I would, if their fater would accept me... But right now, if I get near them, it's shotgun time.If you love them so much, why don't you marry them?
Thanks! ^_^Beautiful pictures! You have lovely eyes.
I would, if their fater would accept me... But right now, if I get near them, it's shotgun time.If you love them so much, why don't you marry them?
Thanks! ^_^Beautiful pictures! You have lovely eyes.
You have to post the after pic with you missing an arm...Feeding a rabbit.
It's its only redeeming factor.And on the happy side of my pic, I DO have myself a juice box
Who wouldn't jump at boobs?...You know, I almost didn't post that. I'm always thinking, half a second after I realize what I've written, "Ah, well, no one's gonna seriously jump at that..." Then you goobers go and prove me wrong. :laugh:
The only thing that tops that is if there's a puddle of drool that forms on the floor.It's super cute when they wear themselves out bouncing around and fall asleep hanging.
View attachment 265.Psst, Cajun....