The ONE DREAM I have about Shego...

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Nufan appears at your mother's bedside at night. But Nufan is not merciless. First he lights aromatherapy candles and seduces your mother with total compliance. He satisfies her lusty cravings in ways no man ever has before. At the apex of sexual ecstasy, the final sound she'll hear is the snapping of her own neck.
I usually have really mundane dreams to the point of not always realizing it's a dream. In high school I'd have dreams where my parents and I would talk about my grades or they'd find out I look at porn online and we'd have this awkward conversation about it. The next day i'd always be really quiet around them because I was trying to think if the dream was just a dream or if it really happened.
I occasionally have dreams wherein everything is alright but then I wake up and realize I still have 99 problems.
I have never dreamed about you people. I have dreamed about walking, talking pop tarts. They were delicious, even when they screamed as I ate them.
I occasionally have dreams wherein everything is alright but then I wake up and realize I still have 99 problems.
Sometimes I realize that it was all a dream. I used to read word up magazine. Salt'n'Pepa and Heavy D up in the limousine
Hangin' pictures on my wall
Every Saturday Rap Attack, Mr. Magic, Marley Marl
I let my tape rock 'til my tape popped
Smokin' weed and bamboo, sippin' on private stock
Way back, when I had the red and black lumberjack
With the hat to match

Philosopher B.

Might have dreamed about HF once, can't really remember too much, though. Doesn't seem too weird to me, though, sheeeeee-it, I've been posting in this community for four years. I dream about all kinds of weird shit.
Ooh, I had a dream of HF before, and it had Shego in it, and--

Oh, those are too mainstream. I'm gonna go have dreams about Pallywackr.
I dream about having super powers and engulfing the Earth in a giant inferno that purges all life but me, and I guess that counts as a Halforums dream cause you all would be dead too...
I dreamed that we were all together by some wacky circumstance and defending against zombies.

Gusto got bit and before he died he game me his helmet to protect my brains.

I also gave my baby to N_R for safe keeping. He his him in a teddy bear suit.

It was quite a detailed dream. I won't go any further because it'll turn into a short story involving HalForum porn stars and fluffers. Don't wanna rock the boat. :p


Staff member
I dreamed that we were all together by some wacky circumstance and defending against zombies.

Gusto got bit and before he died he game me his helmet to protect my brains.

I also gave my baby to N_R for safe keeping. He his him in a teddy bear suit.

It was quite a detailed dream. I won't go any further because it'll turn into a short story involving HalForum porn stars and fluffers. Don't wanna rock the boat. :p
We demand to know more!

Also, I just had the weirdest dream ever when I was taking a nap. I dreamt I was an animated character wrestling shirtless with what looked like a banshee from Avatar; you know, those pterodactyl-like things. I finally had my hands around the damn thing's throat and I was cursing and yelling "Goddammit, help me a little!" to someone while the damned thing crashed and twisted, snapping its jaws at me. I can't recall who I was yelling at, only that it was a woman in a lab coat, too busy to help me because she was doing some kind of experiment. Finally I felt the pterodactyl beginning to lose strength, my fingers tight around its slender throat until it finally fell down. It was dead, no doubt about it.

Then, the woman turns and looks at me in a way that just screams "Well? Why were you yelling? You did just fine by yourself". THEN the frickin' pterodactyl jumps and bites my hand, it was just playing 'possum. I scream in pain as it bites a finger off, and somehow I manage the strength to rip its wing out of its socket. That doesn't stall it, though: it pins me down and is just about to go nom nom nom on my face when... a giant, rubbery dinosaur appears. You know, one of those cutesy-boop things you see in old animated cartoons. But this fucker is HUGE, I'm talking Godzilla-sized, towering far above the trees against a stormy sky. It steps on the pterodactyl but somehow averts me. The next thing I see is the pterodactyl comically plastered onto the flat bottom of the huge, T-rex-like dino's foot, rising above me. Then the thing lifts its other foot - and there's ANOTHER rubbery dinosaur plastered there. This one a fat, jovial-looking orange Triceratops. It looks at the pterodactyl, squashed in comical fashion on the giant's other foot, and says "It's been an honour serving you, mistress" - before the giant dino puts its foot down, about to crush the jovial triceratops...

...and then I woke up.
I didn't dream of any fluffers last night. I'll try harder tonight. If I succeed, expect a thread sometime between 8:30 and 9:00 tomorrow morning.


Staff member
I dreamed, but not about forumites. I dreamed that my obnoxious Kinesiology teacher got fired and had to get a job at the fried chicken place near campus.
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