The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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he's talking about labor, not hand or blow jobs, dude.

I'm with you otherwise.
Who wouldn't want to get paid for that?

More seriously: I'd like to earn a living with my writing. Paychecks are going to have to grow a bit for that to happen.


Staff member

I wish my head would do that and relieve the pressure. And I can't take any aspirin or anything because I haven't eaten anything. Plus, I can't eat or drink anything because I'm having a blood test done. So my head hurts, I'm hungry, thirsty and I just wanna go home.


take a fifteen, and turn off noise and light, dave. just chill. Then start kill- I mean get back to work


Staff member
I can't. There's no place to go take a 15. The office I'm in is well lit and overpopulated today because of the health fair.


Staff member
Blood given, food eaten, Excedrin taken, headache gone.

Unfortunately, workload EXPLODING!!!


okay. seems my bullet dodged epic win post came with the caveat that I still have to schedule surgery, and can look fwd to pain, even after treatment is complete. But it's minor in that it's not C. So yay. I guess.

(in before musical note joke)
I keep reading that as "not my C", and it takes on a whole different meaning. I suppose you'd still be glad though.


Staff member
Not so much a rant, just sad. Little Dee is over. The last strip was a few days ago, and I keep checking the site, forgetting that there aren't going to be any more updates.
My mom's boyfriend's son is so fucking annoying. Everytime he talks I feel tiny little bees stinging my ears.
If he was a little older I'd tell him straight on to fuck off but I'm too damn nice, I just can't bitch at twelve year olds.
I'm afraid to hurt their feelings so bad that they begin to subconsciously hate women and I end up fucking them up for the rest of their lives.

Puberty is serious businness, man...
Why don't you dress up as a clown and then tell him? From what I heard, I don't think Calleja is afraid of women... Making this kid hate clowns may very well be making him a favour!
I'm playing Modern Warfare 2 and those players with the Marathon and Commando perks are the bane of my existence. I'm used to shooters like Day of Defeat: Source where it's not so chaotic. Add the often laggy and unreliable Hawaiian broadband to the mix and you've players knifing me left and right before I even see them.

Or maybe I'm just getting older and my reflexes are slowing down. Damn kids...


I hate Mondays. I know dislike for Mondays is not uncommon but anyway. My hatred is really my fault though. On Mondays I have class until 3 sometimes 4. Most days I am done at 2. I don't eat until I get home so most days I get home at 2 pretty hungry but on Mondays that extra hour makes me completely famished. I am not sure why. I really should pack a lunch or at least eat breakfast but I dont. That is why the hatred is my fault but Im still going to not-serious rant about it.


I had four hours of sleep last night and I'm stuck at work doing Swiss-Prot blast searches on peptide fragments to identify 200 some proteins. FML
I tossed and turned all night. My dad went in to work even earlier than usual and forgot to turn off his normal alarm so I got woken up around 4 AM by that and had to fumble around in the dark to turn it off. On top of being tired and irritable due to not sleeping well, this week I'll be dealing with dumbass clients who think its a good idea to wait until the week of the tax deadline to start worrying about the gain/loss reports for their accounts with us and with dumbass fund companies who insist on giving me the run-around when I have to talk to them to get statements and information for the aforementioned dumbass clients.

April 16 can't come soon enough.
I had to eat amazing amounts of delicious grilled King Crab legs yesterday and now my poop schedule is off. I will endure.
So my garlic bread didn't cook enough, right? So the instructions say to put the over on broil and let that take care of the job if you need it to. So I do, and I come back into the living room and sit down for a bit to wait for it to finish. I smell a bit of a burning smell and figure "oh no! I hope it hasn't burned to bad!"

I go over and there's smoke coming out of the stove top.

There was a fire in my oven!

On the plus side, my smoke alarms work!
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