The Big Five-Oh

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Pounds lost that is!

well, actually 52, but that just doesn't have the same ring to it :D I have lost 52 pounds now sincemy baby was born 6 1/2-ish months ago.

and I only gained 15 when I got pregnant so I am nicely ahead of the ball. Yeah yeah- I'm chunky :tongue:
WOW... was your baby born weighing like 42 pounds or something?

That's pretty cool, congrats, it's no easy feat!

GasBandit said:
The bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin'.
That's what I say.
The looser the waistband, the deeper the quicksand.
Or so I have read.

Really, Gas, if you're going to quote Spinal Tap, get it right!

And good for you, Laurelai! Feels good, doesn't it?


Staff member
Edrondol said:
GasBandit said:
The bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin'.
That's what I say.
The looser the waistband, the deeper the quicksand.
Or so I have read.

Really, Gas, if you're going to quote Spinal Tap, get it right!
Well if we're going to nitpick, now that you made me go and look it up instead of quoting off the top of my head, it's "That's what I SAID." not "That's what I say." If you're gonna call me to the carpet on correct lyrics, make sure your correction is correct ;)

GasBandit said:
Edrondol said:
GasBandit said:
The bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin'.
That's what I say.
The looser the waistband, the deeper the quicksand.
Or so I have read.

Really, Gas, if you're going to quote Spinal Tap, get it right!
Well if we're going to nitpick, now that you made me go and look it up instead of quoting off the top of my head, it's "That's what I SAID." not "That's what I say." If you're gonna call me to the carpet on correct lyrics, make sure your correction is correct ;)
I'm quoting by singing along with the song in my head, which I trust just as much as an internet site who is basically doing the same. Unless you got the lyrics from the Spinal Tap official web page, which I doubt. When you listen to the song it could be either "say" or "said" since he's doing a British accent. But neither one can possibly be "or so I have read" because it's the wrong verse.

You still lose.

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