The Lion King... IT'S REAL!

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Wait, really? I was sent that link verbatim, I didn't sign in to any page to see that...and I still see it fine.
Shegokigo said:
Calleja said:
silly people
What's a motto you?
If you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat
Eat my buddy Pumbaa here, 'cause he's a tasty treat
Come on down and dine
On this tasty swine
All you gotta is get in line
Are you achin'...

Yup yup yup

Fooooor some bacon?
so no one finds the picture incredibly hilarious?

goddamn it, I need to start hanging out with less mature people.
There are no less mature people. Some days you have to descend to varieties of beans to find creatures less mature.
CynicismKills said:
Actually I hadn't bothered to look at the image now that it's fixed.

It's cute, I'm not sure it's funny though.
it's funny if you think "timon and pumbaa", it may be cute if you think "warthog and meerkat"

I think it's a photoshop, though.
Calleja said:
CynicismKills said:
Actually I hadn't bothered to look at the image now that it's fixed.

It's cute, I'm not sure it's funny though.
it's funny if you think "timon and pumbaa", it may be cute if you think "warthog and meerkat"

I think it's a photoshop, though.
Or not, at least for me, as I did see it as Timon and Pumbaa. Opinions and all that.

I'm highly amused by this.

Dig a tunnel, dig-dig a tunnel...quick before the hyena comes!!

(What? I liked Lion King 1 1/2!)
AmorousEyes said:
Calleja said:
hylian said:
AmorousEyes said:
:never seen Lion King:

:Leyla: is she real? Am I hallucinating?

To make it worse, I own the Platinum edition on DVD. It's sitting on the shelf right behind me.
Disney songs irk me, that's my main peeve with watching them. I haven't even seen Mulan, or Hunchback, or Anastasia, or Lilo & Sitch, or Hercules, or Pocahontas, or Aladdin, or... etc.. etc..

I just can't bring myself to watch them...

And to make it worse I have seen all of those that you mentioned.
I disagree, of those listed Aladdin is the clear superior.

Sure, there are a few songs, but come ON! THEY'RE AWESOME!! *starts hyperventilating*
Aladdin is FILLED with songs though, very "Disney like" songs. Which is what she just finished saying she doesn't like to see/hear.
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