[Movies] Talk about the last movie you saw 2: Electric Threadaloo

Watched Funny People last night.

It was... pretty good. Pretty, pretty pretttttty good.

The "heart" of the movie though was kind of forced. It didn't have the natural "heart" I felt 40 year old Virgin and Knocked Up had.
I thought Funny People got a little weird in the middle in all the scenes involving Leslie Mann. That whole 45 minutes-hour of the movie was incredibly awkward.
I thought Funny People got a little weird in the middle in all the scenes involving Leslie Mann. That whole 45 minutes-hour of the movie was incredibly awkward.
I think that was the part that ruined the heart for me. It felt WAY to hollywood-ish, like we are suppsoed to root for the destruction of this family so Sandler can be happy. Thank God Rogen called him out on it. It was a hard portion of the movie and while it did a good job of making you feel the awkwardness of the whole thing all I could think about was "do NOT sleep with the married lady, do NOT sleep with the married, aw crap now I don't like you anymore". When you have your sympathetic character do something horrible you don't really give a damn about how things turn out for him. If Rogans character had not been sympathetic the movie would have lost all interest for me.
Wolf Man
I was pleasantly surprised to find this one had an R rating, as I was expecting the usual PG-13 bullcrap monster movies from studios. Unfortunately that didn't stop it from being an R rated bullcrap monster movie. Well maybe that's too harsh...
It's watchable and has some good scenes. One in particular being a gypsy camp massacre. But it's still pretty generic and doesn't surprise you much even when they have plenty of double take scares that usually involve someone just seeing things.
I watched 9 over the weekend. I loved the visuals. I could care less if they had a story or not. I could just watch 9 running around exploring the world for hours. It's amazing how good a movie can look.
Saw Dear John for Valentine's with the lady. God i regret it. I'm not sure which I hated more the godawful dialogue or the retarded wtf twist.
Watched A Serious Man yesterday. Life ended up happening twice during the movie, so I had to pause for a few hours and then come back each time, but I think I liked it. The whole thing was just watching the train wreck of a man's life happen in slow motion. It was pretty much the definition of black comedy.

It made a lot of sense afterward when I read somewhere that it was inspired/very loosely based on the biblical book of Job.

Gigantic was disappointing. I liked it, but not as much as the trailer led me to believe I would. It wasn't the comedy I was expecting. I'll be re-watching it in a day or so, just because it seems like the kind of movie that would benefit from that, but I don't expect to glean too much from another viewing.
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths



Seriously, that was the best damn DC animated movie so far. The story, the character designs, the animation, everything. Damn great. Admittedly, if you're a casual viewer, it might be a bit mind-boggling because there's tons of references and nods that only a geek like me would get and/or appreciate.

I'll be buying this badboy on Blu-Ray as soon as possible.
My friends and I saw Badlands the other night. It was alright I guess. Basically a young girl meets an absolutely dreamy Martin Sheen and it's all just downhill from there. People get shot. I'd give it a B- ?

It's got some pretty good parts, is what I'm trying to say.

Anyway. I'm going to watch Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song tonight, which I'm really excited about. I saw the dramatic retelling of the making of this movie, simply called Baadassssss, a few years ago and have been meaning to see this ever since.
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths



Seriously, that was the best damn DC animated movie so far. The story, the character designs, the animation, everything. Damn great. Admittedly, if you're a casual viewer, it might be a bit mind-boggling because there's tons of references and nods that only a geek like me would get and/or appreciate.

I'll be buying this badboy on Blu-Ray as soon as possible.
The only thing I'm not happy with is the ditching of their amazing cast once again for more "star" filler like Billy God damn Baldwin as Batman. Boo, the fuck, urns.
Speaking of drinking games, a group of friends is planning to have a Back to the Future marathon/drinking game.

Phrases/words to drink on:
Great Scott
Back to the Future

Any other suggestions?
Speaking of drinking games, a group of friends is planning to have a Back to the Future marathon/drinking game.

Phrases/words to drink on:
Great Scott
Back to the Future

Any other suggestions?
Every time a Tannen family member screws up a saying.
Every time Marty references something from his time while in the past.
Every time Marty makes a mistake with some past or future tech or culture.
Watched Paranormal Activity last night after midnight. Didn't really want to leave the safety of the couch to go to bed. :cry:
just got done watching 9 on Monday and I must say I quite enjoyed it. Now I will admit it had issues but for the most part I still thoroughly enjoyed the movie.


Staff member
Tokyo Zombie

This Japanese B movie is pretty bad. But it's that kind of bad that's so bad, it's actually fun to watch. Not much to say. It's set in Tokyo during a zombie outbreak. It's a comedy focusing on a really stupid couple's story during the zombie attack and in the followup obligatory fenced off safe area. It'd be more fun to watch drunk.

Philosopher B.

The Princess and the Frog

... it was like watching a real Disney cartoon! :confused: :p Seriously, I actually enjoyed it a lot, despite (or maybe because of) its feeling of familiarity ... 'twas buckets of fun. I approve. Heartily.

It even made me get a little :cry:

Kitty Sinatra

Die Hard. Still an awesome, perfect action movie.

Now watching Die Hard With a vengeance. Yeah, I skipped Die Hard 2. For now, anyway.
Last night I saw A Law-Abiding Citizen.

I really enjoyed it but was kind of disturbed after the first third, when I was able to guess how every single person was going to die.

And Colm Meaney was in it!


Kitty Sinatra

And after Die Hard With A Vengeance I watched Live Free or Die Hard. I believe I have met my Bruce quota for the year.

I still think two scenes in Live Free belonged in Transformers instead, as I always thought when seeing the ads for this back when it was released. The car somersaulting into the other two, and the whole thing with the jet fighter.
And after Die Hard With A Vengeance I watched Live Free or Die Hard. I believe I have met my Bruce quota for the year.

I still think two scenes in Live Free belonged in Transformers instead, as I always thought when seeing the ads for this back when it was released. The car somersaulting into the other two, and the whole thing with the jet fighter.
Those scenes would be so out of place in Transformers, you can clearly see what happens in each.
And after Die Hard With A Vengeance I watched Live Free or Die Hard. I believe I have met my Bruce quota for the year.

I still think two scenes in Live Free belonged in Transformers instead, as I always thought when seeing the ads for this back when it was released. The car somersaulting into the other two, and the whole thing with the jet fighter.
Those scenes would be so out of place in Transformers, you can clearly see what happens in each.[/QUOTE]

Plus, little or no racism or potty jokes so... yeah, bad fit.


Staff member
The Wolfman was cheesy and funny and good weekend fun. It was nice seeing Anthony Hopkins in a movie again.


Staff member
The Wolfman was cheesy and funny and good weekend fun. It was nice seeing Anthony Hopkins in a movie again.
Yeah? I've heard mixed reviews. Worth it though?[/QUOTE]

Well, for me, because I wasn't really expecting much. I know some people who didn't enjoy it at all. If you can laugh at a lotta cheese, then yeah, go enjoy. Gypsies, monsters running around kind of comically pouncing on people, and a creepy old dude holed up in a mansion... good fun, good fun.

Alex B.

Watched Extract the other night. It was okay. Some of the funny was recycled from Office Space, sadly. If felt like there was one plot line too many, and they weren't able to properly develop the ones that mattered. There was a great scene with Gene Simmons, Mila Kunis gets more gorgeous every time I see her, and I liked Kristen Wiig, who's great when she's not being overused.

Alex B.

I think I'm developing a little crush on her. Physically she's my type (well, type I like to ogle anyway), and I greatly enjoyed the last couple movies I saw with her.
I think I'm developing a little crush on her. Physically she's my type (well, type I like to ogle anyway), and I greatly enjoyed the last couple movies I saw with her.
You know what the best way to deal with that is? Start sending her letters. TONS of letters. Maybe use letters cut out of magazines, cuz it's so cute. Then start hanging around outside the gate of her mansion and leave boxes of your hair so she can get used to your smell. Eventually she's sure to fall in love with you.


Staff member
Or hold out your hand with a little KunisChow™ in it. Crouch down to show friendliness. If she comes over and nibbles out if your hand, slip a noose around her neck.