Network television with commercials and things like profanity filters? Nope. Were this on Netflix or some other streaming service I'd be all in.
It's not blowing my mind, and I'm still not a fan of Medusa's wig, but I would give it a chance. I don't have a problem with it being on network tv. For one thing, I never found the Inhumans all that gritty that they need profanity and graphic violence. And maybe this is because I have a small child who is getting curious about comics and superheroes, but it would be nice if not everything was skewed to a very adult audience.
While I am a great big fan of the "Lady Naked McSexMurder's shit-smeared adventures in BlueFilter City, co-starring Curseword Van Hammerdick" genre, I also don't think network TV necessarily means unwatchable. One of the shows I got absolutely hooked on over the last decade or so was Grimm, on NBC. Yeah, it was kept PG-13, but it was still compelling stuff.
Also, being off the tether hasn't necessarily been a guarantee of good things for animated superhero fare, either. While the new JL/Teen Titans direct-to-dvd unrated offerings have had their moments and been decent, not one has grabbed me like Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes did, which was FIRMLY stuck in the "G rated, kids watch this" category.
So, I'm willing to keep an open mind. But man... that wig. >_<