The Lion King... IT'S REAL!

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Shegokigo said:
If any of them, I recommend Mulan. Very little singing in comparison to the others you listed.

And then there is a subtle twist in tune in of the songs and after that no more songs in the movie.
Calleja said:
Holy smurf, i knew it, the animals are starting to talk to each other... next thing you know people will start singing in the street and fairies will come out of the wood work... Disney must be stopped...
@Li3n said:
Holy smurf, i knew it, the animals are starting to talk to each other... next thing you know people will start singing in the street and fairies will come out of the wood work... Disney must be stopped...
Animation come to life?

Yes please!
No, see, the catch is that it's only Disney animation... so no hot cartoon chicks... well, not any that will put out anyway.
I don't know, I'm sure Snow White was kinky as shit.

How can you live with seven middle aged male dwarves and NOT be?
Calleja said:
I don't know, I'm sure Snow White was kinky as shit.

How can you live with seven middle aged male dwarves and NOT be?
It's even worse in the original story; Snow White is underage in that one.

Also, I've seen every movie mentioned in this thread in the last year. I loves me some animation.
Calleja said:
I don't know, I'm sure Snow White was kinky as shit.

How can you live with seven middle aged male dwarves and NOT be?
Easy... she got Disnified... now she lack a vagina...
I actually actively disliked the lack of songs in Mulan. I mean, you've got LEA freaking SALONGA singing Mulan's voice! What a waste to have her sing, like, one song and then two lines of another song.

Nowadays when I go to karaoke, I always sing a few Disney songs. Partly because their selection of English songs is very limited, and partly because I just like them, you know?
AshburnerX said:
Calleja said:
I don't know, I'm sure Snow White was kinky as shit.

How can you live with seven middle aged male dwarves and NOT be?
It's even worse in the original story; Snow White is underage in that one.
She was under 15?!

also, if you want worse, try the original Sleeping Beauty... the thing that woke her was way beyond a kiss... so way beyond.
The singing in Hercules is pretty good, The Muses/Chorus is basically an African American gospel choir. Old Disney and their silly racism...


Calleja said:
I think it's a photoshop, though.
No! I refuse to believe it could be shopped! One the many dreams I had as an 8-yr old have come true. I was obessed with The Lion King as a kid & wanted to believe that secretly all the animals of the African plains lived like this.
lafftaff said:
Calleja said:
I think it's a photoshop, though.
No! I refuse to believe it could be shopped! One the many dreams I had as an 8-yr old have come true. I was obessed with The Lion King as a kid & wanted to believe that secretly all the animals of the African plains lived like this.
Well they do, what you don't see is the warthog brutally killing and eating the meercat in the next photo. :twisted:


Shegokigo said:
lafftaff said:
Calleja said:
I think it's a photoshop, though.
No! I refuse to believe it could be shopped! One the many dreams I had as an 8-yr old have come true. I was obessed with The Lion King as a kid & wanted to believe that secretly all the animals of the African plains lived like this.
Well they do, what you don't see is the warthog brutally killing and eating the meercat in the next photo. :twisted:
*innocence dies*
No! They sing happy songs...and, and do the hula! :waah:


Staff member
What do you think of the Finnish version, then?

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On aivonne tyhjistä tyhjin
Ja järkenne järjettömyys
Vaan tottelevaisuus käskyihin
On se tää mielenkiintoni syy

Valmistautuen käyn tähän aikaan
Vihdoin vaihtuvi tää kuninkuus
Se selkääsi riipii
Kun luoksesi hiipii

Vaan minne se loikki?

Nyt laita suu poikki
Jos ohjeeni jaatte
Te palkkion saatte, kun mun paikkani on kuninkuus
Silloin kaikkia saan komentaa
Vallan saan!

Jeah, vallan saat. Vallan hauskaa. Ai miten?

Kuningas kuolee.

Tä, onks se pipi?

Ei typerys, me tapamme hänet. Ja Simban myös.

Hyvä idea. Ei enää kuningasta! Ei kuningasta, lallalallalaalaa

Idiootit! Meille tulee kuningas!

Ei mut sä sanoit...

Minä olen kuningas! Seuratkaa, ettekä ikinä näe nälkää!

Kauan eläköön kuningas!
Eläköön kuningas! Eläköön kuningas!

On kohta nyt Scar kuninkaamme
Joka hyeena herkkuja saa

Te myös totta kai teette työnne
Se vaatimus on kuninkaan
On eessämme herkkujen aika
Ja vaikka mä parhaimmat saan
Mut tahtoain riko et lainkaan
Mua ilman et saa karvakaan

Valmistautuen käyn tähän juoneen
Valmistautuen käyn rikokseen
Kun voittomme vihdoin me saamme näin silloin
Oon kaikista suurin
Kun hymyhuulin oon kuningas kaiken
Sen kunnian sai ken
Kun kuningas oon kaiken teen

Kun mun hampaani kruunuun vain saan
Vallan saan
Kun mun hampaani kruunun vain saan vallan saan!
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