[Movies] Talk about the last movie you saw 2: Electric Threadaloo

It's complete, and I mean, COMPLETE nonsense.

It's also absurdly long. The action scenes are really pretty though.


I said this on our group chat last night when shit was broke, but I just watched "Hunt for the Wilderpeople". This is made by the same people that did "What We Do In The Shadows" and it, too, is from New Zealand. I liked it quite a bit. Sam Neill is the big name in it and he is wonderful. Not as funny as Shadows, but this one is worth watching.
What's this group chat you speak of?
Halforums Premium. Available via Google Talk. If you want in, gimme your address.

....Wha!? Just his address?! I had to give you nudes of my sister, $1.000 in unmarked bills, my left kidney and the promise of the soul of my first born! What's he have that I do'nt have, huh?

(besides a left kidney these days, of course)


Ah okay, my gmail addy is attached to my forum account here. You'll see it if you look me up in the Admin CP (I think).


Staff member
We only use it when I break something or a DDoS dumps us. So not very often. Mainly because it blows up people's devices with notifications.[DOUBLEPOST=1473887437,1473887424][/DOUBLEPOST]We called it that as a joke more than anything.


Staff member
Yeah I didn't even know it was there nor do I really see the need. I guess I could always go there during outages to post updates.
We only use it when I break something or a DDoS dumps us. So not very often. Mainly because it blows up people's devices with notifications.[DOUBLEPOST=1473887437,1473887424][/DOUBLEPOST]We called it that as a joke more than anything.

Oh yeah, now I remember. I was in it, and I left because goddamn it was blowing up my phone.
Train to Busan

Korean zombie movie, set on a train. Pretty good. It's got some decent action, and the setting allows for some nicely imaginative situations. The characters are a bit one dimensional, but that's not a huge deal for a zombie apocalypse flick.

Also when I went to bed yesterday the film's Wikipedia article didn't have a plot summary yet. I was looking forward to writing it. And now I find someone's beaten me to the punch. And it's not all that well written.

Time to start editing!
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The Return of Godzilla: I watched this on a ... not so legit copy last year, promising I'd buy the official release if there ever was one. Well, that happened on Tuesday, so I bought it and tonight watched it with my wife.

She didn't really care for this one. It takes itself a little too seriously for her and the characters don't really have personalities aside from the Prime Minister, who she liked and I'm glad, because he's my favorite character and has the best human scenes. Usually the politicians are the throwaway bits of these movies, but he kind of stole the show with his tired resolve toward the American and Soviet representatives, as if refusing nuclear weapons being used on Japan wasn't just about the physical damage to the country and its people, but about the soul of Japan if they consented to it.

I still think it's a good one, but I agree with her that it's not really a fun one. But holy shit, that end credits song. The whole movie takes itself seriously, and then they blow that to tell in the end credits.

Laserblast (MST3K version)

Ugh. A decent idea with effects that were passable for the time absolutely wrecked by poor direction, awful editing, a padded run time, and overall just lackluster quality. The plot is that an alien of some kind, with an arm-mounted laser cannon, is on the run from 2 giant turtle-like stop motion aliens. He attempts to ambush them but gets gunned down and vaporized. However, the control gem and weapon are left behind when the aliens (police? Bounty hunters? hard to say) take off when a Cessna buzzes the scene. They are soon found by Billy, a young man with a really shitty life, a hideous unreliable van, and everyone in his bullshit desert town seems to give him a hard time: his mom just up and leaves for vacation without telling him; the local hick jerkwad cops hassle hip; an unlikely meathead and toady nerd duo bully him; his girlfriend's senile grandfather chases him off their property instead of letting her know he's there. Naturally, this is exact the sort of person who should have access to a means of violent and unstoppable payback, and soon enough, Billy finds this super advanced weapon while wandering in the desert (the one place no one seems out to give him a hard time). A lousy birthday pool party, some tanning, and an attempted rape of his girlfriend (by the aforementioned bullies) later, and Billy's vendetta begins.

I guess what bothers me so much is that, in competent hands, this could have been pretty decent. In a lot of ways its thematically similar to Chronicle, and if remade today, could be almost as good. But pointless scenes drag on, the visuals are uninspiring (there's only so much beige southwestern scrub you can see before you've seen enough of it), and scenes don't so much transition as collide together in an awkward pileup. The acting isn't that great either.
Laserblast (MST3K version)

Ugh. A decent idea with effects that were passable for the time absolutely wrecked by poor direction, awful editing, a padded run time, and overall just lackluster quality. The plot is that an alien of some kind, with an arm-mounted laser cannon, is on the run from 2 giant turtle-like stop motion aliens. He attempts to ambush them but gets gunned down and vaporized. However, the control gem and weapon are left behind when the aliens (police? Bounty hunters? hard to say) take off when a Cessna buzzes the scene. They are soon found by Billy, a young man with a really shitty life, a hideous unreliable van, and everyone in his bullshit desert town seems to give him a hard time: his mom just up and leaves for vacation without telling him; the local hick jerkwad cops hassle hip; an unlikely meathead and toady nerd duo bully him; his girlfriend's senile grandfather chases him off their property instead of letting her know he's there. Naturally, this is exact the sort of person who should have access to a means of violent and unstoppable payback, and soon enough, Billy finds this super advanced weapon while wandering in the desert (the one place no one seems out to give him a hard time). A lousy birthday pool party, some tanning, and an attempted rape of his girlfriend (by the aforementioned bullies) later, and Billy's vendetta begins.

I guess what bothers me so much is that, in competent hands, this could have been pretty decent. In a lot of ways its thematically similar to Chronicle, and if remade today, could be almost as good. But pointless scenes drag on, the visuals are uninspiring (there's only so much beige southwestern scrub you can see before you've seen enough of it), and scenes don't so much transition as collide together in an awkward pileup. The acting isn't that great either.
But at least now you're ready for some football!


^ Saw this cheezy movie last night. I couldn't get emotionally invested in any of the characters and I didn't care if they died or not.
re: Most Likely To Die , The script had been sitting around collecting dust since the 1990's Scream slasher boom, but the director did "Last Shift", also on Netflix and somewhat acclaimed. It was just released direct to Netflix, video on demand.

I saw Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates, which had a lot of really good gags and hilarious side characters, but was a little bit dragged by boring and barebones plot crap.
The Magnificant Seven was a solid movie. Nothing mind blowing, but I think that's to be expected considering how often we've seen the plot. The cast is great and I liked how they diversified them without ignoring the setting. Not saying much, but the best Western I've seen in theaters.

the very last scene was terrible and clearly thrown in at the last minute. What's sad is that it could have worked if they bothered to go out and shoot something. Instead we get a terrible looking cgi shot of the valley and the graves that looks like it was made on and quickly rendered with a gateway PC from the early 00s.

I hope we get a directors cut. Overall it's worth seeing.
oh! I actually finally watched Ghostbusters (2016). It was fine. There were a couple sequences that made me laugh so hard I got stomach cramps. When I recovered, I sure to open a can of fresh Pringles potato crisps to eat just like my favorite character Holtzmann on the screen.

anyways now i guess i should read back through and find all the spoiler discussion i skipped through
oh! I actually finally watched Ghostbusters (2016). It was fine. There were a couple sequences that made me laugh so hard I got stomach cramps. When I recovered, I sure to open a can of fresh Pringles potato crisps to eat just like my favorite character Holtzmann on the screen.

anyways now i guess i should read back through and find all the spoiler discussion i skipped through
Don't forget to order a pizza from Papa Johns. Then you can have more stomach cramps! :awesome:
I watched Zootopia now that it's on Netflix, and really enjoyed it. Definitely a repeated-viewing Disney movie.
Ooh, thanks for the heads up. I think I'll rewatch it too.

I take it Ghostbusters has a lot of product placement.
Only those two things, far as I can tell, both problematic for their own reason. Pringles is worse because they interrupt a scene to point out Holtzman is eating Pringles and she says she can't stop, they're so good. Papa Johns is just there and they're eating it while having a conversation, and is only a problem because they're in friggin Manhattan. If they were visitors, I'd understand, but if you live there you're likely in walking distance of a dozen better-tasting, less-expensive local pizza places.