[Movies] Talk about the last movie you saw 2: Electric Threadaloo


Philosopher B.

American Movie

Fantastically quirky film about making a film. The way this was shot and edited together is excellent. Watching a bunch of odd people try to make a movie and tell random stories to each other could come across as really in-jokey, but this documentary's narrative and the characters therein suck you in and keep you engaged. Despite (or perhaps because of) all the footage of relatives and people who take a less than appraising view of Mark and his efforts, one is rooting for him to accomplish his goals throughout. His sheer plodding doggedness is a thing to behold.

Also, Uncle Bill is absolute motherfucking gold.

I've seen around 87 films since my last post but this one deserved attention:

It was so bad it was good. It will earn a place on my "horri-good" films when it comes out on Blu-Ray. Worth a watch, enjoyed the theatre experience. Plot holes a plenty, but fun to be had.

Kitty Sinatra


I've seen around 87 films since my last post but this one deserved attention
I've seen 3 movies since last November: A couple Connery Bond films and Fellowship of the Ring. I really don't think I need to comment on any of them.

Kitty Sinatra

And having said that, later today I passed by the used media store downtown where I live. This is where I pretty much exclusively buy my music, games and movies. Once in a while, for example, I go in and pick up as several dozen CDs from their one-buck rack. I've spent 80 bucks like that in one go before.

But I'm digressing. They were having a buy one get one half price sale going on, so I popped in to pick up some stuff. If I didn't already have several unplayed games I'd picked up from there I'd have picked up Fallout 3. I'm still saving that for later, I guess. And I've got a stack of CDs still waiting for a listen, so that really just leaves movies.

Along with the sale going on, they regularly have a rack of movies for 5 bucks each. Better than renting, is it not? And given their sale applies to those, too, suffice it to say I may soon reach Shego's mark of 87 movies.

First up: The Dark Knight.
Next: The Dukes of Hazzard.

Yes, I'm behind the times and yes, my tastes are atrocious.
I just saw World's Greatest Dad. Wow. This is a dark, dark comedy. Robin Williams is fantastic as a failed writer/ teacher.

Plot- Failed writer/ teacher has a teenage son who is a dick. His life is pretty miserable, but things look up when he finds his son dead.

There, I didn't give anything away Netflix didn't already tell me before watching it. It really is interesting to see a character go through the steps of fame only to discover that being with people he is comfortable with is better than being with the in crowd.

I just watched this on Netflix yesterday! Great minds think alike, sir! I thought it was pretty cool. I could have done without the Robin Williams nudity though. *shivers*
Next: The Dukes of Hazzard.

Yes, I'm behind the times and yes, my tastes are atrocious.
Please don't watch The Dukes of Hazzard. Just don't do it.[/QUOTE]

No, no, watch it and review it for us. Be our canary in the mine.[/QUOTE]

I saw Dukes of Hazzard in theaters, unfortunately.[/QUOTE]

I find your lack of judgment disturbing.[/QUOTE]

It's a little terrifying isn't it? I mean, I go see bad movies drunk in the theater, don't get me wrong, but Dukes of Hazard? Momma didn't raise no fool.


Staff member
Sometimes it's fun to do something painful. If nothing else, it's fun to have a story about some disastrous thing.


Staff member
Dukes of Hazzard--I made it through like 20 minutes on cable before I wanted to gnaw my remote hand off. What were they thinking. The only thing they shared with the tv show were some names. It seemed like Bo and Luke were borderline retarded. I don't even know.

Kitty Sinatra

Oh my. I just opened up the Dukes of Hazzard to discover the wrong disc in the case. Instead of the Dukes of Hazzard, I shall be watching The Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning (Unrated).

Let the fun begin.

(and no, I'm not making this up)

Kitty Sinatra

Sweet. The Star Wars movies I bought include the original theatrical release. Han shoots first.

Alex B.

The Friends of Eddie Coyle

A crime picture from the '70s, it's great and I highly recommend it. One of Robert Mitchum's best performances.

Philosopher B.

Empire of the Air

Watched this documentary on early radio stuff for my Radio Industry class. It was a Ken Burns dealio, so you know there was picture-zooming and tinkly piano goodness all up in there and whatnot. De Forest seemed like kind of a tit. My favorite part came just at the end, in which you could hear a kid answering about whether he preferred radio or TV: 'Radio, because it has the best pictures'.


I just saw the new Sherlock Holmes.

I was a bit perplexed as to why the studios would choose Guy Ritchie to bring back Sherlock, but after seeing the film it made perfect sense.

In Ritchie's more well-recieved films (i.e. Snatch and Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels) Ritchie would occasionally show the same events again and again from different perspectives, often right after each other. The technique works great in a Holmes movie, since it is essentially the visual equivalent to the way Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote many of his Sherlock Holmes stories -- show something going on, and then have Holmes explain afterwards how that event tied in to solving the mystery. And Ritchie's way of showing that works a lot better in the context of a film than the traditional (and boring) technique of simply having the character explain it on-screen (occasionally accompanied by flashback).

I've read a good number of the Sherlock Holmes short stories (though none of the novels), and the film had pretty much all of the elements that I'd expect, though they were portrayed in an unusual manner. The main complaints (from a traditional perspective) are that Holmes was a bit more of a jerk than he is in the writing (though not as much as some think), the film was more action-adventurey than the short stories I read, and the take-over-the-world plot wasn't similar to any of the Holmes plots that I know about.

I loved the film, though, and was willing to ignore some of the less-faithful aspects because the movie was just so well done.

---------- Post added at 07:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 AM ----------

Sweet. The Star Wars movies I bought include the original theatrical release. Han shoots first.
Well, at least in the newer version of the special edition they try to make it look like Han does some kind of dodge/fire thing. It's not convincing, but they do try.

Also, check out the shirt Lucas is wearing here:

Honestly though, what I'd be most excited about is being able to watch Return of the Jedi without having to suffer through the cringe-inducing "Jedi Rocks."

Kitty Sinatra

Jedi Rocks? I've no idea what that means. I'm looking forward to not seeing Hayden Christenson as a ghost, though.

And with Star Wars, it was nice not to see Jabba wriggle into the space port at Mos Eisley.


The new version of of the music scene in Jabba's Palace.

The original is shorter, far less painful... and actually does a halfway-decent job of setting up the coming scenes in Jabba's Palace.

Oh, I long for the days when scenes in Lucas' movies actually served a purpose.
The Prestige

This was one of those movies that I kept meaning to see and kept forgetting about it. Glad I finally watched it, because it was quite good. I agree with the sentiment from others, now, that it's better than The Illusionist. The rest, I'll discuss behind spoilers.

Though, one thing that bugged me was the final shot in the movie, where we finally see body of Hugh Jackman's character in the water. I had that figured out long before the reveal. I was more curious about Christian Bale's character and how he managed to perform his trick. And the payoff, while shocking, confused me. Did he clone himself, as well, using Tesla's machine? I don't remember any point in the movie where he might have, but I was also doing the dishes while watching this at one point, so might've missed it.

Still, really good movie with some pretty good acting. It was weird seeing Batman fight Wolverine with Alfred stuck between them.
The Prestige

This was one of those movies that I kept meaning to see and kept forgetting about it. Glad I finally watched it, because it was quite good. I agree with the sentiment from others, now, that it's better than The Illusionist. The rest, I'll discuss behind spoilers.

Though, one thing that bugged me was the final shot in the movie, where we finally see body of Hugh Jackman's character in the water. I had that figured out long before the reveal. I was more curious about Christian Bale's character and how he managed to perform his trick. And the payoff, while shocking, confused me. Did he clone himself, as well, using Tesla's machine? I don't remember any point in the movie where he might have, but I was also doing the dishes while watching this at one point, so might've missed it.

Still, really good movie with some pretty good acting. It was weird seeing Batman fight Wolverine with Alfred stuck between them.
Batman and that other guy took turns being each other, basically. Which is why Batman was at times in love with his wife or his mistress, etc.

Alex B.

The Prestige

This was one of those movies that I kept meaning to see and kept forgetting about it. Glad I finally watched it, because it was quite good. I agree with the sentiment from others, now, that it's better than The Illusionist. The rest, I'll discuss behind spoilers.

Though, one thing that bugged me was the final shot in the movie, where we finally see body of Hugh Jackman's character in the water. I had that figured out long before the reveal. I was more curious about Christian Bale's character and how he managed to perform his trick. And the payoff, while shocking, confused me. Did he clone himself, as well, using Tesla's machine? I don't remember any point in the movie where he might have, but I was also doing the dishes while watching this at one point, so might've missed it.

Still, really good movie with some pretty good acting. It was weird seeing Batman fight Wolverine with Alfred stuck between them.
I loved The Prestige.

The shot at the end showing Jackman's tanks of bodies was great not as a reveal so much as a shot really showcasing the enormity of what he'd done, and which is disturbing on multiple levels. He murdered himself hundred times over, then kept the bodies in these tanks under his house. Freaky!

You definitely missed something big about Bale's character. I'm not sure if I should tell you or if you want to watch the movie again. It's been a while since I watched it, so exactly how they revealed it I don't remember. I think they show a montage of scenes, though.
For a bunch of guys who use spoilers, you're both really mamby-pamby about spoiling something.

I sometimes like to wear women's underwear. Wait, that's not a spoiler. Not about the movie at least. Let's try that again.

I'm pretty sure Bale's character and the other guy were just identical twins.
Yeah, I got that much (with the montage and such). I felt a little cheated by the reveal, to be honest. Especially when there was more emphasis on Wolverine's secret, which I'd sussed very early on.

Okay, so a few more movies I've watched recently:

Gone Baby Gone
Goddamn, this was a great movie. Interesting how it feels like it ends and then suddenly, the plot takes another spin that keeps it going for another 40 minutes. Great acting, great directing, great story and overall, just a great movie. Totally one I'm going to own at some point.

Give 'em Hell, Malone
Over the last few years, I've become more and more of a fan of the film noir genre. I think it started with Sin City (reading the comics for the first time ever in preparation for the movie), which spun into Ed Brubaker's amazing Criminal series and really Brubaker's career in general, and a few novels, such as John Zakour's Zach Johnson series (Plutonium Blonde, Doomsday Brunette, etc) and Simon R. Green's Nightside series.

But this? Goddamn, if you liked Sin City, you're going to love the HELL out of this. Thomas Jane plays the part of Malone, a private eye who has a reputation for ripping people's hearts out and eating them. And it's got Ving Rhames as "Boulder". Hell, French Stewart is in this as a lounge singer and he surprisingly didn't piss me off. It had so many frigging quotable lines. It's so tongue firmly in cheek and just has a lot of fun with the genre.

Seriously, I loved this so much that it may make its way into my Top 20 movies; possibly Top 10.
The inner spoiler for Rob King is about the Prestige and it is correct. It's stated outright during the climax, but can be hard to hear.

On Star Wars: You cannot make excuses for the fucked-up versions of the original trilogy. They are fucked up and suck. We would not have gotten the original trilogy if the original theatrical versions were not included as "bonus" content, because I won't sit through that overblown shit again. That big Phantom Menace review had it spot on--the new versions have too much shit, like a kid waving things in front of your face to get attention.


Recently got back into watching some good old DC animated movies.

Green Lantern First Flight: while decently good and explaining quite a bit of Lantern lore the only cool moments in my opinion were Sinestro's dialogue.
Seriously. Why do all the villains get the best dialogues in any movie? So forgive my short knowledge of Green Lantern mythos. Hal Jordon was the first
green lantern from earth right?

Wonder Woman: Pretty cool film mixed with mythology. Cool hearing Nathan Fillion's voice for Weber.

Superman/Batman: Public Enemies: was nice to hear most of the voice actors especially for Batman, Superman, and Lex Luthor. Did this story take place
on earth two? Or am I missing something. Is Power Girl Superman's cousin? And did this take place after that cheesy Superman Doomsday movie? The
fight between Matello and Superman was interesting. It looks like they copied a bit from one of the Lethal Weapon quotes when Superman says, 'You've
just been impeached.'

Movie wise picked up Inglorious Basterds on blu ray. Was one of Tarantino's better works although my favorite film from his though would be Kill Bill Volume I.
The only notable actor was Christopher Waltz ala Col. Hans Landa. Brad Pitt was annoying as ever.
Green Lantern First Flight: while decently good and explaining quite a bit of Lantern lore the only cool moments in my opinion were Sinestro's dialogue.
Seriously. Why do all the villains get the best dialogues in any movie? So forgive my short knowledge of Green Lantern mythos. Hal Jordon was the first
green lantern from earth right?
More or less, yeah. He was first GL from Earth as far as the space cop Green Lantern goes. Alan Scott was the first one to be called Green Lantern, but he was more mystical in nature.

And yeah, I thought First Flight was good, but not great. They spent like ten seconds on Earth and that was it.

Wonder Woman: Pretty cool film mixed with mythology. Cool hearing Nathan Fillion's voice for Weber.
I enjoyed the hell out of this one. Very seldomly do I get to the end of a movie, the credits start rolling and and I throw my arms out and shout "That was totally wicked!"

Superman/Batman: Public Enemies: was nice to hear most of the voice actors especially for Batman, Superman, and Lex Luthor. Did this story take place
on earth two? Or am I missing something. Is Power Girl Superman's cousin? And did this take place after that cheesy Superman Doomsday movie? The
fight between Matello and Superman was interesting. It looks like they copied a bit from one of the Lethal Weapon quotes when Superman says, 'You've
just been impeached.'
It's meant to be self-contained, not a sequel or anything to Supes/Dooms. It's an adaptation of the first storyarc in the Superman/Batman comic by Jeph Loeb (which is total crap, IMO). Power Girls' origin is basically that she's the last survivor of Earth 2 after Crisis on Infinite Earths. She's essentially his cousin. I thought Public Enemies was pretty fun and a heck of a lot better than what I expecting, given the source material. They removed a LOT of the silly stuff (Superman from the future), but still kept some pretty stupid stuff in there, like the composite Supes/Bats robot.

Movie wise picked up Inglorious Basterds on blu ray. Was one of Tarantino's better works although my favorite from his though would be Kill Bill Volume I.
The only notable actor was Christopher Waltz ala Col. Hans Landa. Brad Pitt was annoying as ever.[/QUOTE]


Okay thanks for clearing up questions about the DC animated movies. I'm not that all up to speed on the DC universe after the Infinite earth's crisis.
Just was awesome Kevin Conroy portraying Batman as usual. I wish they could somehow reboot the series like from the Animates Series.

Kitty Sinatra

The original theatrical release of Empire Strikes Back.

I'm confused, people. Other than the fight between Luke and Vader, there's nothing about this movie that makes me say it's better than the other two . . . well, except for the absence of jawas and ewoks.