahhh:







What, my friends all have exams and crap... i have like 2 weeks of nothing to look forward to...


Rob King

Rob King

What, my friends all have exams and crap... i have like 2 weeks of nothing to look forward to...
I have been there.

Post freely, young one.




Huhn. I didn't know you could do that with a redirect.

Thanks for pointing it out.



We have a new forum? Damn, makes it 8 pvp-spawned forums Ive been in since the freeboards.
@Li3n said:
Read what i said again and stop obsessing about who had more screen time...
What, I cant share your obsession?

@Li3n said:
Yeah, we forgot all about him asking Luke to betray his master, his struggle with the Dark Side and his family, his discovery that Luke had a sister, his having to choose death and killing the Emperor and overcoming the Dark Side, because Luke, like Obi-Wan, was used as a narrative to tell his story.
Dude, all those happen in the 2 moments i pointed out (well he asks Luke to join him against the Emperor again at some point as i recall in Jedi, but that's nitpicking).
My suggestion, watch the movies, maybe its been too long that you havent watched them and are counting several scenes as just two, or you are confusing Vader with The Emperor, who only had a few scene.
Lian said:
Yes, it's easy to argue that he had better development, but that doesn't make him who the movie is about anymore then it does Han.
But of course its episode 4-6 of a 6-part movie showing the rise and fall of Han Solo, right? My bad.

Its not my fault you are arguing that Luke had good character development :rofl: after your screen time and intention arguements failed, maybe you can try and argue its about Leia or something.
Lian said:
JCM said:
Luke was a protagonist, just like Vader (in a clever antagonist-protagonist twist) and Han Solo, and with the prequels out, the original trilogy is just a continuation of Vader's story, but now with Luke, instead of Obi-Wan, to carry the saga along.

Not that your view is wrong, as movies are bound to have different impressions than that of the creator, heck until I was 14 I always thought that SW was about the droids.
Hey, i never said that Lucas doesn't have the right to change his mind about his own story, but that doesn't mean he can just retcon reality and say he always planned it this way...

The OT was not made with Vader in mind, as proven by the early drafts, and imo is pretty obvious from the films unless you're actively looking to make it Vader's story because Lucas said so... and that would also work for Han and even the droids... all they would need is a prequel about them... SW IS R2's STORY... :aaahhh:
Yeah, a retcon that was in his first script, expanded Universe bible and etc, I said, its a fanboy's world, feel free to interpret it your way, or imagine retcons where there none, after all, creators cant control people's interpretation.

The prequel would've been better if Lucas had done what he did with V-VI, and let someone else direct and help with writing, because the reason why Vader's story was great was because it was told through other people, and thats what made Vader the most popular of all SW characters.

Instead in the prequel, we got him whining. I understand your point of view, and yes, the original trilogy can be seen as Luke's story (or Han Solo's, etc), but what Lucas originally planned, what was given to the Expanded Universe writers and what we got with the prequel was 6 movies chronicling the rise, fall and redemption of Anakin.



What, my friends all have exams and crap... i have like 2 weeks of nothing to look forward to...
I suggest taking dance lessons.




My 2 left feet disagree...

My suggestion, watch the movies, maybe its been too long that you havent watched them and are counting several scenes as just two, or you are confusing Vader with The Emperor, who only had a few scene.
I mean 2-3 scenes where Vader actually has some development besides "he's badass and can choke you with his mind", not 2-3 scenes in total in the movie...

But of course its episode 4-6 of a 6-part movie showing the rise and fall of Han Solo, right? My bad.
See, that's the whole thing, without ep. 1-3 you wouldn't even think of making the argument that it's all about Vader... and as i pointed out, having prequels wasn't the plan from the get-go at all: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Adventures_of_the_Starkiller,_Episode_I:_The_Star_Wars , no matter how many times Lucas says it or how many EU books that came after the 1st film (now known as Ep.4) have to say the fact remains that one the the intermediate drafts was called: Adventures of the Starkiller, Episode I: The Star Wars

Its not my fault you are arguing that Luke had good character development :rofl: after your screen time and intention arguements failed, maybe you can try and argue its about Leia or something.
i never said Luke had GOOD development, but that he had development... whether it was good or bad is rather immaterial.

Lucas has been on record millions of times about how Luke had that whole monomyth thing going, it's even on wikipedia on the monomyth page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monomyth#George_Lucas_and_Star_Wars

Yeah, a retcon that was in his first script, expanded Universe bible and etc, I said, its a fanboy's world, feel free to interpret it your way, or imagine retcons where there none, after all, creators cant control people's interpretation.
Except that it wasn't... the character named Annikin in there was way closer to how Luke turned out then how Vader did... and Vader WAS IN THE DAMNED THING AS A ANTAGONIST TO ANNIKIN. Read the link dammit.

The prequel would've been better if Lucas had done what he did with V-VI, and let someone else direct and help with writing, because the reason why Vader's story was great was because it was told through other people, and thats what made Vader the most popular of all SW characters.
At least we can agree on that...




Huhn. I didn't know you could do that with a redirect.

Thanks for pointing it out.
Well i did always went straight for the General forum, and there it was...




Everyone's arguing is cute and all, but Luke Skywalker is the main character of Star Wars. Just because the story details a certain character doesn't make him the main character; Annakin's devolution might be the overarching focal point of the original trilogy but Obi-Wan certainly is the character through whom we observe the dynamics of it all, before sending it off to Luke, who is the central, cohesive piece to the six-chapter epic arc.

But the arguing is absolutely adorable.




By the way, /Hero With a Thousand Faces/ is an awesome book that I really have to re-read so I can more retain the stuff that happened therein.




We have a new forum? Damn, makes it 8 pvp-spawned forums Ive been in since the freeboards.
Except this isn't PVP spawned in the least. If anything, it's Theatre Hopper spawned. :p





Ridiculous... Frodo is the main character of SW... him and the hobbits are just in a furry phase...



See, that's the whole thing, without ep. 1-3 you wouldn't even think of making the argument that it's all about Vader... and as i pointed out, having prequels wasn't the plan from the get-go at all:
Wrong again. Because while some hang on to child memories of Luke (who was basically for kids), the whole world remembers mostly Vader.

Some of us moved on to the EU, and then the prequels, and noticed its all about Vader, heck, even in post-film SW Luke is just the guy who is around to lead everyone´s story.

And while some hang on to the memories of watching Luke as a kid, almost every Vader scene brought development and revealed story. Whether it was him telling about the emperor and showing the power of the force and revealing he was Obi-Wan´s apprentice in epI, to epII´s struggle and wanting to betray the emperor, to all the development in epIII, Vader didnt have a single wasted scene that didnt bring development.

Again, watch the films, let go of the memories.
i never said Luke had GOOD development, but that he had development... whether it was good or bad is rather immaterial.
Another failed arguement of your, I see. First one "Luke is the main character because of screentime" then "Luke is the protagonist because of character development", both which Luke fails in.

And again, with the new trilogy, no matter what your childhood memories tell you, SW has become about Vader.
Youre confusing Star Wars (with at least 2-3 main characters) with Indiana Jones, because while Lucas took Luke and copied off the typical monomyth for the kids, Star Wars has always had 2-3 protagonists, whether its the movies or novels, Star Wars has rarely been "hey, its a story about just one guy", but a saga with countless stories unfolding.

Mind you, there are exceptions, like Force Unleahsed.




Wrong again. Because while some hang on to child memories of Luke (who was basically for kids), the whole world remembers mostly Vader.

Some of us moved on to the EU, and then the prequels, and noticed its all about Vader, heck, even in post-film SW Luke is just the guy who is around to lead everyone´s story.
Because the world was impressed with Vader all the stuff you're talking about happened...

That's my point, that in the OT it wasn't about him, even if it was later retconed that it was, and it shows in the films (ep. 4-6).

And while some hang on to the memories of watching Luke as a kid, almost every Vader scene brought development and revealed story. Whether it was him telling about the emperor and showing the power of the force and revealing he was Obi-Wan´s apprentice in epI, to epII´s struggle and wanting to betray the emperor, to all the development in epIII, Vader didnt have a single wasted scene that didnt bring development.
Development to the story, not to him... which is exactly what a villain is supposed to do.

Again, watch the films, let go of the memories.
Another failed arguement of your, I see. First one "Luke is the main character because of screentime" then "Luke is the protagonist because of character development", both which Luke fails in.

The straw man fallacy occurs in the following pattern:

1. Person A has position X.

2. Person B disregards certain key points of X and instead presents position Y.
Thus, Y is a resulting distorted version of X and can be set up in several ways, including:

1. Presenting a misrepresentation of the opponent's position and then refuting it, thus giving the appearance that the opponent's actual position has been refuted.[1]
2. Quoting an opponent's words out of context — i.e. choosing quotations which are intentionally misrepresentative of the opponent's actual intentions (see contextomy and quote mining).[2]
3. Presenting someone who defends a position poorly as the defender, then refuting that person's arguments - thus giving the appearance that every upholder of that position (and thus the position itself) has been defeated.[1]
4. Inventing a fictitious persona with actions or beliefs which are then criticized, implying that the person represents a group of whom the speaker is critical.
5. Oversimplifying an opponent's argument, then attacking this oversimplified version.

3. Person B attacks position Y, concluding that X is false/incorrect/flawed.
This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious, because attacking a distorted version of a position fails to constitute an attack on the actual position.


* (Hypothetical) prohibition debate:

Person A: We should liberalize the laws on beer.
Person B: No, any society with unrestricted access to intoxicants loses its work ethic and goes only for immediate gratification.

The proposal was to relax laws on beer. Person B has exaggerated this to a position harder to defend, i.e., "unrestricted access to intoxicants".

One last time, Vader doesn't have enough screen time for Ep.4-6 to be mainly about his redemption.

And you started the Luke didn't get developed, but you're just saying his development was bland and uninspired and then equating that with no development, which is why i showed you the monomyth thing that Lucas is on record acknowledging, which is what Luke's development is all about, no matter how crappy it was.

And again, with the new trilogy, no matter what your childhood memories tell you, SW has become about Vader.
Exactly, with the new trilogy... but without it it wouldn't be... if you agree with that then there's no need to argue.

Youre confusing Star Wars (with at least 2-3 main characters) with Indiana Jones, because while Lucas took Luke and copied off the typical monomyth for the kids, Star Wars has always had 2-3 protagonists, whether its the movies or novels, Star Wars has rarely been "hey, its a story about just one guy", but a saga with countless stories unfolding.
You're totally right, i mean it's not like Lucas even had a book written about it, made a documentary, had an exhibition in a museum about it or anything:


And the monomyth doesn't imply just one character, just ask Gilgamesh, who was bloody first as far as we know atm.



So a long copypasta of strawman after your screentime arguement, not enough development, and then ITS ONLY A MONOMYTH! seems a bit confusing.

Do stick to the topic. [;)]

One last time, Vader doesn't have enough screen time for Ep.4-6 to be mainly about his redemption.
I said he was just a protagonist. Just like EpV-VI is NOT about Luke, its not only about Vader, but about 4 characters which the film chronicles.

Exactly, with the new trilogy... but without it it wouldn't be... if you agree with that then there's no need to argue.
And thats exactly where we disagree. You are stuck with EpIV, which was about Luke, in which Lucas didnt think he´d get to do any sequels, yet had a 9-movie layout, with the complete trilogy, in which Luke ended up becoming just one protagonist, and Han Solo, Leia and Vader were pushed foward as equally important main characters.

"Star Wars" as in EpIV was like Indiana Jones, V and VI were like Ocean´s Eleven or the first Xmen, with many main characters. And EpI-III turned it all into just one long narrative about Vader.

Yes, some people will stay stuck in the past (heck, like the Marvel threads on Bucky is DEAD!!) but just like Bucky is alive, the two Star Wars trilogies are all about Vader.

You're totally right, i mean it's not like Lucas even had a book written about it, made a documentary, had an exhibition in a museum about it or anything:

http://www.nasm.si.edu/exhibitions/..., who was bloody first as far as we know atm.
Nothing about "its a story about Luke!!!" there.... "Star Wars" as in monomyth was the movie which is now called a New Hope.

The second article doesnt even work, so again, lets not confuse "Star Wars" as in ep IV with the trilogy.




lol wut? The monomyth works for the entire original trilogy. Seriously, JCM.




No it doesn't, it's a strawman and JCM is always right. :humph:



lol wut? The monomyth works for the entire original trilogy. Seriously, JCM.
lol bad reading comprehension?

Star Wars aka New hope was the classical hero´s journey. It was all about Luke, then with ep V and VI it wasnt Luke´s story anymore, yes, Lukes monomyth continues, but there are other characters who share the spotlight with Luke dont quite follow the monomyth model-

Luke is basically a walkthough ste-by-step the of monomyth model for the kids, but ep V and VI pushed forth Leia, Han Solo and Vader, who had rather complex relations and history that ran away from the traditional hero model (smuggler who wants to get money + girl, rincess who doesnt need to be rescued and instead fights, evil lord who betrays his master and redeems himslelf), so its as idiotic to say that the trilogy is all about Luke just because SWIV was about him, just as it is to say that he as better development than Vader, or that screen time decides what makes one a protagonist.




Hey guys what is going on in he-- :Leyla:



is it just me or is JCM getting gentler in his old age?

/in before JCM mistakes that for a vicious ad hominem.




that's not fair, that's like me going
/in before someone scrolls down




/in before someone breathes




I said he was just a protagonist. Just like EpV-VI is NOT about Luke, its not only about Vader, but about 4 characters which the film chronicles.
And you're saying that Luke isn't one of those 4?!

Again, i'm not arguing that Han, Leia and Vader didn't have their own stories told in the OT, but that the movie was clearly structured with Luke's story as the main one, and not Vader's as you claimed.

And thats exactly where we disagree. You are stuck with EpIV, which was about Luke, in which Lucas didnt think he´d get to do any sequels, yet had a 9-movie layout, with the complete trilogy, in which Luke ended up becoming just one protagonist, and Han Solo, Leia and Vader were pushed foward as equally important main characters.
Oh for crying out loud... you actually believe him that he had 9 films planned from the start... even after all those links to the original drafts that where clearly about the rebellion against the empire and a young guy becoming a bad ass Jedi like his dad (who was still alive in the beginning of the story).

Sure, Han, Leia and Vader had important parts in the movie, but it never went that far as to eclipse Luke, except maybe in quality (which doesn't make them more important as you seem to be claiming, just better characters).

You're just suffering from Draco in leather pants syndrome, as is Lucas and most fans... Vader's cool and all.

\"Star Wars\" as in EpIV was like Indiana Jones, V and VI were like Ocean´s Eleven or the first Xmen, with many main characters. And EpI-III turned it all into just one long narrative about Vader.
Dude, if you think all the X-Men films weren't about Wolverine you must be smoking something...

Having a big cast with sub-plots for a lot of characters doesn't mean it can't be mainly about 1 of their stories... and the OT was mainly about Luke... and it still is until Lucas re-remasters it with more Vader in it... you know that he will.

Yes, some people will stay stuck in the past (heck, like the Marvel threads on Bucky is DEAD!!) but just like Bucky is alive, the two Star Wars trilogies are all about Vader.

Nothing about \"its a story about Luke!!!\" there.... \"Star Wars\" as in monomyth was the movie which is now called a New Hope.

The second article doesnt even work, so again, lets not confuse \"Star Wars\" as in ep IV with the trilogy.
Bucky being alive is a retcon, just like SW being about Vader is... if you agree with that then we agree with each other...

Also, the link that worked is from 1999 and mentions the "SW SAGA", no bloody way they're only talking about just the first film.

is it just me or is JCM getting gentler in his old age?

/in before JCM mistakes that for a vicious ad hominem.
Nah, as you get old your brain gets more worn out, so he's just not as good at it as before.... my cunning plan is to have this go on for years until he gets too old to remember to post a rebuttal.

Or maybe he's just trolling out of boredom... whatever.




lol bad reading comprehension?

Star Wars aka New hope was the classical hero´s journey. It was all about Luke, then with ep V and VI it wasnt Luke´s story anymore, yes, Lukes monomyth continues, but there are other characters who share the spotlight with Luke dont quite follow the monomyth model-

Luke is basically a walkthough ste-by-step the of monomyth model for the kids, but ep V and VI pushed forth Leia, Han Solo and Vader, who had rather complex relations and history that ran away from the traditional hero model (smuggler who wants to get money + girl, rincess who doesnt need to be rescued and instead fights, evil lord who betrays his master and redeems himslelf), so its as idiotic to say that the trilogy is all about Luke just because SWIV was about him, just as it is to say that he as better development than Vader, or that screen time decides what makes one a protagonist.
Kind of like how Harry Potter is about Harry's coming of age and dealing with Voldemort because there are other characters with other plotlines? They are called subplots, JCM, and as much as you'd love to try and make some abstract case that their stories matter oh so much more, when we're talking of the scope of the original trilogy films--and even the prequel trilogy films--the main arc is about the redemption of the Skywalker family line through the journey of the son. Luke Skywalker, being that son, being the protagonist and fitting the heroes' motif, following conventions of the epic up to and including the third film of the original trilogy, is the central character and the key to the whole damn thing.

I don't care how many other characters and how many other stories they have and how "in depth" the side characters are; it's inconsequential when it comes to the central argument of, in the main, whose story it is. If you want to talk in more general terms, well YES, they are all PART of the long epic story. But you shouldn't assume that Luke isn't the central character.



Of course you dont care, specially with the terrible Harry Potter example (Harry Potter gets 90% of screentime, Luke barely makes a third in ep V-VI) because its exactly whats wrong with "Its ALL ABOUT LUKE", Ep IV was about Luke, with ep V and VI it became about the whole group, with I-II it became about Vader. Again-

Luke is basically a walkthough ste-by-step the of monomyth model for the kids, but ep V and VI pushed forth Leia, Han Solo and Vader, who had rather complex relations and history that ran away from the traditional hero model (smuggler who wants to get money + girl, rincess who doesnt need to be rescued and instead fights, evil lord who betrays his master and redeems himslelf), so its as idiotic to say that the trilogy is all about Luke just because SWIV was about him, just as it is to say that he as better development than Vader, or that screen time decides what makes one a protagonist.

Star Wars isnt a monomyth, but a story in which a monomyth, along with other classic mythology stories patterns, are told. Ep IV, and only ep IV, was all about Luke.

For dummies, one could say ep 4 was like The Hobbit, the whole story follows just Bilbo, with the odd chapter talking about other characters-

But by ep V-VI it turned into this, many main characters, a fleshed out world, and equal screentime for the main characters including Frodo-

But hey, ITS ALL ABOUT FRODO! Because the Hobbit was all about Bilbo.[;)]
Again, i'm not arguing that Han, Leia and Vader didn't have their own stories told in the OT, but that the movie was clearly structured with Luke's story as the main one, and not Vader's as you claimed.
Newsflash. Its 2009. I-III were made, ep V-VI, so the original trilogy just became another movie with many protagonists at V-VI, and just a chapter of the Vader story with I-III.

Luke now is just another Obi-Wan, who carries Vader´s story along.
Oh for crying out loud... you actually believe him that he had 9 films planned from the start... even after all those links to the original drafts that where clearly about the rebellion against the empire and a young guy becoming a bad ass Jedi like his dad (who was still alive in the beginning of the story).
Who Lucas decided to kill and put in a previous movie?

"For crying out loud", who will I believe, the creator, who in interviews said over and over he wanted 9 films, but then gave Timothy Zahn the right to do post-film canon stories, who kept "epIV" in the first Star Wars, and who for decades prohibited any extented Universe story about Vader´s past as he still wanted to film it, or you?

Cmon, the creator (plus shitloads of interviews, the Extended Universe gidelines created in the late 70´s), or a trol who has now taken to adhominems? I´ll take George Lucas, thank you.
Ad hominems
Yep, like I said, there will come the adhominem from the fanboy.

Really L3an, let it go, you pathetic attempt at ad-hominems after trying to tell us that Star Wars is what you want it to be, not what Lucas has said for decades, makes you look like a pathetic anonymous troll in Luke Skywalker Jammies who writes Luke fanfiction. See how nice it is when someone else uses ad hominems and attacks you instead of the arguement?

is it just me or is JCM getting gentler in his old age?
Nah, he was burying himself.. I mean-

-Luke has more development?
-Ep IV was all a monomyth, so that means ep V-VI must only be about Luke?
-That George Lucas, after naming it ep IV, prohibiting writers from touching Vader´s past for 3 decades because he wanted to do it, is wrong and for some reason, because Lian says so, it must be all about Luke, even through epV-VI changed it to about the group, and EpI-III turned the original trilogy into a continuation of Vader´s story?

But now that he´s shown his true colors and taken to ad-hominems, well, I might as well have fun with the troll, who by the might of the Luke Jammies, will reply, as Troll depend on that. :p

Awaiting life-support post in 3... 2.... 1...




The real terrible example is using the Hobbit which is like a prequel to the Lord of the Rings, much like how the Prequel Trilogy is to the Lord of the Rings.

But, if you can't get your head out of your ass about the writing aesthetic that places the center of the story around the son Skywalker redeeming his father Skywalker, then you can feel free to believe whatever notion you have. Not worth the e-time.



I still dont understand English, and now am trying eak insults since my "ITS ONLY MONOMYTH!" arguement fails with ep V and VI
God, nobody is saying epIV is the Hobbit? God, cant you read?

Episode IV = like Conan (since you cant understand "The Hobbit" was used as an example of a story about 1 character, its about Luke, ony Luke

Episode V and VI

But if you cant learn just one fucking language enough to read it, and are still stuck to childhood memories of epIV, well, go ahead and make up some other arguement for me to laugh at, fanboy. And do learn simple English.



Hey, you know what I think of Star Wars? (insert obligatory "No!")

They're light, fun action sci-fi flicks that I'm entertained by and think little about them.

In other words:





You want me to withdraw that blood offer!? HUH!? I'll do it!!



Yep. Sadly fanboys get too attached, I mean, its funny to hear a fanboy tell me that "I shouldnt believe what Lucas says about his own characters".

Im not even going to get to the subject of fanfiction.


Cuyval Dar

Fanfic of any kind is an abomination.




Does the new Hithchiker's book written by that Eoin Colfer fellow count as fan fiction?

Cause...y'know... it technically is.


Cuyval Dar

Is it an officially published book?



Theres a New Hitchiker´s book? :eek:





I'm so sorry I had to be the one to inform you about this, Julio. Don't kill the messenger with Brazilian capoeira shit, aight?



On the subject of fanfiction (or canocity), it depends on the rights holder.

Star Wars, for examles, holds most literature as canon, and keeps track of it, (minus a few 70´s stories, anything written in the prequel era before the late 70s when Lucas established EU guidelines and some titles like Star Wars tales and Droids).

Star Trek? Every book is as canonical as fanfiction... however, it seems that its based on the author´s original plans, so its up to the rights holder to decide.




Of course you dont care, specially with the terrible Harry Potter example (Harry Potter gets 90% of screentime, Luke barely makes a third in ep V-VI) because its exactly whats wrong with \"Its ALL ABOUT LUKE\", Ep IV was about Luke, with ep V and VI it became about the whole group, with I-II it became about Vader. Again-

Luke is basically a walkthough ste-by-step the of monomyth model for the kids, but ep V and VI pushed forth Leia, Han Solo and Vader, who had rather complex relations and history that ran away from the traditional hero model (smuggler who wants to get money + girl, rincess who doesnt need to be rescued and instead fights, evil lord who betrays his master and redeems himslelf), so its as idiotic to say that the trilogy is all about Luke just because SWIV was about him, just as it is to say that he as better development than Vader, or that screen time decides what makes one a protagonist.

Star Wars isnt a monomyth, but a story in which a monomyth, along with other classic mythology stories patterns, are told. Ep IV, and only ep IV, was all about Luke.

For dummies, one could say ep 4 was like The Hobbit, the whole story follows just Bilbo, with the odd chapter talking about other characters-

But by ep V-VI it turned into this, many main characters, a fleshed out world, and equal screentime for the main characters including Frodo-

But hey, ITS ALL ABOUT FRODO! Because the Hobbit was all about Bilbo.[;)]
Newsflash. Its 2009. I-III were made, ep V-VI, so the original trilogy just became another movie with many protagonists at V-VI, and just a chapter of the Vader story with I-III.

Luke now is just another Obi-Wan, who carries Vader´s story along.Who Lucas decided to kill and put in a previous movie?

\"For crying out loud\", who will I believe, the creator, who in interviews said over and over he wanted 9 films, but then gave Timothy Zahn the right to do post-film canon stories, who kept \"epIV\" in the first Star Wars, and who for decades prohibited any extented Universe story about Vader´s past as he still wanted to film it, or you?

Cmon, the creator (plus shitloads of interviews, the Extended Universe gidelines created in the late 70´s), or a trol who has now taken to adhominems? I´ll take George Lucas, thank you.
Yep, like I said, there will come the adhominem from the fanboy.

Really L3an, let it go, you pathetic attempt at ad-hominems after trying to tell us that Star Wars is what you want it to be, not what Lucas has said for decades, makes you look like a pathetic anonymous troll in Luke Skywalker Jammies who writes Luke fanfiction. See how nice it is when someone else uses ad hominems and attacks you instead of the arguement?

[/COLOR]Nah, he was burying himself.. I mean-

-Luke has more development?
-Ep IV was all a monomyth, so that means ep V-VI must only be about Luke?
-That George Lucas, after naming it ep IV, prohibiting writers from touching Vader´s past for 3 decades because he wanted to do it, is wrong and for some reason, because Lian says so, it must be all about Luke, even through epV-VI changed it to about the group, and EpI-III turned the original trilogy into a continuation of Vader´s story?

But now that he´s shown his true colors and taken to ad-hominems, well, I might as well have fun with the troll, who by the might of the Luke Jammies, will reply, as Troll depend on that. :p

Awaiting life-support post in 3... 2.... 1...

Dude, we had this conversation already... to be an ad hominem it need to tkae the form of "YOU'RE STUPID, SO YOU MUST BE WRONG"... if someone says "you're wrong for this reasons, and also stupid" it's rude, but not a fallacy. Also, you fail at sarcasm...

As for the rest... ever heard of Captain Nemo... he too died during a story about someone else, and he had way more moments in the story then Vader... but his was also not the main story being told.

And also, Bilbo was in LotR, and had an ending and some development in the books too... are you saying that if we take the Hobbit with LotR then it's all about Bilbo's story? Or Gandalfs (who pretty much Xanatos Gambited the whole thing)

Yup, Vader's narative ties the 6 movies, but that doesn't change the fact that the OT was about Luke and it shows even if you take all 6 together. (btw, i know you don't care, but that's been my argument all along, that's why i posted the straw man stuff).

As for Lucas saying that he wanted 9 films in the 70's... i'll believe it when i see it... (Empire was 80's, you could at least placed it then, i could see him getting the idea after Vader was set in stone as Luke's father), aka post a source.

But hey, Word of God overwrites logic and arguments, right? Greedo shot first and any actual roll of film depicting it differently is fanboysm...

The first drafts pretty much show that the 9 films (as in with prequels) thing was not the original idea (but that sequels where, as i recall even the rought draft left the ending open for more), but of course it could have morphed into it even before Ep. 4 came out, but if you want to prove that you need sources going back to at leat '79.

Also, if the're where 9 movies planned, and Vader died in Jedi, how was the whole thing supposed to be about him anyhow?!

EDIT: Oh, and as always, i enjoyed the "you'reusing ad hominems = your argument must be wrong" stuff... it's not like that's a fallacy or anything...




Star Wars, for examples, holds most literature as canon, and keeps track of it, (minus a few 70´s stories, anything written in the prequel era before the late 70s when Lucas established EU guidelines and some titles like Star Wars tales and Droids).

As i recall there are several level of canon, and anything in the EU that contradicts the movies is not canon, also book > video games and that sort of stuff.




Yep, just like I said the reply would be
Hey JCM, shall we: http://forum.halforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6763&p=223018#p223018

Read what i said again and stop obsessing about who had more screen time...
Awww, wasnt that your idiotic arguement? And you are still with Alzheimer´s and cant remember anything of Vader beyond two scenes?

Oh, and stupid, I just mentioned that Vader´s story was NOT TOLD in EU, I know you know nothing about SW, but trying to pass off your bad memory as EU is lame than your "Luke has better development" arguement.
Hey, i never said that Lucas doesn't have the right to change his mind about his own story, but that doesn't mean he can just retcon reality and say he always planned it this way...
He planned to tell Vader´s story in the early drafts, then officialized it with his 79 rule of "no EU stories on VAder, because he was going to tell it himself.

Sorry it contradicts your childhood memories.
As i recall there are several level of canon, and anything in the EU that contradicts the movies is not canon, also book > video games and that sort of stuff.
No book>game canon rule, and pretty much everything´s canocity can be know over at the Star Wars database.
Yup, Vader's narative ties the 6 movies, but that doesn't change the fact that the OT was about Luke and it shows even if you take all 6 together.
Thats again where you fail, over and over.

Star Wars/EpIV was all about Luke. Ep V and VI made it like Lord of the rings, a narrative about many characters, NOT a central character. While some may fantasize of Star Wars being a Luke: the Jedi movie I-III ala Conan, no matter how much you bitch about Lucas, the original trilogy isnt about HIM, but about THEM. Heck, look at how the movies were sold-

Note how its all about Luke. Remember "the Hobbit"? It was all about Bilbo Baggins.

Now lets move on and see how Lucas sold ep V and V?

See how Luke is just another character? Now, I´d be glad to shove down your throat comparison to films with a main character, like Indiana Jones, Conan or the Bourne trilogy, but even after not getting it for two threads and you taking it to ad-hominems, I still have faith in your intelligence.

Again, Luke isnt the main character, but a main character in the OT, just like frodo is in LOTR. And with epI-III, its all about Vader. ;)




Yep, just like I said the reply would be
Awww, wasnt that your idiotic arguement? And you are still with Alzheimer´s and cant remember anything of Vader beyond two scenes?
Yes, it nice how you're self-reinforcing how you're right based on vague expectations and misinterpretations of what i said.

Oh, and stupid, I just mentioned that Vader´s story was NOT TOLD in EU, I know you know nothing about SW, but trying to pass off your bad memory as EU is lame than your \"Luke has better development\" arguement.
He planned to tell Vader´s story in the early drafts, then officialized it with his 79 rule of \"no EU stories on VAder, because he was going to tell it himself.
Yes, my memory is so bad that i seem to think that because the name got changed from Annikin to Luke while the story itself stayed the same they are 2 different things... i must be delusional.

I also never repeated over and over that Luke's development isn't (necessarily - as that's opinion) better as the point was that he was some, which you seemed to think he didn't.

And are you saying that pre-Ep.1-3 there where no EU Vader stories?! Or did you just assume i was refering to the story covered in Ep.1-3?!

Sorry it contradicts your childhood memories. No book>game canon rule, and pretty much everything´s canocity can be know over at the Star Wars database.
Thats again where you fail, over and over.
Oh right it's only Films vs Films+EU... everything else gets sorted on an individual basis, what a giant fail... i should give up my forum badge right now.

Also, as my childhood took place during and a short while after communism i actually didn't get to see SW until the late 90's, and even then i don't think i saw any of the movie in their entirety until talk of the new ones came about...

Star Wars/EpIV was all about Luke. Ep V and VI made it like Lord of the rings, a narrative about many characters, NOT a central character. While some may fantasize of Star Wars being a Luke: the Jedi movie I-III ala Conan, no matter how much you bitch about Lucas, the original trilogy isnt about HIM, but about THEM. Heck, look at how the movies were sold-

Now lets move on and see how Lucas sold ep V and VI?
[STRIKE]How the sequels where sold is down to exactly what i said about peopel responding to Vader and Han etc. from the first one... people liked them so they where used more in the advertisments, and maybe even the film (yeah, i for one will not be counting to see how much more time they get compared to ep.4).

Remember the first one? Han had the whole "doubting the force mumbo-jumbo" and the returning to help the rebels moments and everything, are you actually saying that doesn't qualify like the stuff from the next 2 ones does?

Having a developed cast doesn't mean the film isn't about the central character anymore...

But you know what, i'm willing to take the movie being about the whole cast instead of about Vader... [/STRIKE]

So the movies are about THEM and not Vader.... it's good for you to admit it...

Note how its all about Luke. Remember \"the Hobbit\"? It was all about Bilbo Baggins.

See how Luke is just another character? Now, I´d be glad to shove down your throat comparison to films with a main character, like Indiana Jones, Conan or the Bourne trilogy, but even after not getting it for two threads and you taking it to ad-hominems, I still have faith in your intelligence.

Again, Luke isnt the main character, but a main character in the OT, just like frodo is in LOTR. And with epI-III, its all about Vader. ;)
The fact that you ignore the dwarfs is contemptible... ELF-LOVER.

And being the principle protagonist is not unheard of... aka of the main cast his is the story that takes precedence... and Luke most certainly qualifies, even if you think that that only happens when the story takes place in a vacuum with only NPCs next to the protagonist.



Yes, it nice how you're self-reinforcing how you're right based on vague expectations and misinterpretations of what i said.

Yes, my memory is so bad that i seem to think that because the name got changed from Annikin to Luke while the story itself stayed the same they are 2 different things... i must be delusional.

I also never repeated over and over that Luke's development isn't (necessarily - as that's opinion) better as the point was that he was some, which you seemed to think he didn't.

And are you saying that pre-Ep.1-3 there where no EU Vader stories?! Or did you just assume i was refering to the story covered in Ep.1-3?!

Oh right it's only Films vs Films+EU... everything else gets sorted on an individual basis, what a giant fail... i should give up my forum badge right now.

Also, as my childhood took place during and a short while after communism i actually didn't get to see SW until the late 90's, and even then i don't think i saw any of the movie in their entirety until talk of the new ones came about...

[STRIKE]How the sequels where sold is down to exactly what i said about peopel responding to Vader and Han etc. from the first one... people liked them so they where used more in the advertisments, and maybe even the film (yeah, i for one will not be counting to see how much more time they get compared to ep.4).

Remember the first one? Han had the whole "doubting the force mumbo-jumbo" and the returning to help the rebels moments and everything, are you actually saying that doesn't qualify like the stuff from the next 2 ones does?

Having a developed cast doesn't mean the film isn't about the central character anymore...

But you know what, i'm willing to take the movie being about the whole cast instead of about Vader... [/STRIKE]

So the movies are about THEM and not Vader.... it's good for you to admit it...

The fact that you ignore the dwarfs is contemptible... ELF-LOVER.

And being the principle protagonist is not unheard of... aka of the main cast his is the story that takes precedence... and Luke most certainly qualifies, even if you think that that only happens when the story takes place in a vacuum with only NPCs next to the protagonist.

I really love how you argue all over the place to run away from a)your failed arguements, and b) the fact that you were wrong about being Luke being the main character.

Oh, and George didnt allow pre-prequel, so I´d love for you to find me one pre-SW story where we see Anakin´s story being told, not that you´ll ever be able to find one and wll just post anther thread of more SW fanboys bitching on small details, and NO ANAKIN.:cool:
So the movies WERE about THEM and not Vader.... it's good for me to finally read English
Hurray, you finally learned to read.

As I said over and over-
Again, Luke isnt the main character, but a main character in the OT, just like frodo is in LOTR. And with epI-III, its all about Vader.
Newsflash. Its 2009. ep V-VI were made, so the original trilogy just became another movie with many protagonists at V-VI, and just a chapter of the Vader story with I-III.

The SW films are now just Vader´s saga. Unless the Luke fanboy entitlement is more imortant than the writer, marketing materials and the movies itself.





I really love how you argue all over the place to run away from a)your failed arguements, and b) the fact that you were wrong about being Luke being the main character.

Oh, and George didnt allow pre-prequel, so I´d love for you to find me one pre-SW story where we see Anakin´s story being told, not that you´ll ever be able to find one and wll just post anther thread of more SW fanboys bitching on small details, and NO ANAKIN.:cool:
I'd go look for the description of the fallacy, but you'll just skip it like the last time (something about moving the goalposts i believe + the straw man thing you've been having since whenever).

Hurray, you finally learned to read.

As I said over and over-
Again, Luke isnt the main character, but a main character in the OT, just like frodo is in LOTR. And with epI-III, its all about Vader.
Newsflash. Its 2009. ep V-VI were made, so the original trilogy just became another movie with many protagonists at V-VI, and just a chapter of the Vader story with I-III.

The SW films are now just Vader´s saga. Unless the Luke fanboy entitlement is more important than the writer, marketing materials and the movies itself.
I'm sorry but no, you don't get to have it both ways... either the prequels made the whole 6 movies Vader's saga, and thus the OT is Luke's saga because the first film was about him (like the prequels where about Vader), or they're not after New Hope and then the whole 6 movies aren't about Vader either...

And do try to remember, no one is actually saying that Vader isn't a big part of the link between the prequels and the OT or that his story didn't matter, but that it isn't the main story of the OT like you originally claimed, not until Lucas does a "Greedo shot first" special Vader edition so his "true vision" can be seen...



I think you're both missing the point. The main character in the star wars movies is OBVIOUSLY George Lucas' wallet.




I think you're both missing the point. The main character in the star wars movies is OBVIOUSLY George Lucas' wallet.
Nah, that's the Xanatos Gambit playing villain... and he wins, he wins so bad...




Oh man, we where both wrong, R2-D2 was actually the main character all along: http://www.morningstar.nildram.co.uk/A_New_Sith.html I feel shamed for not seeing it sooner.




I really love how you argue all over the place to run away from a)your failed arguements, and b) the fact that you were wrong about being Luke being the main character.

Oh, and George didnt allow pre-prequel, so I´d love for you to find me one pre-SW story where we see Anakin´s story being told, not that you´ll ever be able to find one and wll just post anther thread of more SW fanboys bitching on small details, and NO ANAKIN.:cool:
Whine about fallacies [/quote]Why are wyou whining about fallacies, I say Lucas always wanted to tell the rest of the Vader story, and you idiotically post a thread that has NOTHING to do with Vader´s past as Anakin.

But hey, if fallacy is what Luke fanboys call "Jesus I was stupid", feel free to call it so. Again, Lucas, since 79, BEFORE ep V and VI, put Vader´s past as Anakin, and future, off-limits for the EU
Hurray, you finally learned to read.

As I said over and over-
Again, Luke isnt the main character, but a main character in the OT, just like frodo is in LOTR. And with epI-III, its all about Vader.
Newsflash. Its 2009. ep V-VI were made, so the original trilogy just became another movie with many protagonists at V-VI, and just a chapter of the Vader story with I-III.

The SW films are now just Vader´s saga. Unless the Luke fanboy entitlement is more important than the writer, marketing materials and the movies itself.
I'm sorry but no, you don't get to have it both ways... either the prequels made the whole 6 movies Vader's saga, and thus the OT is Luke's saga, and yes, I own Star Wars and can overule the movies, creator and marketing.[/QUOTE]Riiight.

A fanboy saying "its Luke´s saga!" vs the marketing for SW (which Luke was just another character), the movies themselves (where othe characters where as central as Luke), the creator saying before its about many mythologies being retold thorugh many characters, and now saying with the prequel its all about Vader.

Who do we go, the movies, marketing and the creator, or a Luke fanboy? I´ll take option number 1, thank you.

---------- Post added at 03:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ----------

Oh man, we where both wrong, R2-D2 was actually the main character all along: http://www.morningstar.nildram.co.uk/A_New_Sith.html I feel shamed for not seeing it sooner.
As valid as saying only Luke was the main character, but sorry, as much as I ignore fanboy opinion like the Luke fanboy who says he is above Lucas´ own words, marketing and the movies in deciding what the movie is about, I dont read fanfiction, unless its canon and has been called "the phantom menace"




Why are wyou whining about fallacies, I say Lucas always wanted to tell the rest of the Vader story, and you idiotically post a thread that has NOTHING to do with Vader´s past as Anakin.

But hey, if fallacy is what Luke fanboys call \"Jesus I was stupid\", feel free to call it so. Again, Lucas, since 79, BEFORE ep V and VI, put Vader´s past as Anakin, and future, off-limits for the EU
Again, got any sources for that?

And anyhow, by '79 the script for Ep.5 must have been final for it to be released in 1980, and any story published without knowing about th twist wouldn't be canon, and one done knowing about it would have spoiled it so it makes sense without this being planned as Vaders story from the get go aka before ep. 4 came out (which is what i argued against).

As for his future... he dies in Ep.6, what else is there?


A fanboy saying \"its Luke´s saga!\" vs the marketing for SW (which Luke was just another character), the movies themselves (where other characters where as central as Luke), the creator saying before its about many mythologies being retold thorugh many characters, and now saying with the prequel its all about Vader.

Even the most minor character can be central to a story... doesn't mean that the story id about them.

Cpt. Nemo helping the castaways in The Mysterious Island was the main driving force behind the story, but it wasn't his story by a long shot.

Who do we go, the movies, marketing and the creator, or a Luke fanboy? I´ll take option number 1, thank you.

You mean the creator that said he wanted 9 films but is now saying that the 6 films are all that was supposed to be? Lucas has changed his mind plenty of times since the OT aired.

See here: http://www.starwars.com/theclonewars/news/news20080317.html

And i quote:
Do you think you'd have other people continue the Star Wars saga past Episode VI or turn some of the other material into films?
But there's no story past Episode VI, there's just no story. It's a certain story about Anakin Skywalker and once Anakin Skywalker dies, that's kind of the end of the story. There is no story about Luke Skywalker, I mean apart from the books. But there's three worlds: There's my world that I made up, there's the licensing world that's the books, the comics, all that kind of stuff, the games, which is their world, and then there's the fans' world, which is also very rich in imagination, but they don't always mesh. All I'm in charge of is my world. I can't be in charge of those other people's world, because I can't keep up with it.

And look how this 1976 book was marketed:

Vader has centre stage because he looks cool, as this was the novelisation of Ep. 4's script, and only has minor differences to the film you say was only about Luke.

Marketing is the last way one should judge a product on, even cracked agrees:

And another thing from the official website, the article about Vader:

Behind the Scenes The name of Darth Vader was first introduced as a tall, grim-looking general in the rough draft of Star Wars. It was not until the second draft that the character of Vader appeared in a recognizable form. Vader's fearsome face-mask came about almost by accident. Concept artist Ralph McQuarrie designed the mask since the early drafts had Vader board Leia's captured starship by crossing the vacuum of space, a circumstance that necessitated a breathing apparatus. Little did McQuarrie realize that the reason for the mask was more deep-rooted than that.

Vader at first played a limited role in the expanded universe of
Star Wars publishing, since the editors of those spin-off works did not know what the films would have in store. As such, Vader tended to plot through proxy villains -- like the House of Tagge nobles or Lumiya that appeared in the early Marvel series. The 1978 novel, Splinter of the Mind's Eye, took the uncharacteristic step of pitting Vader directly against Luke, resulting in their first depicted lightsaber duel. Vader's arm is severed in that battle, and it's only with the hindsight provided by the prequel trilogy do readers now realize it was an artificial arm to begin with.

There's also this interesting tid-bit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Splinter_of_the_Mind%27s_Eye#History

So to me it's pretty obvious that Vader was not originally as what he became during the course of the development of the OT.

I'M NOT SAYING THAT LUCAS DIDN'T RETCON IT WITH THE PREQUELS (maybe even got the idea some time during the OT), OR THAT WE SHOULDN'T ACKNOWLEDGE THAT RETCON, but that it was a retcon, thus saying that originally the OT was about Luke going from plucky farmboy to Jedi badass. Vader just happened to be the break out character, like Fonzy... and then he jumped a shark using a pod racer.

Yes, Lucas's word is canon when it comes to the SWU, but not reality... and all signs point to the fact that originally the plan was just to tell the story of Luke (even if his name was different in some early drafts).

Oh, and about the previous brouhaha about what levels there are, the canon levels as per the guy who runs the canon database: http://blogs.starwars.com/holocron/4

Are the entries in the Holocron sorted as canonical & non-canonical? Are there various degrees of "officialness"?
The database does indeed have a canon field for each individual entry and for sources, though the canon level of the entry would overide the canon level of the source since it factors in other sources associated with that entry. When determining canon levels for individual entries, anything in the films and from George Lucas (including unpublished internal notes that we might receive from him or from the film production department) is considered "G" canon. A new level we recently added is "T" canon, comprising of the theatrical release of The Clone Wars and the television series, in addition to the planned live-action television series. Next we have what we call continuity "C" canon which is pretty much everything else from the EU. There is a secondary "S" continuity classification used for older published materials created when there was less attention to making everything in the EU fit with everything else in the EU. But, if it is referenced in something else it becomes "C". Similarly, any "C" canon entry that makes it into the films can become "G" canon. Lastly there is non-continuity "N" which we rarely use except in the case of a blatant contradiction. Any contradictions that arise are dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

Oh man, we where both wrong, R2-D2 was actually the main character all along: http://www.morningstar.nildram.co.uk/A_New_Sith.html I feel shamed for not seeing it sooner.
As valid as saying only Luke was the main character, but sorry, as much as I ignore fanboy opinion like the Luke fanboy who says he is above Lucas´ own words, marketing and the movies in deciding what the movie is about, I dont read fanfiction, unless its canon and has been called "the phantom menace"

Dude, you need to go to the hardware store and buy a new sarcasm detector... sheesh.... my mistake for being humorous, this debate here is too much SERIOUS BUSINESS for that.



\"Lian\" said:
A lot of crap from before ep V and VI, still unable to understand simple English, or let go of Luke Jammies.
Love your own quotes-

It's a certain story about Anakin Skywalker and once Anakin Skywalker dies, that's kind of the end of the story. There is no story about Luke Skywalker, I mean apart from the books.

Star wars Ep IV!!!
Here I tell the Luke fanboy over and over that ep IV was about Luke, like the Hobbit was about just Bilbo and Conan books are about just Conan, but ep V-VI were like LOTR and had many main characters, and the kid posts epIV to prove my point. Guess what, it changed with ep V and VI.


Now lets move on and see how Lucas sold ep V and V?

See how Luke is just another character? Now, I´d be glad to shove down your throat comparison to films with a main character, like Indiana Jones, Conan or the Bourne trilogy, but even after not getting it for two threads and you taking it to ad-hominems, I still have faith in your intelligence.

\"Lian\" said:
While I see that you can barely grasp one language (english), Im sure you are smart enough to search google, but hey, if you want to keep babbling about fallacies and strawmen after making them left or right, and STILL not find one EU story of Anakin pre-prequels, I'll just repost over and over to the new fanboy.


I really love how you argue all over the place to run away from a)your failed arguements, and b) the fact that you were wrong about being Luke being the main character.

Oh, and George didnt allow pre-prequel, so I´d love for you to find me one pre-SW story where we see Anakin´s story being told, not that you´ll ever be able to find one and wll just post anther thread of more SW fanboys bitching on small details, and NO ANAKIN.:cool:
Whine about fallacies [/quote]Why are wyou whining about fallacies, I say Lucas always wanted to tell the rest of the Vader story, and you idiotically post a thread that has NOTHING to do with Vader´s past as Anakin.

But hey, if fallacy is what Luke fanboys call "Jesus I was stupid", feel free to call it so. Again, Lucas, since 79, BEFORE ep V and VI, put Vader´s past as Anakin, and future, off-limits for the EU
Hurray, you finally learned to read.

As I said over and over-
Again, Luke isnt the main character, but a main character in the OT, just like frodo is in LOTR. And with epI-III, its all about Vader.
Newsflash. Its 2009. ep V-VI were made, so the original trilogy just became another movie with many protagonists at V-VI, and just a chapter of the Vader story with I-III.

The SW films are now just Vader´s saga. Unless the Luke fanboy entitlement is more important than the writer, marketing materials and the movies itself.
I'm sorry but no, you don't get to have it both ways... either the prequels made the whole 6 movies Vader's saga, and thus the OT is Luke's saga, and yes, I own Star Wars and can overule the movies, creator and marketing.[/quote]Riiight.

A fanboy saying "its Luke´s saga!" vs the marketing for SW (which Luke was just another character), the movies themselves (where othe characters where as central as Luke), the creator saying before its about many mythologies being retold thorugh many characters, and now saying with the prequel its all about Vader.

Who do we go, the movies, marketing and the creator, or a Luke fanboy? I´ll take option number 1, thank you.

---------- Post added at 03:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ----------

Oh man, we where both wrong, R2-D2 was actually the main character all along: http://www.morningstar.nildram.co.uk/A_New_Sith.html I feel shamed for not seeing it sooner.
As valid as saying only Luke was the main character, but sorry, as much as I ignore fanboy opinion like the Luke fanboy who says he is above Lucas´ own words, marketing and the movies in deciding what the movie is about, I dont read fanfiction, unless its canon and has been called "the phantom menace"[/QUOTE]




\"Lian\" said:
A lot of crap from before ep V and VI, still unable to understand simple English, or let go of Luke Jammies.
Love your own quotes-

It's a certain story about Anakin Skywalker and once Anakin Skywalker dies, that's kind of the end of the story. There is no story about Luke Skywalker, I mean apart from the books.

Star wars Ep IV!!!
Here I tell the Luke fanboy over and over that ep IV was about Luke, like the Hobbit was about just Bilbo and Conan books are about just Conan, but ep V-VI were like LOTR and had many main characters, and the kid posts epIV to prove my point. Guess what, it changed with ep V and VI.


Now lets move on and see how Lucas sold ep V and V?

See how Luke is just another character? Now, I´d be glad to shove down your throat comparison to films with a main character, like Indiana Jones, Conan or the Bourne trilogy, but even after not getting it for two threads and you taking it to ad-hominems, I still have faith in your intelligence.

Right, he marketed ep 5 and 6 just like he marketed ep. 4... with Vader on the cover... (man, i can't believe i didn't just search for some 1977 ep 4 posters from the get go...)

And that Lucas quote is taken from when Attack of the Clones came out, aka after he already retconned it, and it contradicts what you (and Lucas) said about there being a plan for 9 movies...

But hey, ignore any contradictions and just pretend that was the plan all along... there's even a trope for that: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main.IMeantToDoThat

\"Lian\" said:
While I see that you can barely grasp one language (english), Im sure you are smart enough to search google, but hey, if you want to keep babbling about fallacies and strawmen after making them left or right, and STILL not find one EU story of Anakin pre-prequels, I'll just repost over and over to the new fanboy.
Really, how about you find me any stories about Han Solo's childhood that came out at the same time as the OT... or even Leia's or Luke's on Aldeeran of Tatooine.

There are no Anakin stories during the OT, so Lucas must have told them not to do it from the year you said ('79) is a leap of logic... all we know that Vader's past became off limits at some time in the past... without actual sources from around the OT's time there's no proof either way.

But there i go again whining about you using fallacies in an argument... now why would i ever do that.



Lian said:
A lot of crap from before ep V and VI, still unable to understand simple English, or let go of Luke Jammies.
Love your own quotes-

It's a certain story about Anakin Skywalker and once Anakin Skywalker dies, that's kind of the end of the story. There is no story about Luke Skywalker, I mean apart from the books.

Star wars Ep IV!!!
Here I tell the Luke fanboy over and over that ep IV was about Luke, like the Hobbit was about just Bilbo and Conan books are about just Conan, but ep V-VI were like LOTR and had many main characters, and the kid posts epIV to prove my point. Guess what, it changed with ep V and VI.


Now lets move on and see how Lucas sold ep V and V?

See how Luke is just another character? Now, I´d be glad to shove down your throat comparison to films with a main character, like Indiana Jones, Conan or the Bourne trilogy, but even after not getting it for two threads and you taking it to ad-hominems, I still have faith in your intelligence.

Right, he marketed ep 5 and 6 just like he marketed ep. 4...[/quote]Oh dear, lets add "bad vision" to "bad reading comprehension", "bad arguements", "fallacies" and "strawmen".

I love how the Luke fanboysim makes you ignore the fact that the OTHER main characters of ep V and VI are being shown more than Luke (and have more screentime and development to boot)

Really, how about you find me any stories about Han Solo's childhood that came out at the same time as the OT... or even Leia's or Luke's on Aldeeran of Tatooine.

Really, you dont know squat about SW, do you? Much of Leia's childhood is covered in EU, and so have adventures of young Luke and Solo. Leia for example, has her past told in books as early as snippets of her youth in the Thrawn trilogy (essentially, the reason Lucas decided not to do ep VII to IX, because Timothy Zahn apporached him with a damn better idea, and the thrawn trilogy is basically the next trilogy after VI), the specter of the past, planet of twilight, Children of the Jedi, and countless stories in the Marvel comics (most importantly "the weapons master") all predating the prequels from as early as the late 70s.

I await any story about Anakin, pre-prequel.

However, making idiotic fallacies while pretending you know anything about SW while running away from the fact that Anakin's story has always been off-bounds, because Lucas intended to tell his story, makes it more pathetic to defend your broken idea that epV and VI continued being just "Luke's saga"

Guess unlike the creator, some people have never moved beyond epIV.




Right, he marketed ep 5 and 6 just like he marketed ep. 4...
Oh dear, lets add "bad vision" to "bad reading comprehension", "bad arguements", "fallacies" and "strawmen".

I love how the Luke fanboysim makes you ignore the fact that the OTHER main characters of ep V and VI are being shown more than Luke (and have more screentime and development to boot)
Now they have more screentime?!

But i guess my eyes must be very bad when they see posters that actually had Luke taking the most space on them:



But of course you weren't actually ignoring them because they didn't help your case.

Really, you dont know squat about SW, do you? Much of Leia's childhood is covered in EU, and so have adventures of young Luke and Solo. Leia for example, has her past told in books as early as snippets of her youth in the Thrawn trilogy (essentially, the reason Lucas decided not to do ep VII to IX, because Timothy Zahn apporached him with a damn better idea, and the thrawn trilogy is basically the next trilogy after VI), the specter of the past, planet of twilight, Children of the Jedi, and countless stories in the Marvel comics (most importantly \"the weapons master\") all predating the prequels from as early as the late 70s.

I await any story about Anakin, pre-prequel.

However, making idiotic fallacies while pretending you know anything about SW while running away from the fact that Anakin's story has always been off-bounds, because Lucas intended to tell his story, makes it more pathetic to defend your broken idea that epV and VI continued being just \"Luke's saga\"

Guess unlike the creator, some people have never moved beyond epIV.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children_of_the_Jedi - 1995

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specter_of_the_Past - 1997

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planet_of_Twilight - 1997

And Thrawn was 1992 (and doesn't Thrawn mention the clone wars being different from what we got?)

By that time the Phantom Menace should have been on the table for a while... so duh.

Only that Marvel comic is from the OT's time, and as i recall the comics aren't canon... and Leia wasn't a kid in that story, was she? And they also feature Vader finding out Luke's name but not reacting like he would in a story that retconned that based on the revelations in Empire (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Star_Wars_35:_Dark_Lord%27s_Gambit)

(essentially, the reason Lucas decided not to do ep VII to IX, because Timothy Zahn apporached him with a damn better idea, and the thrawn trilogy is basically the next trilogy after VI),
I don't read that stuff. I haven't read any of the novels. I don't know anything about that world. That's a different world than my world. But I do try to keep it consistent. The way I do it now is they have a Star Wars Encyclopedia. So if I come up with a name or something else, I look it up and see if it has already been used. When I said [other people] could make their own Star Wars stories, we decided that, like Star Trek, we would have two universes: My universe and then this other one. They try to make their universe as consistent with mine as possible, but obviously they get enthusiastic and want to go off in other directions. - George Lucas, from an interview in Starlog #337Plus, Thrawn came out in 1992 and the prequels where announced in 1993, so the "only 6 movies cause it's only about Vader" thing must have been a thing that came up then.

Also, now Lucas says that there was no plan for 9 films at all: http://www.killermovies.com/s/starwarsepisodeiii/articles/4415.html
"This was never planned as a nine-episode work," Lucas said. "The media [pounced when] I made an offhand comment, 'It might be fun to come back when everyone's 80 and do another one of these.' But I never had any intention of doing that."
Lucas said he only decided to do the back-story trilogy — which "Sith," due next May, will cap — because he realized he had already written it in order to tell the story in the first "Star Wars" films. "The original 'Star Wars' was only three films, and that was what it was meant to be," he said. "After a lot of pondering and thought, I went back to do the back story, but that pretty much tells the story. Episode six is the end. There isn't any more to it."
So the original trilogy was meant to stand on it's own... Luke's or all of THEM's saga notwithstanding (seriously, i don't care if it was about 1 character or more, as long as the 1 character isn't Vader as you claimed, if he's only 1 character out of a THEM i'm satisfied that my original argument of it not being originally Vader's story stands).

Of course i'm sure you can find statements of Lucas' that contradict that, but that's only proves what i said about him changing his mind a few times.




Good god in heaven...

This thread is reminding me of my first trip to a SF con.



Fuck you. It's all about Wedge, bitches.


Mr. Lawface

I don't like Luke Skywalker. I think he is boring, dumb, and one of the least interesting characters in any Star Wars movie. But I still acknowledge that he is the main character of the original trilogy.



I don't like Luke Skywalker. I think he is boring, dumb, and one of the least interesting characters in any Star Wars movie. But I still acknowledge that he is the main character of the original trilogy.
I aknowledge that EPIV is Luke's movie, its all about him, and he remains a central character (with Solo and Leia elevated to central character status)

Sadly, with ep I to III, as part of the 6 movies, it becomes all about Vader. No matter how much poster-comparing, complaining over how
But i guess my eyes must be very bad when they see posters that actually had Luke taking the most space on them
Errr, sorry Lian, but didnt I just post many posters, most with very little Luke?
So the original trilogy was meant to stand on it's own... Luke's or all of THEM's saga notwithstanding (seriously, i don't care if it was about 1 character or more, as long as the 1 character isn't Vader as you claimed, if he's only 1 character out of a THEM i'm satisfied that my original argument of it not being originally Vader's story stands).
Well, thanks for finally saying the same thing I said, like I said-
Luke is a main character in the OT, just like frodo is in LOTR. And with epI-III, its all about Vader.
Yes, one could pretend that the prequels dont exist, but they do, and Star Wars+ESB+TRTJ (now with Star Wars being called just IV-A New Hope) are just 3 chapters of a 6-chapter story thats now about Vader.

Yes, it sucks, but then at least its not as bad as the Wolverine comic, that has been reconnected to be some ancient descendant of a Lupine mystical clan (whatever happened to "hey Im just a mutant") or HitchHiker's that is getting a sequel after everyone dies.




I don't like Luke Skywalker. I think he is boring, dumb, and one of the least interesting characters in any Star Wars movie. But I still acknowledge that he is the main character of the original trilogy.
I aknowledge that EPIV is Luke's movie, its all about him, and he remains a central character (with Solo and Leia elevated to central character status)

Sadly, with ep I to III, as part of the 6 movies, it becomes all about Vader. No matter how much poster-comparing, complaining over how
But i guess my eyes must be very bad when they see posters that actually had Luke taking the most space on them
Errr, sorry Lian, but didnt I just post many posters, most with very little Luke?
So the original trilogy was meant to stand on it's own... Luke's or all of THEM's saga notwithstanding (seriously, i don't care if it was about 1 character or more, as long as the 1 character isn't Vader as you claimed, if he's only 1 character out of a THEM i'm satisfied that my original argument of it not being originally Vader's story stands).
Well, thanks for finally saying the same thing I said, like I said-
Luke is a main character in the OT, just like frodo is in LOTR. And with epI-III, its all about Vader.
Yes, one could pretend that the prequels dont exist, but they do, and Star Wars+ESB+TRTJ (now with Star Wars being called just IV-A New Hope) are just 3 chapters of a 6-chapter story thats now about Vader.

Yes, it sucks, but then at least its not as bad as the Wolverine comic, that has been reconnected to be some ancient descendant of a Lupine mystical clan (whatever happened to "hey Im just a mutant") or HitchHiker's that is getting a sequel after everyone dies.[/QUOTE]

So in the end all we actually disagree about is the degree to which a retcon matters?

Lucas can decide tomorrow that the story was about microscopic space slugs playing a RPG by mind controlling everyone, doesn't mean i one can't enjoy the story as it once was...

In other words Fuck Loeb and his lame attempt at imitating Wolvies Earth X origin...



So in the end all we actually disagree about is the degree to which a retcon matters?

Lucas can decide tomorrow that the story was about microscopic space slugs playing a RPG by mind controlling everyone, doesn't mean i one can't enjoy the story as it once was...

In other words Fuck Loeb and his lame attempt at imitating Wolvies Earth X origin...
Amen on that.

Anyway, at least it made me have a nostalgic peek at my SW comics/book shelf
