[Movies] Talk about the last movie you saw 2: Electric Threadaloo

Alice in Wonderland.(2010)

In a word... rushed. Straight up it's a visually amazing movie with wonderful and memorable performances. But if it lacked in anything it was times to take a breather and just enjoy the scenery. The movie quickly moves into scene after scene leading up to a climax taking place on a checkerboard battlefield that seems congested compared to the rolling checker board plains of the 1980s Alice in Wonderland TV specials. Depp puts an interesting twist on the Mad Hatter. A good person at heart, but clearly no where near sane as it takes a hint by Alice to even remind him that the Red Queen = bad when he gets too focused on making hats. It's great that this film turned out to be not so much a sequel to the animated film as it's own stand-alone feature. Like one of my favorite films "Return to Oz" it may as well be referencing the actual original novels more than any previous flick. Best character, hands down, is the Red Queen. She's delightfully mad and wicked. Cheshire Cat was also quite a fun character, but he seems more helpful in this one than he's ever appeared in any other envisioning.


Staff member
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

I barely remembered even hearing of this one. That's not surprising since it had a limited release. Robert Downey Jr and Val Kilmer. Dark comedy. 4th wall breaking. Neat movie breaking conventions. This was screenwriter/petty actor Shane Black's first big direction gig. You may remember his writing from such films as the Lethal Weapon series and Last Action Hero. All in all, a very good movie. I would actually give it a 5/5.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

I barely remembered even hearing of this one. That's not surprising since it had a limited release. Robert Downey Jr and Val Kilmer. Dark comedy. 4th wall breaking. Neat movie breaking conventions. This was screenwriter/petty actor Shane Black's first big direction gig. You may remember his writing from such films as the Lethal Weapon series and Last Action Hero. All in all, a very good movie. I would actually give it a 5/5.
I also highly recommend.
Alice in Wonderland: I have a different word for it than Shawn... predictable. The asthetic was nice, as is the usual in a Tim Burton movie, and I liked the designs, costumes, yadda yadda.

But outside of looks, this really could've been any by-the-numbers fantasy story. Hero is dragged from a dull, unhappy life into a fantasy world where the hero is the chosen one, destined to defeat the big bad with the help of colorful characters, restore the proper royalty to the throne, and bring peace back to the land.
Just got home from Alice in Woderland, I enjoyed it. It was a fun movie. Nods to both the animated movie and the original stories, and a fun movie to watch.
The Spirit: AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh Frank Miller... that was hilarious... Miller sucks so much... Gods, that was brutal. Brutal. It was brutal.
The Hurt Locker

More or less stumbled upon this last night, and going on the whole Oscars thing we decided to watch it.
While it was certainly nicely filmed, I don't get the fuzz over this movie. In my opinion, it really wasn't all that compelling/tense. Then again that may just be because I was just hoping for the asshole lead to die in pretty much every scene he was in.
Crap, why does the forum keep opening thread in the middle every time i log in after opening the subforum?!

Alex B.

Watched The Invention of Lying last night. I'm not sure what to think of it, to be honest. I enjoyed some of it, and found the philosophical questions it poses interesting, but. Hurm.
Watched The Invention of Lying last night. I'm not sure what to think of it, to be honest. I enjoyed some of it, and found the philosophical questions it poses interesting, but. Hurm.
I liked the beginning but it rapidly degenerated into a really bad romantic comedy. Wish Hollywood would stop ruining good comedic premises by adding a love interest sub-plot that becomes the main plot into them.
Watched The Invention of Lying last night. I'm not sure what to think of it, to be honest. I enjoyed some of it, and found the philosophical questions it poses interesting, but. Hurm.
I found it a very interesting commentary on religion.

Just watched my favorite film of all time again, Va, Vis et Deviens. I love it too much. It rushes in the last 1/3 of the movie, but ... bwaaah. I started crying about twenty minutes in, and kept going on and off for the rest of the movie.
I saw Zombieland last night. It immediately hit with me because it started in my home town of Garland Texas, even though it basically called it a shit hole. I can't really think of much to say about it other than I really enjoyed it. It's the kind of movie that I could really see a lot of people either loving or hating with not a lot of middle ground.


Staff member

A fairly decent film worth the watching. It didn't quite live up to the hype surrounding it. I must agree with what some of the critics said. It's very simplistic. The audience is given everything and has to work for nothing in this film, which makes it come off a bit childish in a way. The story was good. I must also parrot the critics in saying that this really is a acting powerhouse in spite of the trite story. Sidibe and Mo'nique are great. You really want to punch Mo'nique in the face after her first scene. Carey was okay. I wasn't quite as impressed as some of the critics. It was better than Glitter, but that's not saying much. She looks much better without all that crap on her face (my wife disagreed, but whatever). Paula Patton was the weak link in the acting chain. Lenny Kravitz was convincing. I hated what one critic said--that Mo'nique almost becomes a cartoon. I'm guessing he didn't grow up around abusive adults, because I thought she nailed it. 4/5.
To quote a line from the movie itself, Precious was: "un-relenting". It slammed with intensity (character-wise) over and over again, never letting you really recover from the last hit before pounding you into the ground again. Critics who say it's a bad racial film as it casts a bad light on African Americans needs to realize that film could easily have been about a white girl, a hispanic girl or a black girl easily, it just so happened to be written black. I'm gonna agree with the "realism" that Mo'nique's character vibed with, I've seen abusive parents like that with my own eyes.


Staff member
To quote a line from the movie itself, Precious was: "un-relenting". It slammed with intensity (character-wise) over and over again, never letting you really recover from the last hit before pounding you into the ground again. Critics who say it's a bad racial film as it casts a bad light on African Americans needs to realize that film could easily have been about a white girl, a hispanic girl or a black girl easily, it just so happened to be written black. I'm gonna agree with the "realism" that Mo'nique's character vibed with, I've seen abusive parents like that with my own eyes.

I totally agree. I hated those critics. Even if it was uniquely black behavior, nothing in the film says that this is how all black people act. It never pretended to be a story about black people. It was a story about Precious.

The movie hit home for me. I play around a lot on here and I hide things that bother me. But let's just say some things were really familiar.
I saw Alice in Wonderland on Monday.

Wearing 3D glasses is annoying.

Otherwise it was pretty nifty. :)

Philosopher B.

I watched Jesus Camp, and then I wrote this letter:

Dear European Halformers

Please adopt me. Thanks,

You know, I "enjoyed" Jesus Camp for what it was and like you was mildly horrified by it, but remember you watched a very carefully cut 1.5 hours of probably several hundred hours filmed. Thats the issue with documentaries like that... I always like them but I rarely feel I can trust them.


Staff member
Just finished watching Green Lantern: First Flight. Damn that was awesome. Not quite as good as Justice League: The New Frontier, but still very impressive. It did a great job of making the Green Lantern Corps feel like a police force, and not just a bunch of superheroes.
Just watched the first two Indiana Jones movies for the first time.

Awesome. Just awesome. My friend says that 3 is her favorite though, so I'm pretty excited to see that one, too.
I saw Alice in Wonderland on Monday.

Wearing 3D glasses is annoying.

Otherwise it was pretty nifty. :)
Fortunately I saw it in normal enjoyable 2D.

The movie was sweet though I had to get over my love for the books to enjoy it.

The Jabberwock was fucking sweet though, I'll give 'em that.
Just watched the first two Indiana Jones movies for the first time.

I know. I've gotten enough flak about it already.

I've gone out a few times with this friend who I was watching with, and her mother called during the movie. When she explained what we were doing, her mother apparently said something like "He's never seen Indiana Jones before?! What is he, some sort of cultural moron?" Not sure if she's heard of me before that moment, but I'll be pretty sad if the first thing she's said on the subject of me was "He's a moron."