Yeah, probably, but every man wants to be the strong take-it-or-leave-it type. Or ... maybe not every man, but I do, sometimes. Unfortunately, that isn't who I am. But I've been finding myself getting particularly sooky lately. I don't think I'm being clingy, but I sure feel clingy. The only reason I don't think I'm being clingy is because I know I exaggerate things in my head sometimes, and some people have been assuring me that I'm not being clingy and I'm just worrying about it too much.
I'm trying to distract myself from work, but then we run into number 3 again ... hah.
Oh, and I just thought about another rant: I lost my notebook last week. It's a little black Moleskine that I keep with me at all times to jot down thoughts, ideas, important information or facts, sketches etc. I know where it fell out of my pocket (I think) but the Lost & Found setup at the university has been quite unhelpful. I hope it'll either turn up through the school, or someone will have the heart to email me about it, or mail it to my address (I have the 'if lost, return to:' section filled out).
A brief list of things in that booklet:
my postal code (which I keep forgetting)
various lines of very bad poetry which I intend to work on later
many facts about the people around me (girlfriend's favorite flowers, the name of a friend who collects spoons, etc)
numerous completed 'to do' lists
notes on various events, concerts, and shows I've been to, sometimes including points to blog/write about
lists of musicians and authors which I have been meaning to check out