The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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I was gonna say... I hope you had the decency to burn them... or at least draw fake skidmarks on them and hang them on a doorknob... you know, to teach him a lesson.
I realize no one is going to get what i'm talking about because no one here (probably) does not play the game I'm talking about.

FUUUUUUUUUU-- I left 10,000 spear fighters on the island that is supposed to be colonized by the guy I'm merging with!

How did I forget to send 10,000 spear fighters with my fleet? And exactly 10,000 at that! Shit did I ever destroy the fleet he sent to colonize my island though. Those poor bastards didn't know what hit 'em.

This would actually have been a really funny prank had this happened to an enemy or something. My co-runner probably thinks I'm an idiot now or something. I hope he doesn't know I'm from Texas. The last thing we need is for someone in Pakistan to think that we can't count.
I liked feeling flirted at
I think your Mexican wrestling mask is especially lovely today.

Which brings me to my own rant... when I try to flirt with a woman, it creeps her out and drives her away. When I don't flirt and just try to be a nice guy, I get can become really good friends with her, but be stuck in the friend zone. Which the hell do you women want??
Standard, everyday me is pretty much just plain old "nice guy." Flirting has always felt out of character for me, but lately I've been feeling more and more willing to take the risk.

I should rephrase my last post as "when I don't flirt and just act like myself"

What the fuck, woman!?
Man people can be so stupid. I was on Listia ( a site that is kind a like Craigslist meets eBay) so anyways I see some person offering a metroid game for the DS. They said they did not know much about it and that it was their kids game. I made a comment letting people know that based on the picture it was Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt. And that it was a demo game that was included with the DS awhile back. And this person replied back telling me I was wrong becuase although they don't play the games they do buy them and they would never buy a demo. Here is the picture they posted

it is obviously Metroid Prme Hunters: First Hunt which as I tried telling them it is a demo.
I am coming to a few realizations:

A) No matter what I believe, or how level-headed the people I surround myself are, my children (or at least the children of the next generation) are still going to say things like "Hahah, you guys were so silly, thinking that Global Warming would destroy the earth by 2020."

B) I need to get over myself. I expressed to my girlfriend the desire to see her more often, so yesterday she re-arranged her day so that we could hang out late in the evening. Then, today she texted me and asked if I wanted to go for coffee. Afterwards we went to her house and watched some movies. Despite all that, when she expressed the desire to have an evening alone and kicked me out at 9, I had a pang of hurt feelings. To reiterate: the girl re-arranged a day for me, and then called me again the next day to spend almost five hours together, and I still thought 'doesn't she care about me?' when she wanted some time to herself.

C) I really need to get to work at my writing. I have 12+ concepts bouncing around in my head, but every time I go to write them out I find some excuse not to. Two weeks ago I was doing really well, keeping up a quota of at least 1000 (sometimes five or six times that) words a day. But I've fallen off that wagon :(


Staff member
I hope you're not beating yourself up too bad, esp. about B. Everyone feels like that sometimes. You're checking your feelings and not letting yourself forget that she is making time for you. If you're in a place where you'd like extra attention or something, you can't help how you feel, only how you react. :) So good for you.
Yeah, probably, but every man wants to be the strong take-it-or-leave-it type. Or ... maybe not every man, but I do, sometimes. Unfortunately, that isn't who I am. But I've been finding myself getting particularly sooky lately. I don't think I'm being clingy, but I sure feel clingy. The only reason I don't think I'm being clingy is because I know I exaggerate things in my head sometimes, and some people have been assuring me that I'm not being clingy and I'm just worrying about it too much.

I'm trying to distract myself from work, but then we run into number 3 again ... hah.

Oh, and I just thought about another rant: I lost my notebook last week. It's a little black Moleskine that I keep with me at all times to jot down thoughts, ideas, important information or facts, sketches etc. I know where it fell out of my pocket (I think) but the Lost & Found setup at the university has been quite unhelpful. I hope it'll either turn up through the school, or someone will have the heart to email me about it, or mail it to my address (I have the 'if lost, return to:' section filled out).

A brief list of things in that booklet:
my postal code (which I keep forgetting)
various lines of very bad poetry which I intend to work on later
many facts about the people around me (girlfriend's favorite flowers, the name of a friend who collects spoons, etc)
numerous completed 'to do' lists
notes on various events, concerts, and shows I've been to, sometimes including points to blog/write about
lists of musicians and authors which I have been meaning to check out
I'm tired of being made to feel like an asshole by every fucking store in existence now. Does every God damn store need to have their own pocket charities. No, I don't want to give 2 dollars to Warriors of Kidney Mercy Heart Surgery Ethopia fund. I've never heard of your God damn charity before and I have no idea where the fucking money is going. Now, please, say it super loudly so everyone behind me in line can give me looks like I'm the world's biggest asshole.


Staff member
Awwww man I know what you mean. They did something like that at a restaurant down here, and I'm afraid I got a bit rude. I just think that, whenever you're in the process of eating your meal, the server should just check up on how everything is and fill your drinks, not sit down next to you and ask you for money. This girl sits down before I can even take a bite of my food and asks me to donate to something-or-other, and without even *thinking* of my answer, I say, "Would you mind asking me when I'm ready for my bill?" She was not happy and her face let me know that. I didn't go back there to eat til the charity collection was over.
Yeah, at the Kroger here they were doing that "give us a dollar and we put your name on one of these (charity name) balloon sticker things!" I didn't have any cash on me and the clerk was this old black lady who got really insistent I give her a couple bucks. "It's not much, you can't afford two dollars?" "It's only two dollars." I eventually said "Yes, and that's two dollars closer to paying my rent and eating for another week, I'm sorry."
I often say no thanks with that stuff, but I've never had anyone give me grief over it.

In fact, a lot of the awful customer service stories people have with donation things and tip jars don't happen to me. Maybe I look poor or something.
You know, at the place I manage we often have opportunities for people to donate to local charities but we give them something for it. Did you throw money in the refugee organization jar? Get 10% off your coffee, etc. We RAKE it in for the groups that we support.
I'm an adult leader in the Boy Scouts, give blood, donate money to the World Food Program, and have played at charity concerts. I actually do quite a bit to help out various charities. But every holiday season I get people who call me up or knock on my door and ask for yet more money for The Boneitis Research Fund. Once I politely explained to a caller that I was not comfortable giving out my credit card info to some random guy on the phone. He got all huffy and said "You're not gonna be helping out a whole mess of kids then" before hanging up.

As for the door to door people, they're not even supposed to be in my apartment building. There's a sign in front of every building that says "No solicitors" but every couple weeks I get some guy who starts his spiel of "Hello. My name is Steve. I used to be addicted to crack but now am trying to go clean..."

Wasabi Poptart

No, you are not wearing jeans to our daughter's christening tomorrow. I am wearing a new dress with heels, my grandmother's pearls, and a smile on my face even though it's too early in the morning. You will not look like a sack of crap standing next to me.

Yes, your car won't start. We can't really fix it today, but you have Monday off. Yes, the cat is friggin annoying, but he's been out of cat food for two days and is pissed about eating dog food.

I love you, but DAMN.
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