Young Justice is a poorly designed TV Show. Not in the plotting sense, in the "making a TV Show" sense. Despite Gargoyles, it's as if the creators learned nothing and insist on telling the story they want to tell despite the fact that the show will go through other parties before reaching the audience. YJ is way to serialized for it to hold up to a CN network (or any kids network, same problem would happen on Nick) scheduler. That's the same kind of intelligence that gets you Brian Hitch or Frank Quitely assigned to monthly titles. The first season had a 6 month long gap between episodes with a plot that flows at a pace that assumes you watch an episode a weekday. If you miss an episode for whatever reason (like networks changing date and time), then you're shit out of luck as the story is moving forward without so much as a "previously on..." Which brings us to another issue, NOTHING OF ANY SIGNIFICANCE HAPPENS! You get build up, build up, build up, six month hiatus, more build up (To what again? I forgot in the absence, oh right the injustice league), yet more build up, season 2 and the 5 year new toy jump. Wait what? Oh right remember that big showdown we were building up to? We're skipping ahead 5 years, but don't worry the only thing that happened in five years is melodrama, new characters, new costumes for old characters, and we got rid of the Krypto stand in. Oh the 6 hours of missing memories in 5 of the most prominent Justice Leaguers? Yea nobody apparently bothered doing anything about that until it suddenly comes back up five years later. The showdown with the Injustice LeagueThe Light? People seem to know about them, but it appears they've yet to do anything, but who cares we're building to Darkseid now, and they're going to be small fries compared to our new threat which is totally dangerous but you'll have to take our word for it since you never actually got to see the Light do anything other than talk ominously and anonymously at the end of episodes about how soon they will make the Heroes pay/aware of their existence. Soon being over 5 years away.