The Fappening


Staff member
Man, remember when portal of evil was a thing? When the Stile Project was the internet's primary concentration of scum and villainy?

On the other hand, who'd really be surprised if the DMCA notifaction forms on 4chan really forwarded to /dev/null?
Maybe they're just collecting them for laughs. Make a new sub that shows the last x DMCA requests received, allowing people to comment on and/or laugh at them.
It would be really cool if they did so, and then called out the ones that were obviously bogus and ignored them. I would enjoy seeing that.

I'm not going to champion Jezebel as a feminist utopia writer haven or anything, but they're at least purported as a feminist site. Come on, of course they might have a different view than normal Gawker.

Also I think the gross stuff about the hogan sex tape is wrong too, and also if you think about it / dig deep enough, it's also a result of the patriarchy!!!!


Staff member
I never want to hear any of you guys say stuff about "fox news" again then, for something you saw on Hannity.


Staff member
I'm not going to champion Jezebel as a feminist utopia writer haven or anything, but they're at least purported as a feminist site. Come on, of course they might have a different view than normal Gawker.
Yeah, Jezebel has their own special type of hypocrisy. Like congratulating women for physically assaulting their boyfriends.
Might I direct you to Parks and Recreation and Archer to refute your claim.
Unfortunately I have no knowledge of these, so cannot comment them. Sadly my remarks could also be aimed at "Comedy" over here. Most "Funny" shows have canned laughter to try to fool the viewer into thinking that they are humorous.