The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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ARGH! Damn you Valve Software! Revealing that you're going to have special Sam & Max items in Team Fortress 2 for people who order Sam & Max Season 3 via steam in the first week, but only after it's already come out. What the hell?

I'm still glad I ordered directly from Telltale Games, since I'll probably want the DVD, but it would have been nice to know my options beforehand.
Uh, nevermind. Over at the Telltale Games forums, Jake of the Telltale Team had this to say "It's looking like we'll be good to go on getting interested Telltale customers the TF2 unlocks for sure. It won't be instant because our site really isn't set up yet to distribute them, but yeah. Feel free to buy from the TTG site and rest assured you'll get a Max head to wear on top of your regular head in TF2" I might have to start playing TF2 again.

Woo! Telltale games is awesome. Valve is okay, but frustrating.
Less than 24 hours to the cable install window. I so can't wait to be rid of Verizon.

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Less than 24 hours to the cable install window. I so can't wait to be rid of Verizon.

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but....Comcast sucks way worse than Verizon.
Less than 24 hours to the cable install window. I so can't wait to be rid of Verizon.

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but....Comcast sucks way worse than Verizon.[/QUOTE]

Given all the rage Verizon has induced over the last month, I have my doubts. I'm reasonably sure the pipe carrying my internets after tomorrow won't be of 1950s or 1960s vintage like the Verizon lines are.

At this point anything less than 5 disconnects per day is a win.

Element 117

bit of advice re comcast: if you use twitter and ask @comcastcares for help, the twitter CSR guys are amazingly on the ball in terms of attention and response time. The other CSR channels are useless, and if you dont do the twitter thing, its comfuckingcraptasic, like Tinwhip says.
I hate how I always end up at the worst possible situation in my mind when I'm not particularly focused on anything.


So I got on the train to go home, after eating like, 10 Double Downs? And there was this total Chunk o Hunk on the train, right? Well, you know my luck, I got sterling junk in my trunk and my lovely lady humps bring all the boys to the lawnnnn. Annyway, so I totally figure I sit next to this guy and give him a few subtle messages right, and his libeeedo will do the rest! I mean, who can resist eight hundred pounds of luscious lovely Helvarga? I mean, my curves are MAGIC! I can roll up parts of my self and create all kinds of new-- well whatever, you get the point. So I sit down next to him, and do my thing, right? He was sooooo bite sized yummy. And yes, I kinda smelled from being at the club, but when you have this much love to go around you have to dance it off harder, you know? Aaannyway, this Chunkolicious guy seems shy at first. Kinda scared, but that's to be EXPECTED when Momma Large boards the bus-train. I get on the cell and dial up Trigga, making my presence known rather loudly. Poor trigga thougt i though she was deaf, I was almost yellin!

It's like dude, get the hint, and chat me up already? He was a total loser though, cause short of going down on him nothing I would have done could have got his attention. I'm pretty sure he was a gay, anyway. So by the time my stop comes I see his face and I throw some attitude in it. I told him what he was missin, and also that he was a perv for copping a feel without askin! Clever right?

So yeah, that's when I got off and walked face first into a pole. Broke my phone, too. FML Helvarga goes home Alone Again.
Just saw on facebook that you're going to have a baby. Ok. You are MORBIDLY obese. In fact, everyone in your family is! Your freaking mom attended your wedding in a wheelchair because her knees can no longer hold her weight!


I love you, you're a sweet person, etc., but I really hope you survive your pregnancy... /rant

Do I sound like a bitch? I know it's her right to have kids and all, but she's one of those people that if she lost 200lbs, you wouldn't see a difference. I know I'm no skinny minny, but I wouldn't dream of having a kid at my current weight. BUT WHY DOES THIS PISS ME OFF?
Just saw on facebook that you're going to have a baby. Ok. You are MORBIDLY obese. In fact, everyone in your family is! Your freaking mom attended your wedding in a wheelchair because her knees can no longer hold her weight!


I love you, you're a sweet person, etc., but I really hope you survive your pregnancy... /rant

Do I sound like a bitch? I know it's her right to have kids and all, but she's one of those people that if she lost 200lbs, you wouldn't see a difference. I know I'm no skinny minny, but I wouldn't dream of having a kid at my current weight. BUT WHY DOES THIS PISS ME OFF?
What I would be asking if she's THAT overweight is: A. "WHY would anyone want to sex her up?" And; B. Given that she is so damn big, "HOW was the act of impregnating her possible?"
Reminds me of a joke: How do you fuck a fat person? Roll them around in flower and poke the wet spots!!

I've sometimes pondered the act of two obese individuals procreating.

These thoughts usually end in a disturbing shutter when I imagine the woman in a doggy style position and the man behind her picking up his lard-assgut, plopping it down on her back, grunting and striving for leverage to thrust between her folds.


The mating habits of ginormous people are always confusing. Wasnt there something on one of those talk shows about this couple where the guy liked the woman to squash him or something? I don't know. I guess whatever then probably one of those situations where it is best not to ponder it too much.
My ex wife had an uncle who liked very large women. He himself was a rather petite guy.

I once turned to her and asked if it was ok to refer to his adventures in picking up said large women as "going whaling?"
So, I have an "advanced Script class". I have a friend wich, some months ago, had a stroke and couldn't come to class anymore. Last week, before I went, he told me to ask the teacher what he had to do to have her give him an opinion on the project for a TV series he started developing when he was still coming to the university. I forgot. When he asked, I lied and said I told her and that she would e-mail him. I planned on e-mailing her telling her my friend was interested in etc. etc. and that I had forgotten to tell her.

I forgot.


And it had been a very long time since the last time I acted like an idiot and got in trouble for liying! If you had asked, I would have told you lying was something I didn't do anymore. I guess you never really learn. Or at least, I don't.

I have an idea to have all this work out, but I'm not sure if it will work... :S
So, I have an "advanced Script class". I have a friend wich, some months ago, had a stroke and couldn't come to class anymore. Last week, before I went, he told me to ask the teacher what he had to do to have her give him an opinion on the project for a TV series he started developing when he was still coming to the university. I forgot. When he asked, I lied and said I told her and that she would e-mail him. I planned on e-mailing her telling her my friend was interested in etc. etc. and that I had forgotten to tell her.

I forgot.


And it had been a very long time since the last time I acted like an idiot and got in trouble for liying! If you had asked, I would have told you lying was something I didn't do anymore. I guess you never really learn. Or at least, I don't.

I have an idea to have all this work out, but I'm not sure if it will work... :S

Lying is a skill like any other, and if you want to maintain a level of excellence you have to practice constantly


Staff member
Took a bit of a tumble today at the play rehearsal. We were rehearsing outside, and I was supposed to make a quick turn and run away. But, unfortunately, I managed to trip and fell flat on my belly on solid concrete, sliding humorously forward like the Comic Book Guy getting thrown out of Moe's in one Simpsons episode. Got some scratches on my watch's metal wristband, and some bruises and abrasions. The thing that bugs me, though, is that I tore a seam on my good everyday jacket. Goddammit.

I mean, I love this jacket. It looks cool, it's nice to wear and it fits me. Being a fat person, I tend to like clothes that don't make me feel like I'm a sausage stuffed in too tight a skin. And now I managed to tear one up. Oh well, gotta get it fixed...

Also, thanks for reminding me I have no business having sex because of my weight.


Staff member
NR, you are far, FAR under the weight of which they are speaking. We're talking Volkswagens in stretch pants and mu-mus.
NR, you are far, FAR under the weight of which they are speaking. We're talking Volkswagens in stretch pants and mu-mus.

I'm not talking about overweight. I'm talking about bathing in swimming pool, forklift standard equipment to get out of bed, only car in town with stretch marks, bow legged walk to get around gut dragging on the asphalt gravity affecting tide changing waistline has two zip codes forget suspenders we need tow cables last time they went swimming in the Atlantic even Greenpeace was sitting there saying "Harpoon that shit!!" kind of fat.

Nope, NR, not talking about you.


Staff member
You know, I'm wondering about all the hate on overweight people. I'm overweight but not severely so and I still feel a bit uncomfortable with this conversation. It seems others might be, too. So why is it okay to badmouth obese individuals and nobody bats an eye? Fat people and white men are the last bastion of people who can be made fun of with no politically correct baggage attached. But does that make it right?


Staff member
Actually, I would enjoy a decent sweat-out. Just gotta find the time and "get-up-your-ass-and-go-for-a-jog"-itude.

But yeah, I tend to get a little miffed with jokes about fat people. Admittedly, the types which the TN is talking about are a whole matter unto themselves, but still it feels like kicking a man when he's down.

Element 117

Actually, I would enjoy a decent sweat-out. Just gotta find the time and "get-up-your-ass-and-go-for-a-jog"-itude.

But yeah, I tend to get a little miffed with jokes about fat people. Admittedly, the types which the TN is talking about are a whole matter unto themselves, but still it feels like kicking a man when he's down.
I try not to joke about fat people just because they are fat. I try to keep the insults personal, based on their personality/behavior/attitude. Most overweight people I know I really care about, and I remind them of how many health care problems their weight will cause them, and how I'll really miss them when they are gone. Especially if 30 minutes a day is all it takes to be healthier. Cut out 1 TV show and go for a walk, and live longer to hate me for insulting your beard habits.

Element 117

... I thought you liked my beard...
I do, and that's not the point. How many minutes do you spend on a day? 15 minutes in the AM. Fifteen at noon. Beautiful women work their asses off for your visual enjoyment surely you can set aside 30 as a n homage?


Staff member
Best thing anyone can do is find a friend who wants to work out, too. It's MUCH easier with a buddy.


You know, I'm wondering about all the hate on overweight people. I'm overweight but not severely so and I still feel a bit uncomfortable with this conversation. It seems others might be, too. So why is it okay to badmouth obese individuals and nobody bats an eye? Fat people and white men are the last bastion of people who can be made fun of with no politically correct baggage attached. But does that make it right?

It's cause a lot of the time being fat is a sign of being a lazy slob. Hence the stigma and emotion. When you see a fit person, you know that person worked hard for that body. Don't worry, I laugh at super-skinny 'tough guys' who think their bad-ass six pack isn't due to just being a bag of skin and bones. They're pretty funny. I have enough rage to go all around.
You know, I'm wondering about all the hate on overweight people. I'm overweight but not severely so and I still feel a bit uncomfortable with this conversation. It seems others might be, too. So why is it okay to badmouth obese individuals and nobody bats an eye? Fat people and white men are the last bastion of people who can be made fun of with no politically correct baggage attached. But does that make it right?
Sorry, I guess I was the one who kinda started this in this thread. Let me explain. I'm talking about my friend who is morbidly obese and pregnant. I am genuinely concerned for her health as she had major health issues not even 10 years ago when we were in high school. When you add a baby to the mix, I am now concerned for the baby's health as well. Her life expectancy has been reduced greatly because of her health, and I worry that she may not be able to pick up her child, take her child on walks, play with her child, etc. I am not exaggerating in the least bit.

She has every right to have a child, and engage in lovemaking with her husband. I have no right to tell her otherwise. I just think (my opinion that I'm too chickenshit to tell her in person) that because she can HAVE a baby, doesn't mean she HAS to. I'm overweight too, and I do not excuse myself from this standard, either.

Once again, I'm sorry. Just thinking out loud. Her mom's not doing well because of her own morbid obesity, and I just don't want this pattern to repeat.
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