The Author Of This Study Must Have Been Spanked Constantly

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Staff member
It was sometimes hard to tell the trolls from the wackos on that board. There was the guy who claimed to be a werewolf, and to be connected to a whole underground movement of Christian werewolves, vampires, and other strange sub-cultures. There was the poster who was obsessed that the whole world was spelling Yahweh wrong, and tried to turn every thread towards discussion of his spelling, and his only cited source was a poorly written Wikipedia article (which itself didn't cite any information). It was a weird place at times.
But in Latin, Jehovah begins with an "I"!
It was sometimes hard to tell the trolls from the wackos on that board. There was the guy who claimed to be a werewolf, and to be connected to a whole underground movement of Christian werewolves, vampires, and other strange sub-cultures. There was the poster who was obsessed that the whole world was spelling Yahweh wrong, and tried to turn every thread towards discussion of his spelling, and his only cited source was a poorly written Wikipedia article (which itself didn't cite any information). It was a weird place at times.
But in Latin, Jehovah begins with an "I"![/QUOTE]

*steps on J*

*nearly falls down a chasm*

*climbs back up*

Idiot! In Latin Jehovah starts with an "I"!
Now I want of study of the parents that pick their battles with their kids...

I hate hearing a parent say that. "I pick my battles." If it gets to the point of being a battle with a child, you bloody well play to win. If you choose not to battle with a child over a point, you end up giving up authority to your child.
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