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So I was all just sittin' there, chillin' like I usually do and I thinks to myself "yo dawg, time to get off that soda wagon and opt for a healthy alternative and shit. Wisdom."

And that gets me to thinking "Tea. WHAT IS IT?"

I've never liked tea. Fuckin' dirty leaf water? no thanks comrade. I'll dress up like a native american and throw that shit in the river thankyouverymuch

But maybe it's an acquired taste? It took me a while to like beer so maybe I can do the same thing with tea.

So I'm going to take a step back and open it up to the audience and let's just see what kind of tea you sophisticated cats drink. If you were to recommend a tea to someone who does not typically like tea what would you recommend?


Well isn't beer just water added to some kind of plant matter that is left to basically rot?
I'm not too fussy on my tea, I'll drink Liption, or anything (normally Lipton, it's easy). just brew it and put in some sugar and toss it in the fridge for a nice sweet iced tea (the only type of tea is Iced, all that other crap is no good)
I'm not too fussy on my tea, I'll drink Liption, or anything (normally Lipton, it's easy). just brew it and put in some sugar and toss it in the fridge for a nice sweet iced tea (the only type of tea is Iced, all that other crap is no good)
See, I thought about just going for sweet tea, but I'm trying to get a few sugars out of my diet.

But now that Muppets are involved I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.


I mean this without any kind of irony, earl grey and hot. I love that stuff. I go through so much of it. I also like iced tea but that last batch i made was watery and i cant bring myself to dump it. that means my tea jug is full of tea that i will never drink.


I hate green tea. In all forms.
At least the ones Ive had and I have been coerced into trying and retrying it on many an occasion. blech.
Earl Grey with a bit of milk, I should add.

Seriously. If you don't like Earl Grey with milk (hot OR cold), you better just go back to soda and chubbyness.
Ugh, I don't understand how people can drink Earl Grey. This is not an attack on your tastes makare, there's just something about the aroma that gets to me; makes me feel like I'm drinking perfume.

Personally, I enjoy the Twinings brand, specifically their Prince of Wales, which is a blend of various black teas. Has a pretty nice, mild flavor. I've heard a lot of good things about Teavana, which B.T. linked to, but those are not bagged teas and you would need to invest in an infuser and pot. I've also heard good things about Adagio teas, which like Teavana, are loose teas. Whatever you do, I'd suggest you first just buy a sampler pack of various teas and see what you like.


Also, regarding green tea, I've heard it has some mild benefits regarding metabolism, but I don't know how much of that is marketing bs. At any rate, I enjoy green tea, but if you don't dig the taste, you might try white tea, which is basically a milder tasting green tea.


That's funny because I dont drink Twinings because I think it is too strong. I guess that is why he felt he needed to add milk.

My sisters perfume does actually smell like earl grey though lol.
Twinings Earl Grey with a dash of milk is NIRVANA... both Iced and hot.

NIRVANA I tell you... and not the Cobain kind.


Phil don't listen to anyone but me. You are my special friend I would not steer you wrong.
I'm a tea fiend. If I'm not drinking water, it's usually tea. I like it in most forms, and it's very rare that I find a tea I don't like. Like Lipton's bottled white tea. Blegh! :puke:
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