[Announcement] Switching Hosts. Again.


Staff member
I got a message from our host today and they are no longer going to be offering hosting. So by July 1 we have to find a new home. Again. Which I hate, but it is what it is. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. I would really like to have cPanel access so if you are suggesting, that is a consideration.

Sorry for all the trouble.


Staff member
By the way, for stats. The most bandwidth we've used is 132.55 GB and the storage space needs to be as high as you can get it. We're currently using about 25 GB of space.


Staff member
Hrmm... I have over 350 gigs free on the SSD on the server I'm using to run my Empyrion/Left 4 Dead/Killing Floor 2 servers, and it has 48 gigs of ram, which I've pretty much never gone over 16 or so of useage...

Only problem is I don't have a static IP. I mean, I'm always connected, and I can't remember the last time my IP address actually changed... but it is a possible concern. Otherwise I could just throw up a XAMPP install and could host us pretty much no problem.
Is it worth looking into Amazon Web Services? I have no idea if it's in the budget (since I don't know what your budget its), but it would at least guarantee permanence for the forseeable future.
I've considered the same thing as Gas (since I also have bunches of unused hardware lying around) but I wouldn't trust my location to maintain power and Internet access for five nines. Heck, I doubt I could guarantee any building in this town (except one) would be able to keep power/access with any reliability.

That said, is there enough incentive to go CoLo somewhere? Or would it be more efficient to just get a VPS somewhere like SiteGround or BlueHost? Or even interServer.net, which appears to offer a 2C/4MB/60GB/2TB Linux VPS for $12/mo.



Staff member
I need to find out our RAM use before I do anything else. But I'll look into all of those things.
I started hosting my websites database on AWS as an experiment, and my year's free offer just expired last month.
Base hosting fee is about $18.00 a month, and I get so little traffic that I don't get any traffic fees. That's just for the database, and not the web hosting--which I have thru godaddy at a pretty cheap rate. But I wouldn't recommend it (godaddy hosting) for here. There can often be latency issues--pages that can take 5-8 seconds to load.
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Staff member
I've got XAMPP running on my server now. I've got 20 mbit upstream on my cable modem, so I think I could handle just about anything. Dave, if you want to do an experimental export to my machine to see how it works, let me know.
I have no idea how their pricing compares with any of the options here, but InMotion was great to me for the last two years, I just closed my site because I don't actually need a whole site dedicated just to me talking. It was $200 for two years, tons of storage, full cpanel support, and I think I was on their second tier offering, for whatever reason.


Staff member
Well, so much for my idea. My cable company blocks port 80 (unless I pony up for a business account), so unless everybody wants to start remembering a custom port number, a webserver running from me will be a bit of a hassle.
By the way, for stats. The most bandwidth we've used is 132.55 GB and the storage space needs to be as high as you can get it. We're currently using about 25 GB of space.
Is that 132.55GB / month? Year? Day? (that last one would be terrifying)


Staff member
Trying to decide which one to use. But we're going SOMEWHERE! I figured I'd do it not this weekend but the next. Weekends are generally downtimes so it won't disrupt as much traffic.
Nice ruse to get rid of the owl, Gas.
Oh yeah? Well, I'm going to make my own Halforums Premium! With blackjack! And hookers! In fact, forget the blackjack and hookers, it'll just be me and 5 doomweasels discussing the day's work schedule - who's in charge of clean-up after squeesplosions, who's in charge of keeping the Queen happy, who has to wash underneath the Old One's flappy hooties, who has to find and train new recruits,...