The two party system sucks. But at this point I think it would take actual government intervention to get rid of it, because people naturally want to gravitate to pre-formed groups because it means less effort on their part to get mostly what they want. The amount of people in my family who don't actually pay attention to politics at all and can't figure out why Donald Trump might be corrupt infuriates me. They just believe that the libs are fucking them over because that is what they are told, and having a "non-politician" is better even if, to quote my mom "He talks like an idiot." People actually *still* believe that Trump cares about people just doesn't have good public speaking skills.

They get mad at people who dare say mean things about the president because it's "so disrespectful," but spent 8 years talking shit about Obama, and I don't mean about his politics, because I can guarantee they don't know what any of them were.
I have acquaintances on the other side of the fence too. The ones who repost Occupy Democrats like it's going out of style and won't admit fault in anything. Unfortunately, between these two groups of people, we're just ending up with a government that swings erratically from one extreme to the other while more people flock to register as independents, while still more or less voting down a 1 party line regardless, because cock blocking has become the politics of today.