[Movies] Talk about the last movie you saw 2: Electric Threadaloo


Kitty Sinatra

I'm not giving you flak for it. Just expressing some emotionless amazement.

Ya moron! :p

Alex B.


It's funny, I just discovered this past weekend that my wife has never seen Die Hard. Somehow it never ended up in my DVD collection, so sometime this week I'll have to pick it up.
Zombieland - Absolutely hilarious and exciting, start to finish. Cameo was hilarious, too. What surprised me the most is that I completely broke down when
Columbus figures out Tallahassee had lost a son, not a dog
. Hit me like a ton of bricks.


Staff member
Zombieland - Absolutely hilarious and exciting, start to finish. Cameo was hilarious, too. What surprised me the most is that I completely broke down when
Columbus figures out Tallahassee had lost a son, not a dog
. Hit me like a ton of bricks.
It hit a lot of people. It was an emotional moment.


Staff member
:rofl: Yeah, that was a great way to temper the moment with a bit of humor. Still touching.

Hell, I cried when he got the Twinkie, but I, like most Cajuns, am way too into food.


Staff member
Hey, nothing wrong with that.
I always smile like a ninny when Mom comes over and brings me a huge bowl of her homemade meatballs.


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What can I say? I'm nostalgic about certain things.
When I was a kid she used to give me one that was barely off the pan, "to test for salt", we always said it. She still does if I'm around when she's making those.
Someone forgot to include an ending when they made the movie.
Basically, Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal and Natalie Portman give strong, full-blooded performances. Can't fault them there, nor any of the supporting cast. I just wish they had a better movie to star in.
I saw Shutter Island and She's Out of My League on St. Paddy's Day.

Shutter Island was great and pretty Lovecraftian, but this is the second "disturbing" movie I've seen in the past couple months where I've been able to call the ending, leading me to think my brain might be a little fucked-up.

SOML was alright but weird. I hated characters I was supposed to love, and loved characters I was supposed to not love. It felt lazily written at parts, but I guess I kind of expected that. It was still better than I expected but pretty crappy at times.
I Am Legend: Two-thirds of a good movie... The remainder felt like hack-work. And Will Smith plays it fine throughout--he seems as weirded out as the audience, although for different reasons. And what a shitty ending too. There were so many better directions for the movie to go in.

Still, those first two-thirds were really interesting and engrossing. The creatures were pretty creepy as long as they didn't have too much light on them (that first shot reminded me of a cluster of naked baby rats and was just bothersome in human form, in a good way).

Batman: Mask of the Phantasm: At one point I thought "I should have seen that in theaters when I was a kid, since I liked the Batman: TAS then too". Now having seen this, I realize I would've been bored for most of it. As an adult though, seeing those flashbacks was really something. This and the episode "Perchance to Dream" may be my favorite bits of the Bruce Timm Batman stuff, forgiving a couple bits of this movie that were never explained. I still think Dark Knight is a better movie, but that's a movie on its own. The animated series will always be my canonical Batman, and I'll always take more of that, even a 16 year old movie I hadn't seen until this week.
The scene of Bruce Wayne at his parents' grave during the storm almost made me cry.
I Am Legend: Two-thirds of a good movie... The remainder felt like hack-work. And Will Smith plays it fine throughout--he seems as weirded out as the audience, although for different reasons. And what a shitty ending too. There were so many better directions for the movie to go in.

Still, those first two-thirds were really interesting and engrossing. The creatures were pretty creepy as long as they didn't have too much light on them (that first shot reminded me of a cluster of naked baby rats and was just bothersome in human form, in a good way).
Then you would prefer the alernate ending. In it,
it turns outs that the creatures are the next phase of humanity, as they actually have a society and way of life. Robert Neville (Will Smith's character) is their nightmare, their bogeyman. In short, their legend
I Am Legend: Two-thirds of a good movie... The remainder felt like hack-work. And Will Smith plays it fine throughout--he seems as weirded out as the audience, although for different reasons. And what a shitty ending too. There were so many better directions for the movie to go in.

Still, those first two-thirds were really interesting and engrossing. The creatures were pretty creepy as long as they didn't have too much light on them (that first shot reminded me of a cluster of naked baby rats and was just bothersome in human form, in a good way).
Then you would prefer the alernate ending. In it,
it turns outs that the creatures are the next phase of humanity, as they actually have a society and way of life. Robert Neville (Will Smith's character) is their nightmare, their bogeyman. In short, their legend
Most definitely the original ending from the book. Much more poetic than anything Hollywood has done with a Will Smith movie.
I Am Legend: Two-thirds of a good movie... The remainder felt like hack-work. And Will Smith plays it fine throughout--he seems as weirded out as the audience, although for different reasons. And what a shitty ending too. There were so many better directions for the movie to go in.

Still, those first two-thirds were really interesting and engrossing. The creatures were pretty creepy as long as they didn't have too much light on them (that first shot reminded me of a cluster of naked baby rats and was just bothersome in human form, in a good way).
Then you would prefer the alernate ending. In it,
it turns outs that the creatures are the next phase of humanity, as they actually have a society and way of life. Robert Neville (Will Smith's character) is their nightmare, their bogeyman. In short, their legend

Did they actually shoot that? Because it seems like that'd be a lot of differing footage.

EDIT: Now reading Shawn's post, and knowing that to be the real meaning of the title, I'm even more irritated by that shitty ending monologue.
Knocked Up

It was funny. Heigl was kind of boring and unlikable, Rogen was funny and charming without being funny or charming, and Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann were great support.

Where The Wild Things Are

I disliked this movie. The kid was a jerk (which I know was the point) and the Wild Things changed from funny to creepy to violent without warning - which again, was probably the idea - and all in all I just felt a bit uncomfortable watching it. Also, partial conversations followed by running through the woods and howling is not hugely interesting to me.

As for I Am Legend - Yes, they shot the alternative ending, and in fact it was the original ending until the studio decided it "needed to be changed". It's on the DVD.
Okay, I just found and watched the alternate ending online (I rented the DVD; didn't have special features in this version). While it doesn't entirely redeem the last third of the movie, it's certainly a much, much better ending.


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Where the Wild Things Are

Mreungh. Visually, very cool... and it wasn't all bad. But I just wasn't into it at all.
I got to see How to Train Your Dragon in 3D from winning a contest. Yay!

It was pretty solid. The 3D actually hurt the movie. It wasn't really like annoying and gimmicky, it just made the movie unnecessarily dark and hampered the really great visuals. I loved all the action sequences, it really didn't feel like a terrible Dreamworks Pop Culture Fest. The start is a little rocky, but it gets better as it goes. It avoids a lot of children's movie pratfalls. Or at least makes them really minor. The score was a little distractingly bad/stock. The accents were pretty bad and weird, but the movie wasn't really based in reality.
I always forget this thread exists because I spend most of my time in General, despite the high volume of movies I watch.

Anyways. Last night I finally got around to seeing Avatar. I wanted to see it while I could still 'experience' Pandora.

I admit I wasn't impressed with the hype from the get go, but damn this movie was worse than I expected. The visuals were cool, I guess, but not as 'real' as was frequently claimed. I've never been a fan of 3-D and this still seemed gimmicky to me. I think a lot of this has been said before, but whatever. I'll be late and redundant if I want to be! The characters and plot were lame and predictable. Oh you work for a corporation? Bad guy! You have scars? Tough bad guy! The dialogue was... really bad in places. It wasn't constant but when Neytiri first meets Jake and repeats "You are like baby!" about nine times, I wanted to shoot someone. It was awkward to hear it delivered. Grr. I was very underwhelmed by the whole thing.

Today I watched Das Boot. I thought it was the 3.5 hr Director's Cut, although I put in the wrong side of the DVD and didn't realize until it was over and only 2 hrs long, but I guess that's not really relevant. It was excellent. In the future I will definitely be watching the full cut (I've read there's also a four-hour cut?). It's fairly old, from 1981, a German film about U-Boats during WWII. You feel very much trapped with these young seamen on their cramped vessel, stressed and alone. I always feel bad trying to judge foreign films acting talent as I find it hard to judge the delivery of a dialogue I don't understand (or in the case of German, only understand a little), but their performances seemed excellent to me. Very emotive and strong. Also, in the case of foreign films it can be hit and miss on the quality of the subtitles, but I found these ones very high quality, capturing the right meaning of sentences if not always using a direct translation.

And tonight, some more foreign films! Whoo!


I watched New Moon with my wife last night (yes, she's one of them!). Why oh why does this girl stay with the emo, douchebag vampire when there's a boy that actually respects her, doesn't boss her around, is actually tan and pretty jacked, doesn't want to eat her (in the literal sense), doesn't sparkle in the sunlight, and overall relates to her on a much better level than said douchebag vampire?

Oh and why the fuck is she so hung up on her age? ZOMG! I'm 18 and OOOOLLLLDDD!!! Bitch, I wish I was perpetually 25, let alone 18.
I watched New Moon with my wife last night (yes, she's one of them!). Why oh why does this girl stay with the emo, douchebag vampire when there's a boy that actually respects her, doesn't boss her around, is actually tan and pretty jacked, doesn't want to eat her (in the literal sense), doesn't sparkle in the sunlight, and overall relates to her on a much better level than said douchebag vampire?

Oh and why the fuck is she so hung up on her age? ZOMG! I'm 18 and OOOOLLLLDDD!!! Bitch, I wish I was perpetually 25, let alone 18.
Oh dear lord. You've put in too much thought into a Twilight film. Someone get this boy to a support group.

Kitty Sinatra

Just watched Attack of the Clones for the first time since it came out.

It was better than I remembered it.


Staff member
Mask of the Phantasm was cinematically the best Batman movie to date. It captured the spirit of Batman and his internal strife far more than anything Burton, Shumacher, or Nolan made. You get a real sense of loss. When I first saw it, the nerd in me raged a little over the change in identities for the Phantasm and the Joker, but it was washed over by the goodness of the writing, directing, and art.

A pretty good dramedy following a transsexual woman who finds out that she has a son just before her surgery. She drives across country with him (get the double entendre of the title?), and adventures ensue. Yeah, done before, I know. Felicity Huffman assumes the role rather well. It's lacking in interesting cinematography and there's very little conflict in the story, which makes it kind of journal-like. Lots of tertiary characters who sort of drift by like the American scenery. It tries hard to get the viewer to like Toby (the son), but everything happens so quickly and piecemeal, that you kind of feel indifferent to him. Bri, the protagonist, is very likable, but then that's part of the problem. She's normal and likable. I'd give it 3.5/5.
I watched New Moon with my wife last night (yes, she's one of them!). Why oh why does this girl stay with the emo, douchebag vampire when there's a boy that actually respects her, doesn't boss her around, is actually tan and pretty jacked, doesn't want to eat her (in the literal sense), doesn't sparkle in the sunlight, and overall relates to her on a much better level than said douchebag vampire?
Because from what I hear he is really waiting for them to get married and have sex and then he can psychic-ly fall in love with their baby while it's in the womb. I hear this.
I watched New Moon with my wife last night (yes, she's one of them!). Why oh why does this girl stay with the emo, douchebag vampire when there's a boy that actually respects her, doesn't boss her around, is actually tan and pretty jacked, doesn't want to eat her (in the literal sense), doesn't sparkle in the sunlight, and overall relates to her on a much better level than said douchebag vampire?
Because from what I hear he is really waiting for them to get married and have sex and then he can psychic-ly fall in love with their baby while it's in the womb. I hear this.[/QUOTE]

Spoilers, man! Chaz was waiting to see what would happen in the thrilling conclusion!