The Dating Thread

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Well I'm holding off on that till the first date. After that, you better believe it.
On Monday night I went to out to play pool with some friends.

As tat was winding down I got texted by a couple female acquaintances who wanted to see if I'd go clubbing with them.

After they continued to chat with their friends at the club and sort of ignore me, I sorta broke away from them and got the numbers of two other girls, both of whom I flirty texted on the walk home.

Productive night.
There was a girl, some weeks ago, at a party. We seemed to have chemistry... and, dare I say it, she even looked interested.
Even If I still haven't got her number from our mutual friend (I didn't get it because, heck, I'm shy and I was drunk, and my friend says she doesn't want to give it to me because she doens't like her own number given to people, but I'm insisting), the cosplayer girl is sending me e-mails asking me If I've "found another girl to party with", telling me if I want to go watch movies with her and casually telling me "she is going tonight to name of club because today it's free".

Wild and confusing to me... but it's kinda nice to feel wanted.
Not the girl. The girl's friend. I'm sorry, I know my english is awkward.

I've got the number. And tha info that the girl called my friend the day after the party and told her I was pretty nice and was funny.

Now, to think up a day and place for the potential date. (Yeah, maybe this doesn't belong to "The dating thread", but to "the pre-dating thread". uh, wait a second...


So another full night of talking back and forth, between ingame WoW, on the phone, and on Ventrilo. Finding out that we have even more in common than previously thought, we laughed and had a good night all together. So as the night is winding down, she asks what my plans for Christmas Eve are. Slightly embarassed I tell her that it'll be spent alone. What does she do? Asks me if I'd like to spend it with her.

I could very easily fall for this girl. I'm seeing her tonight!
Good for you Jiarn... go get her!

Just for the record... I met my wife on plentyofish. That site can work if you are able to deal with all of the bullshit that goes on there (i got yanked around pretty good there for a while).


Want to say thanks for the words of encouragement, even the secret ones on my rep comments. You know who you are. -grin- Thanks!


Easily the best Christmas Eve I've ever had.

Met up a karaoke bar that's not too far from where we both live that she knew well and felt comfortable meeting in. After very few moments of initial awkward hellos we had a couple drinks and she told me I was doing karaoke. She knew that I had never done it before, and the only singing I'd ever done up to that point was in my car. Funny thing is, for her? I didn't even question whether to do it or not. So she picked a song and I was going through this huge book of songs, the entire time we're talking non-stop, hitting every single interest together, point for point. Ex: We don't just have the same taste in movies, but actors, directors, style, genres and preferences.

So being the massive geek that I am, I found the song I was going to begin my karaoke career and this relationship with: Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley. Yes folks, I rickrolled my date on the first night. She loved it, even recorded me (Going to be on youtube soon I think, I'll post it here). From that point on the night was just amazing. Drinks, smokes, talking till nearly 2am from 9pm. Both of us just going head over heels. I drove her home (she had a couple too many by the end of the night, good times and all that) and ended the night holding hands, long hugs, a kiss on the cheek and a peck on the lips. I was floating all the way home. We even made plans to see each other again on Monday, which again, she initiated.

Guys, I'm falling for this girl. Big time.
I had a friend surmise that the two friends whose numbers I got at the club on Monday would discuss among themselves who gets "dibs" on me.

From what I can tell, almost a week has passed and they STILL both seem like they're in the game.

Iiiiiiinteresting. :)
Easily the best Christmas Eve I've ever had.

Met up a karaoke bar that's not too far from where we both live that she knew well and felt comfortable meeting in. After very few moments of initial awkward hellos we had a couple drinks and she told me I was doing karaoke. She knew that I had never done it before, and the only singing I'd ever done up to that point was in my car. Funny thing is, for her? I didn't even question whether to do it or not. So she picked a song and I was going through this huge book of songs, the entire time we're talking non-stop, hitting every single interest together, point for point. Ex: We don't just have the same taste in movies, but actors, directors, style, genres and preferences.

So being the massive geek that I am, I found the song I was going to begin my karaoke career and this relationship with: Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley. Yes folks, I rickrolled my date on the first night. She loved it, even recorded me (Going to be on youtube soon I think, I'll post it here). From that point on the night was just amazing. Drinks, smokes, talking till nearly 2am from 9pm. Both of us just going head over heels. I drove her home (she had a couple too many by the end of the night, good times and all that) and ended the night holding hands, long hugs, a kiss on the cheek and a peck on the lips. I was floating all the way home. We even made plans to see each other again on Monday, which again, she initiated.

Guys, I'm falling for this girl. Big time.
You initiated plans with a girl whom you already had a lot of common interests already going then proceeded to to take your personal common interests and made an INSIDE JOKE which was surely greatly entertaining.

Well done good Sir.

---------- Post added at 09:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 PM ----------

I had a friend surmise that the two friends whose numbers I got at the club on Monday would discuss among themselves who gets "dibs" on me.

From what I can tell, almost a week has passed and they STILL both seem like they're in the game.

Iiiiiiinteresting. :)


So since the night of the first date, we've talked, texted, IMed and WoW-IMed at least 3-4x a day. At one point we were watching a Netflix Instant Que movie together. "The 'Burbs". One of my favorites for a slow night. She hadn't seen it yet, so I had to introduce her. She loved it. Just constant talking, laughing and enjoying each other.

Second date coming up for tonight. Going a bit more traditional, dinner and a movie. Going to see TRON in 3-D. Nice to be taking a girl to a movie that she's as interested in as I am.


Second date: Was supposed to be a semi-fancy dinner and TRON?

Turned into quick steakburgers (which she recommended over the restaurant/dinner. Her stance is: It's not where we are, just that I'm with you), hours of talking again (still finding tons upon tons of things in common, it doesn't seem to end!), few drinks (closeby little pool hall near the steakburger place) then horror movies (we both had been meaning to rewatch High Tension) and cuddling (alot of cuddling/misc) at my place.

It's all but official, there's just no doubts between us. This is something real.


It's just funny, because about a week before I met, her I had a small relapse about second guessing my decsion about not speaking with my ex. I called her up, not to get back with her, but to get some real solid final closure. She didn't answer when I called, I left a voice mail. I felt that if she didn't call me back, I knew where it stood.

She ends up calling me back 2hrs later, and we talked on the phone for 2hrs. We both got alot of things off our chest (I had still held a few things back from her during the break up, even though we admitted to alot during that final conversation) and I felt unbelieavble afterward. I felt so much lighter and free to just enjoy life. I even confronted my best friend that I thought I was having feelings for and cleared that up to not what I thought it was. Then a good week or two later, Shannon comes into my life. It was amazing timing, I was so ready to meet her at that point. It couldn't have gone better if it had been planned.


Staff member
It's good to hear things are going so well for you, Jiarn. It seems like this one's a keeper.

Also... thanks. Your story brings hope for the rest of us reluctant singles.


It's my genunine hope that 2011 brings the singles some real happiness. Either in themselves or with someone. I hope this thread just explodes with good news.

I was half hoping that my posts and updates weren't discourging anyone, because it was my real intention to show that it's possible to find someone, even when you feel it's so hopeless. (I had started getting really down on myself a while back: Single Father of 2 kids, total nerd/geek/gamer, white knight/nice guy. It seemed like I had everything against me.)
I never really went on dates, to be honest. I just hung out with friends, and eventually sparks of romance would form between me and someone out of that group. Even after I started "dating" someone, our dates consisted of dinner and a movie; nothing was ever a formal evening where I come to pick her up with a box of chocolates and flowers.

Sexy Lexxxie

Basically, I need to laid. Im not really into girls and the guys in this town absolutley suck.


Staff member
It's my genunine hope that 2011 brings the singles some real happiness. Either in themselves or with someone. I hope this thread just explodes with good news.

I was half hoping that my posts and updates weren't discourging anyone, because it was my real intention to show that it's possible to find someone, even when you feel it's so hopeless. (I had started getting really down on myself a while back: Single Father of 2 kids, total nerd/geek/gamer, white knight/nice guy. It seemed like I had everything against me.)
:) I'm digging this positivity. I wish for good things for everyone here. As for me, I've got a date tomorrow. It's a special occasion for us. ^_^ We don't often shake things up, but we always have fun.


So New Years is now planned together. Going to be ringing it in together at one of my friends house. We're going to begin the process of "friend introductions". New Years she meets a couple of people I know from work. New Years Day, she'll be meeting my two best friends. -grin-

The only problem I'm having so far, is trying not to be over-eager to see her and "bother" her on a daily basis. All I find myself wanting to do is call her/text her/facebook message her etc. However I do not want her to feel overwhelmed or smothered so I try and keep my distance just a bit.


Staff member
If the excitement to talk and be together is mutual, it's not a big problem. It's still a good idea for you to be respectful of her space. I'm really happy for you, Jiarn. :) Y'all are going to have a great time.


Yeah, she calls me daily, so I don't worry about "scaring her off". Not completely anyway. I think if it were possible, she'd probably be coming over nightly just to cuddle/watch movies. We both have kids of our own though, and we've both agreed it's going to be a while before they're involved in this at all, so it makes consistant visits a bit more tricky.


So it's official now, did our little corny "I don't want to see anyonelse, I want this to be official" kind of thing on New Years. This is going to be a great year.

This will also be my last post in this thread, mostly anyway, to open the floor up to more success stories :)

If you haven't tried it, I really recommend giving a try. It really is as comprehensive as any major "pay" dating site, with no monthly charges required. Seriously, if you're single and don't want to be, and haven't tried it, you should!
Thanks, I'll give it a try--oh, you meant single people.

I wanted fish too. They doubled the price of tilapia at the supermarket...
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